1350 Retreat

Holy level!

In today's martial arts, no one at this level has appeared for a long time!

If you want to be holy, you must have the power of a hundred dragons! But it is extremely difficult to have such power! This is not only a position that can be achieved through hard work. A martial arts fighter, practicing internal skills, working hard for a lifetime, and entering the realm of the Grand Master of the Ten Dragons is already pretty good. And if you work harder and add some opportunities, you may also gather fifty dragons in Dantian and enter the semi-sacred realm!

But this semi-holy state has made most martial arts despair. It is basically impossible to transcend the semi-sacred realm. For example, Li Fan, he has a Dantian, saturated with the power of the fifty dragons. No matter how he cultivates, in Dantian, he can't store any more power. It is even more impossible to break through this kind of trance and reach the power of Bailong!

However, you can find another way to practice the second Dantian. However, the strength of the two Dantians is a parallel line and does not affect each other. Even if you have practiced semi-holy, you cannot add them together and step into the real holy level!

In the current rivers and lakes, let alone the holy level, even the semi-holy are just legends. Even Zhou Guifei was unable to enter the Holy Class.

"too terrifying……"

Guan Wenbao They looked at Murong Ying's figure and couldn't help but be shocked there.

"This, this is holy ..."

Li Fan also looked at his fiancee, and there was a radiance in his eyes.

"Li Fan, save me!"

At this time, there was a cry for help. As soon as Li Fan turned his head, he cracked! That too Venus, seeing the sneak attack on Murong Sakura, failed to take Liao Wushuang and jumped towards the cliff behind.

"Leave me!"

At the foot of Li Fan's foot, it rose like lightning, chasing towards Taibai Venus!

"See you at the Valkyrie Temple!"

The body of Taibai Venus is just like a shooting star, and I don't know what kind of exercise is being performed. After a few shifts, it disappears in the sight of Li Fan in a blink of an eye.


Li Fan wanted to chase down, but as soon as he raised his internal force, his body turned over like a river and turned to the sea, and he knelt directly on the ground with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He just turned the internal force back and hurt the meridians. Now that the internal force is not flowing smoothly, he feels that the meridians are broken when he exercises. Therefore, he could only keep his eyes open, watching Taibai Jinxing run with Liao Wushuang.


Li Fan's fist hit the ground, his hands were full of blood. This time, he lost money! Ten Murongbo is also not worthy of a Liao Wushuang!

"Don't worry."

Xia Xuan squatted beside Li Fan, and gently rubbed his shoulder. "Sister Wushuang is Liao Jue's daughter, and she will certainly not do anything to her."

"Wu Huangdian, I'm endless with these guys!"

From the beginning, the Emperor's Palace has a picture of himself! Until today, Liao Wushuang was taken away even if he couldn't handle himself!

At this time, the people of Qixia Villa were still fighting with Murong's dead men. At this time, Murong Ying suddenly raised her hand and scolded her.


Her voice didn't sound loud, but she had enough internal force, and it shook in everyone's ears for a while, causing pain in both ears, her eyes darkened. This kind of internal force can only be exhibited by Murong Ying.


Li Fan took Huichun Dan from Xia Yi's hands, stuffed a few in his mouth, stood up, and looked at Murong Ying who was standing in front of him with white hair.

"Murong Ying, what else do you want?"

Murong Ying looked at Li Fan, her eyes seemed a little fascinating. But it was only for a while, and soon she recovered her original appearance.

"To attack Qixia Villa today, I was provoked by the Emperor Wu Palace. I am Murong Villa and do not make swords for others."

"You want to retreat?"

Li Fan heard that Murong Ying intentionally gave way today.

"Murong Ying, you also saw it. Today's martial arts are turbulent, with the Emperor's Palace inside and the Eight-Power Allied Forces outside, and they all look down on us. If you and I continue to fight, we will only consume internally and let outsiders succeed ..."


Before Li Fan had finished speaking, a sword was inserted at his feet.

"Li Fan, you and me, the sea of ​​blood is in deep hatred, I'm afraid we can't get together."

Murong Ying said, stretched out her hand and cut her long hair in half. The goddess, who had long hair at her waist, was cut to the shoulder by her. Murong Ying took three thousand silver wires and threw them in front of Li Fan.

"You and my friendship, like this trouble, will be cut off today. See you in the future, it is endless."


Li Fan was bitter in heart and laughed at himself, "Since I was hurt by your father, when have you and I met and got along well?"


Murong Ying interrupted Li Fan's words.

"Different stances, let alone these! I will be blessed by you, and I will give you back this vitality."

Speaking, Murong Ying's hair floated, and she suddenly burst into the air with a thousand bursts of energy, cut through the sky, and injected it into Li Fan's body.

After these vitality injections, Li Fan's internal force swelled and collided at his Dantian. It seemed that he wanted to find a place to break through!

Although she returned this skill to Li Fan, Murong Ying was already a holy strength, after all, she would be able to repair it in the absence of internal strength.

"Disciple Murong obeys orders, follow me down the mountain!"


Those dead men of Murong's family now look forward to Murong Yingma. Murong Ying finished all the things she had to do. Then she picked up her father's body without looking back, and went down with a group of Murong's disciples.

Li Fan looked at the Seven Knights Villa across the corpse, and couldn't help but sigh deeply. I originally thought that it was just the clowns of the Eight Nations Allied Forces who would make trouble, but did not expect to start a shocking battle in the end! From the beginning of the competition, it turned into the seven chivalrous villas, Yulin Army and Murong villas! If it wasn't for the villa's abundant force, I am afraid that this time, it is really a disaster.

"Zhuang owner, I haven't waited for the protection, please ask the owner to punish!"

Guan Wenbao They saw Li Fan's thoughts, and they all kneeled down at Li Fan.

The whole mountain hula is kneeling into one piece, which is also spectacular.

"Forget it ... this is also a lesson for us."

Li Fan waved his hand, and it seemed that he had grown a lot in just one day's work.

"From today on, the disciples inside the Seven Knights Villa must work hard and can no longer spend their years. Even the strong enemy takes the lead, even if I have no time to be lazy. And, the Seven Knights Villa has formed the Seven Knights Sword Guard. Da Jian Wei teaches you the method of sword formation! Chuner, can you see it? "

"Listen to the Prime Minister!"

Chuner was also kneeling there, and nodded.

"Well, let's all get up. I'm not an emperor. Don't kneel me. The Emperor Wu Palace asked me to go. I have to rescue Wushuang."

"Zhuang, when are you going?"

Xia Yan quickly asked Li Fan's schedule.

"Don't worry, I'm going to retreat for a month, and when we get out of the gate, it's the day we will march to the War God Temple!"

p.s Uncle Yang has been a bit busy these two days, and I ’m asking you for a little vacation.

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