1345 Together


Jiang Feng wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, stood up, and looked at Murongbo opposite.

"Old Murong, you are here just right, and the account between us should be calculated."

"I ’m a bad guy. I trained you for so many years. I gave you food, I lived with you, and I taught you how to practice. As a result, you turned to bite me. Well, that ’s good. I have been raised by Murong Bo for so many years A white-eyed wolf! I regret it, I regret it. "

With a long sigh, Murongbo seemed to have some remorse.

"Old thief, you are really shameless. You regret it, what do you regret?"

Jiang Feng asked back.

"I regret that you didn't shoot your little cub in the first hand, but now I have a tiger!"

Murongbo snorted, "However, then, even if you realize an evil skill, how can you help me?"

When Murong Bo said this, no one really questioned. This old guy has been great before, but now he has closed it for a while, who knows if there will be any breakthrough.

"You do choose the time."

Jiang Feng looked at him coldly, "He came to pick me when he was hurt. But that ’s okay, all the grudges and grievances, and it should be broken today. Even Jiang Jiang, even if I am dead, will take you as a back of."

"Why, I'm here to find your mildew, and choose a lucky day? Besides, today, it's not just you. No one in this village can run away."

When Mu Rongbo clapped his hands, hundreds of well-trained disciples in black rushed in, blocked the road down the mountain, and sealed off the way these martial arts people left.

"Old Murong dog, what do you mean?"

Li Fan's eyes flashed sharply, looking at Murong Bo.

"Can't find trouble with me?"

"Why, Li Fan, do you think you have someone behind you, and I dare not touch you?"

Murongbo laughed, "Hahaha, tell you, I have got the secret order. It doesn't matter if you kill all of you! From today on, Murong's family still has the final say."

"The secret order? Whose secret order?"

Li Fan felt that something was not right.

"Nature is ours."

Li Fan turned his head and saw Taibai Venus standing on the stone lion in front of the door, looking at himself with a smile.

"You're here too!"

Li Fan's heart sank. This too white Venus is also a semi-sacred strength. With Murong Bo, he may face the two semi-sacred ones, which is difficult to deal with!

"Murongbo, it seems you really like to be a dog."

Li Fan taunted Rongbo, "Three family surnames, so hurry and go to Liao Jue as a dog?"

In a word, the three girls present were slightly moving. One is Liao Wushuang and the other two are sisters of Murong family.

"Li Fan, say one more word, I will make you unable to survive, not to die!"

Barking at an old dog, Murong Bo clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Oh, Mu Rongbo, when I am a bully of Qixia Villa."

As soon as Li Fan waved his hand, all the martial arts people in Qixia Village raised their anger and confronted the Murong family.

"Since you want to fight, I'll accompany you for fun!"

"Okay, I really don't know what to do!"

Murongbo commanded, "Disciple Murong, listen, everyone in the cottage today will be killed without pardon, and one will not stay!"

"Wait, we are not the ones here, you can't kill us!"

Adam hurried to marry.

Murongbo glanced at Taibai Venus, and Taibai Venus shook his head slightly.

"Huh, a bunch of barbarians, who cares about your life and death."

Murong Bo waved, "Kill without amnesty!"


The disciples of the Murong family immediately drew their swords out of their sheaths and killed them towards the Seven Knights Village!

"Yu Linjun, fully resist!"

Jiang Feng gave a command, and those Imperial Army soldiers he brought also pulled out their weapons and slaughtered with the Murong family.

"Disciple of the villa, friends!"

Li Fan asked loudly, "Somebody wants to move our villa now, what are you going to do?"

"Dam them!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

"it is good!"

Li Fan haha ​​laughed, "Outside disciples retired from the entrance, all inside disciples were out of the queue! Let these **** mothers take a look and provoke us to Qixia Villa, what is the end!"

Qixia Villa must be an iron bucket, no matter who wants to move the Villa, they must die!


For a time, the three forces fought together. These three forces have masters and ordinary disciples. Both sides fought desperately and got into a ball.

"Li Fan! Although I don't like you, today you and I cooperated to make this Murong old thief!"

Jiang Feng said loudly, "Just as it is, I owe you a favor."

"It is okay to join forces, but one Murongbo is not a threat. The one next to him is a real master."

Li Fan's eyes fell on Taibai Venus.

"Oh, rest assured, I won't shoot at you today."

Taibai Jinxing held her arms, stood there, and said with a smile, "The order was given above, and I was not allowed to do it. This time, but Murongbo's stage."

This Liao absolutely did not know what he was thinking of, and sent a group of Murongbo to make troubles, but he did not let his protection method be shot?

"Just two of you."

Murong Bo didn't seem to take them to heart at all, "Just so that I can move my muscles. Sakura, if you don't want to take a shot, just step back."

Murong Ying heard the words, looked loose, and stood aside.

The people outside huddled together, but in the middle there was a vacant space left for the three masters to fight.

"Since he doesn't do it, then you and I will fight together for Murongbo."

Li Fan said, took out two rejuvenates. One ate it by himself, and the other threw it to Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng reached for it, threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it.

Jiang Feng's pale complexion suddenly improved a lot.

"It's a good thing."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but be surprised, "It seems that I really underestimated you, Zhuangzi."

"You two, you're almost there."

Murongbo chuckled in the corner of his mouth, "Can't you die?"

"You old dog, you have a quick temper."

Li Fan grinned, turned on his vitality, put on dragon armor, and entered the second stage of Wushen.

"He's in a hurry to get a reincarnation, and we need to fulfill him."

Jiang Feng also put on Xiuluo Kai, his fingers glowed slightly red.

"Two Huangkou children, today is your death!"

As soon as Murong Bo reached out, the saber of a Murong disciple immediately flew out and fell into his hands.

"Let the old man die!"

Speaking, when Murong Bo's sword fell, he brought a terrible sword spirit, struck across, and immediately arrived in front of Li Fan and Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng jumped up, Li Fan had an iron bridge, and the two avoided the sword.


The next two Yu Linjun, one Qixia disciple, and two Murong disciples were all cut by the sword!

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