My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1344: Stand on three feet

1344 Three-legged stand

"Ninety-nine return to one eleven success!"

Jiang Feng pointed forward with both hands. For an instant, countless blood-red sword qi, like Wan Jian returned to the ancestors, bounced towards Li Fan quickly!

"Flying Dragon Dance · Eleven Success!"

Li Fan holding the black sword, waving continuously. From time to time, the black sword light exploded in the air, and Li Fan, with his own strength, slammed these swords in front of him! The sword that embodies the three stages of Wushen is invincible. Jiang Feng's Shura Jianqi can't help Li Fan at all!

However, Jiang Feng continued to urge Jian Qi, and his physical strength seemed endless, and Jian Qi also emerged endlessly, constantly shooting towards Li Fanji.

And Jiang Feng's appearance seemed to be constantly changing, the black evil spirit continually condensed on his body, changing his appearance. His body kept expanding and his clothes were torn apart. At the same time, his hands and feet turned into claws, and cavities grew from his mouth. After a while, a black and white tiger with a height of more than two meters stood there, continuing to release his Shura sword energy!

"The tiger of Shura ..."

Seeing this, Zhou Guifei couldn't help changing her face.

"How did Jiang Feng become a tiger?"

Others are also a bit puzzled.

"How difficult is the martial arts road."

Zhou Guifei remembered how she practiced in the past and sighed quietly.

"When a person practices martial arts and goes into the fire, he often transforms into a beast because of evil spirits. This Jiang Feng, which was originally a spirit and spirit, is now directly transforming the spirit and spirit into this Shura Tiger ! "

Zhou Guifei is so proud, but she also respects Jiang Feng's effort so much. Xia Yan, they all sank in their hearts. Is Jiang Feng really so overbearing?

As Jiang Feng mutated into the tiger of Shura, his red eyes were staring at Li Fan tightly, and the blood-red sword qi on his fingers became more fierce, like a machine gun, towards Li Fan.

"Hum, let you see the power of the three stages of Valkyrie!"

Li Fan said, shaking his right hand, throwing the sword in this hand directly!

The sword flew into the air, and the black vitality condensed on it, and soon formed a black dragon! This black dragon is about ten meters long, with a stern expression, twisting his body.

This is the third paragraph of Valkyrie, weapon mimicry!

"Falling Dragon Sword, Flying Dragon Flurry, Eleven Successes!"

The black dragon is flying around Li Fan's body, spinning and spinning, blocking the sword approaching to the front!

The people in the audience are all silly. These two people are better than one!

A transformed beast, a condensed stegosaurus, is terrible ...

"Shulo Picking Stars · Eleven Successes!"

Suddenly there was a bomb at Jiang Feng's feet, and his speed was sky-high! The previous second was still more than ten meters away, but the next second was already in front of Li Fan, and at the same time he raised a palm and went straight to Li Fan's head and grabbed it!

"Qinglong Guanri · 11 Success!"

Heilong followed, and bumped into Jiang Feng's body.


The black dragon smashed, and the hero sword flew out, chopped on the ground next to it. Jiang Feng also flew out and smashed into the distance of Biwutai. Shura Qi broke up and slowly returned to his original appearance.

This time, Jiang Feng was obviously inferior. Li Fan relied on weapons, while Jiang Feng relied on the flesh. Obviously, Jiang Feng suffered a big loss.

"Jiang Feng, can't you come?"

Li Fan stood there, patted the dust off his body, and stared at the Jiang Feng that fell there.

"I'm fine."

Jiang Feng regained his senses. He pushed away the water that helped him, and stood up slowly.

"Li Fan, you are really strong, you have realized three stages of Valkyrie!"

Jiang Feng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Your talent is indeed far more than me."

"That's not true. I just have some adventures."

Li Fan was very frank, "And you should have comprehended this" Suraman "... Although there are some shortcomings in" Sura's Wrath ", it is indeed a great skill. In terms of talent, in fact, you are better than I want to be strong. However, this skill is detrimental to oneself, after all, it is not the martial arts path. If you listen to me, you can stay in the villa. I will teach you how to open the second Dantian. You can return to the martial arts path. "


Jiang Feng sneered dismissively, "Li Fan, who is your imagination, who wants your favor!"

"Hey, what do you say! My brother-in-law is kind, and you are so bad!"

When Murong loved it, she wasn't happy at all. "You have been so wobbly because of our many years of raising you! White-eyed wolf!"

"Hahaha, I'm a white-eyed wolf? Hahahaha!"

Jiang Feng laughed suddenly, and that laughter shook the villa, making a lot of low-level martial arts sorrowful and covering his ears.

"Why are you laughing! It's awful!"

While covering her ears, Murong Ai stared at Jiang Feng fiercely.

"Murong, shameless!"

Jiang Feng growled, and Murong Ai shuddered.

"Old Murong dog, killed my whole family, imprisoned my relatives and sisters, and forced me to recognize the thief as a father and worship him as a teacher! There is no good thing in your Murong family! There is no good thing in this river! Everyone **** it!"

Jiang Feng's roar, as if with **** smell, made the audience all hairy, as if suffering by Wan Jian's heart.

Li Fan didn't say anything. Although he hadn't experienced this, he could understand the pain of Jiang Feng's ruin. Jiang Ye stood beside, slightly shaking, under the mask, and didn't know whether it was tears or indifference.

"I Jiang Feng vows Murong, and martial arts!"

"is it?"

Just then, a voice came from a distant place. Everyone was drumming in their hearts at the same time. Who was this?

However, Li Fan and Jiang Feng were shocked at the same time, looking at the side.

Seeing this, the two were sinking in their hearts at the same time.

I saw Murongbo wearing a dark green robe. Although the robe was simple, he did not hide the style of his grand master. This old guy, no one can stop looking at him at this stop. No matter when it is, Murong Bo is the deserved first person in Wulin.

And he was followed by a superb beauty, about 20 years old, full of national appearance. She was wearing a black peony-patterned cheongsam, wrapped in an exquisite figure, showing her sculpted figure with a bulge, and a pair of slender straight white legs exposed at the place where the cheongsam opened, which was really tempting and attracted thousands of eyes.

"Murong Ying ..."

Li Fan smiled bitterly, "She even came."

Following them was a group of disciples from Murong Village. Everyone was wearing the Murong family's sword and wearing the Murong family's uniform, but it was very prestigious. With Qixia Mountain Villa, Yulin Army formed three different forces.

"Unscrupulous, I want to see how you destroyed my Murong family."

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