1346 British War Murong

Jian Qi continued to fly out, chopped the house in the back, and finally broke into the air.

Li Fan wiped off the cold sweat, this old dog has lost his humanity, and even his own people are spared.

"Old thief, you are still so vicious, even kill yourself!"

Jiang Feng was sarcastic.

"Oh, these people are orphans I raised. I cultivated them by myself and made them my dead."

Murongbo didn't care, "They live for me, and naturally they are willing to die for me. These people are very heartfelt, but don't look like you, the white-eyed wolf, know?"

"You have a lot of nonsense!"

Li Fan had arrived in front of Murong Bo, bottomed up, and slapped his palm toward Murong Bo's chin.

Xuanlong Ice Palm · Xuanlong looks up · Ten success!

At this moment, Jiang Feng's figure also appeared very strangely behind Murong Bo, grabbed it with a palm toward Murong Bo's head.

Shura Excalibur, Shura Picking Stars, Ten Success!

The two shot together, almost all with full force. But Murongbo laughed, put the sword in the ground, and then shot both palms at the same time!

Flame Palm · Eleven Success!


The two met Mu Rongbo at the same time! But both of his bodies were blown out!

The two rolled over in the air and landed on the ground again. Murong Bo's left hand was frozen in frost, while his right hand was penetrated by Shura Jianqi. But Murong Bo only took a breath, and a lot of vitality was sucked out of the villa, merged into his mouth, and entered his Dantian. The wound on his body began to heal immediately, as if he had never been injured.

"Nine Buddhas?"

Jiang Feng frowned. "Old thief, you really practiced this skill!"

"Yes, thank you for helping me catch so many dogs."

Murong Bo laughed and laughed, "So many experiments have been done on them, which made me practice this magic by relying on the scraps!"

"You will be punished."

Li Fan looked at Murongbo coldly, and put a curse on him.

"I cross the rivers and rivers, spring and autumn, when has there been retribution?"

Mu Rongbo opened his hands and proudly said, "What's more, those are all scums of demons. If they kill, they kill. What's the matter?"

"Oh, what military emperor do you have the ability to kill?"

Li Fan mocked, "Do you dare? Old dog?"

"Boy, Hugh wants to talk to me."

Murongbo said coldly, "Wu Huangzhi is in the world, he promises me the Chinese mountains and rivers! It is beyond your power to rely on you and want to be a mantis!"

"No scum!"

Jiang Feng kept scolding, he hated Murongbo, there is nothing to describe!

"Jiang Feng, you wolf-eyed wolf must die today. Li Fan, I can spare you not to die, you are the man of the Emperor Wu, I will only interrupt your limbs and make you like a dead dog, hahaha!"

"Without further ado!"

Li Fan presented a knife in his right hand, condensing a force of lightning.

"Thunder Dragon Top Ten Success!"

"Two Dragons Beads · Ten Successes!"

Li Fan and Jiang Feng, one threw out the thunder knife, and the other speared two Shura swords, and went straight to Murongbo.


Murong Bo lifted the sword again, and one sword blocked Li Fan's thunder knife. The thunderbolt immediately smashed the roof next to it, then bounced into the air. The two swords that were shot were crushed by Murongbo with the palm of his flame. The combat effectiveness of this old man is really amazing. Relying on an undead evil, it is almost unparalleled!

"Li Fan, stop hiding and do your best!"

Jiang Feng knew that he couldn't win this way. He urged Li Fan, and at the same time, he entered the fury of Shura. Jiang Feng's body swelled again, and he became like the tiger of Shura before!

"Three stages of Valkyrie!"

Li Fan also directly captured the Dragon Gong, sucked the hero sword into his hands again, and at the same time let the vitality perfuse it, and then dragged his hands.

A black dragon flew up into the air and surrounded Murongbo.

"Ninety-nine return to one eleven success!"

"Qinglong Guanri · 11 Success!"

Thousands of **** red Shura sword spirit surrounded Murongbo in the center! And a black dragon from Li Fan also descended from the sky, straight to Murongbo's first level!

"Ha ha ha, good job!"

Mu Rongbo laughed, he did not retreat and did not flash, he opened his mouth and the yin in his body started.

No matter it was the Black Dragon or these Shura sword qi, all of them were sucked, and Murongbo was instantly sucked into his mouth!


The black sword fell to the ground and was inserted on the contest platform. And the sky ’s sword energy was all absorbed, and there was nothing left.

"Good guy, this old dog doesn't picky eaters!"

Li Fan could not help but exclaim.

Jiang Feng stared with blood-red eyes, his face pale. Shura Jianqi, who could not even be absorbed by Zhou Guifei, was eaten by Murong Bo? Did he practice this evil skill better than Zhou Guifei?

"Boy, are you practicing Valkyrie III?"

After Murong Bo inhaled these powers, he looked at Li Fan and laughed strangely.

He said, as soon as he reached out, a relative-level cadre of the Yulin Army was sucked in from the air and grabbed it.

"Just borrow Dantian for it!"

He said, holding the Yulin Army with one hand and sucking his Dantian. The other hand, holding the sword, threw it away.

That sword flew like air, with fierce flame sword gas condensed on it. Soon, a crimson sword appeared in the air, ten meters long and two meters wide, and it was extremely hot. The heat caused the surrounding air to distort.

Li Fan and Jiang Feng were shocked at the same time. Murongbo, the old dog, actually used other people's Dantian to send himself to the third stage of Wushen, creating a great sword condensed by this Yin!

This old dog, he's terrible! Three stages of Valkyrie, at a glance! How many talents are there in this world?

"Take me a sword!"

Murong Bo pointed down, and the Great Sword of Flame descended from the sky, chopped down towards Li Fan and Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng pulled away and left, and Li Fan turned around and saw some Seven Chivalry disciples standing behind him. He took a deep breath, and then drew back his hero sword, holding it up!

"Falling Dragon Sword, Dragon on Jiuxiao, Eleven Success!"

The black dragon flew out again, opened its huge mouth, caught the great sword, and blocked the falling great sword!

Murong Bo smiled, seemingly disapproved. And Li Fan's face was a little pale, and his vitality on his sword was constantly sucked away by the yin on Murongbo's sword. With each passing day, the dragon's body was slowly shrinking, and the big sword fell down little by little. Li Fan was sweating all over his head, and his vitality could not withstand such consumption.

Li Fan reluctantly parted his hand and took a bottle of Huiyuan Dan from his arms, all of which were poured into the mouth, like a jelly bean, and swallowed.

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