My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1347: Make a choice

1347 Make a Choice

Murong Bo frowned. Li Fan opened the drug store and ate such good elixir as jelly beans! It's too wasteful! This refining medicine Luo Xiaofeng, it should be his daughter to help him find it! After Qixia Villa is gone, naturally Luo Xiaofeng should also be used by me!

"Even if you take some medicine, how long can you persist?"

Mu Rongbo's sarcasm is not without reason. His anger is getting stronger and stronger, but Li Fan's vitality is constantly decreasing. Even after taking so much Huiyuan Dan, it can't make up for this drastic consumption! With each passing day, Murong Bo's giant sword was pressed down again.

"Old Murong Thief! Come here!"

Jiang Feng's figure suddenly appeared behind Murong Bo. At the same time, a shot of Shura was picked up on Murong Bo's back!

After being transformed into the tiger of Shura, Jiang Feng's speed and strength have already been fast. I don't know how many points!

"Shameless junior, how dare you sneak attack!"

Murong Bo frowned, taking Jiang Feng's hand bluntly.

With a bang, he opened five blood holes in his chest! Jiang Feng's star Luo Luoxing is absolutely cruel!

But Murong Bo still stood there, taking a deep breath, he even quickly repaired his wounds. At the same time, his back sucked on Jiang Feng's palm, making Jiang Feng's look change.

"Since it's here, then don't leave."

Murong Bohaha laughed, he firmly absorbed the skills of two people, no one wants to let go.

"Li Fan, find a way!"

Jiang Feng frowned, shouting to Li Fan, "If we go on like this, we will both be finished!"

"The old guy's work is wicked."

Li Fan said, "I'm going to take a risk, you can hold on!"

At the moment, I can only fight with this old dog!

"Little hair, what other means do you have to deal with my absolute strength?"

Murongbo sneered, "Wanting bugs, still want to turn around?"

"It's hard to say who the bug is!"

Li Fan said, using both hands to control the Dragon Sword, he launched a new move.

"Dragon Vientiane · Eleven Successes!"

The black dragon who was pushing the big sword upwards suddenly started to breathe in his stomach!

Murong Bo's look changed, waiting for his eyes, looking at Li Fan, "Your boy, so brave!"

"Why, if you allow me to draw on the strength of others, you are not allowed to come?"

Li Fan sneered, "Old dog, let's try it, it **** more!"

Li Fan just said it and regretted it. Yeah, that sounds uncomfortable! This is ambiguous, oh!

"What a dead end!"

Murongbo narrowed his eyes. "The fire of the stars, dare to compete with the sun and the moon!"

The two show their magical powers, using dragons and swords as the starting point, drawing on each other's skills! In this way, two people, like tug of war, are desperately pulling on each other's power to use for themselves! The two started a tug-of-war, but Jiang Feng still couldn't pull out his own palm. Murong Bo's ability affected him too much.

Li Fan feels like someone is pulling himself fiercely, trying to drag him to a place where everything is impossible. And Li Fan also urged his strength to the extreme, he still didn't believe it, he couldn't **** the old dog himself!

The Dragon Girl stood in the crowd, watching Li Fan's battle, and didn't interfere.

This kind of competition, for Li Fan, as long as he is willing to use Shangfang sword, he will be able to defeat these opponents. But Li Fan is very proud. Murong Bo and Jiang Feng are both martial arts fighters. He will use this martial arts to defeat each other! But you should not feel wrong. Li Fan's body really seems to have a hint of white tiger?

How could this happen, when did Li Fan have contact with Bai Hu? Didn't White Tiger die long ago?

"Murongbo, you old dog, your death is coming!"

Li Fan continued to fall into this tug of war with Murong Bo, and Jiang Feng also desperately controlled his Shura Qi and was not looted by Murong Bo.

"Jiang Feng, as long as you keep your strength, don't be sucked away!"

Li Fan reminded Jiang Feng.

"I won't drag your back!"

Jiang Feng snorted, and Shura's spirit on his body was more dignified. He almost tried his best to suckle milk, held his own Dantian, and restrained Murongbo's method of suction.

"That's good! His second Dantian has almost run out!"

Li Fan has already seen the hope of victory. Mu Rongbo's second Dantian was won by clever tyrants. He did not belong to himself and was consumed quickly. He and Li Fan absorbed each other's skill for a long time, even if it was substantial, it was only his first Dantian.

Li Fan glanced at the unlucky eggs of the Yulin Army, and at this time had been sucked into a person. Sure enough, Murongbo's condensed great sword is slowly becoming smaller and scattered, and it seems that it will not last long.

"Okay, consume him!"

Jiang Feng was also shocked, overjoyed, added a sigh of relief, and kept Dan Tian more stable.

"Only you two, also want to consume me?"

Murongbo seems to want to shake two people apart. However, Li Fan and Jiang Feng had expected him to do this, and they both absorbed his skill steadily and did not let him escape!

"Master Taibai! Hard work, help me!"

Murongbo felt that the struggle continued, which seemed to be against him. Simply, he turned his head and asked for help from Taibaijinxing, who was standing next to him. Li Fan frowned when he heard it. A Murong Bo is already so tricky. Add another Venus, and you can only stay invincible unless you have two more hands.

"Are you mistaken?"

Taibai Venus hugged his arms and said lazily, "I came here to watch you, not to help. Don't you claim that the magic is invincible, why, even two boys can't be solved? Such waste, how can I serve my temple ? "

"Huh! Then look at it!"

Murong Bo snorted and looked at his daughter again.

"Sakura, come and help me! Kill these two traitors, and our Murong family will be able to shine again!"

When Murong Ying heard this, Jiao Su suddenly froze.

"Well, they're not good for each other!"

Chuner was dealing with the enemy, and when he heard this, he was anxious immediately.

"Kill it!"

Xia'er held the sword and turned around to help. But a lot of experts in Murong Villa surrounded them and left them unable to rescue. And these Murong dead were very clever, and saw that the four had a powerful set of swords, so they replaced them with human lives, separating all four of them.

The four swords were anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but Murong Ying stayed there, embarrassed, and didn't seem to know what to do.

"Sakura, don't forget, you are from my Murong family!"

Murong Bo urged, "Your body, carry the burden of Murong's family!"


"Don't grow in love with your children, you should make a choice!"

Murongbo stared at his daughter.

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