1351 Retreat!

Qixia Mountain Villa reopened. It seemed that a previous killing had never happened before. There are still many tourists here and the voice is full of enthusiasm.

There was no voice on the eight nations' invasion. After all, no one is glorious about this battle. Only General Ran's group is very happy, as long as they can protect the Dragon God One, everything else is easy to say! The purpose of the eight countries need not be clear, everyone understands it!

Li Fan is also General Ran's last reliance. As long as Dragon God No. 1 is in the sky, the hawks will win the final victory, and those who eat beautiful rice in the upper level will be cleared out!

Therefore, Dragon God One is extremely important and must be retained at any cost!

However, the birth of this palace of the Emperor Wuhuang also made General Ran vigilant. The Emperor Wu is a self-proclaimed vein, known as Emperor Wulin. A long time ago, when the emperor of the dynasty tried everything to remove the folk emperor organization! There can only be one ruler in a country. And each generation of Emperor Wuhuang, the ambition is also no small. Little rivers and lakes simply cannot satisfy their ambitions!

Now that the Emperor Wu Emperor is about to return from the arena, General Ran is also worried. However, things in this area naturally need to be solved by Li Fan, the Chinese guardian.

Everything is waiting for Li Fan to go out.

At this time, Li Fan, sitting in the back room, felt the vitality in his body. The last time Murong Ying gave him the vitality in her body, she also brought a little bit of sorrow. It is this yin that makes Li Fan feel a little different. The reason why Murong Ying can break through the semi-holy and enter the holy level is because of two reasons. One is Li Fan's vitality, and the other is Murong Bo's yin! If you want to break through to the holy level, it is impossible to simply cultivate an internal force! There must be another top-level internal force to assist, in order to break through the limits of people together, let the strength reach the Holy Level!

Where would ordinary martial arts know about this kind of thing? Especially after entering the semi-sacred, it is the sun and the moon that refine their internal forces. They never thought that the way to break through would be the top-level internal forces that need other attributes.

Murong Ying discovered this and told herself in this way. This woman ... is always wrong.

With only one Dantian, two top-level internal forces cannot be cultivated at the same time. Fortunately, Li Fan has the second Dantian in his body. He sends Yin to the Second Dantian, and uses this second Dantian to cultivate the power of Yin. On the third day of retreat, the second Dantian was already filled with yin, and Li Fan could help break through at any time.

Holy level ... Li Fan felt the two powers flowing in his body with infinite emotion. This level of countless masters can stop you, and you can finally reach it!

Because of his acacia cricket, Li Fan could still feel that Liao Wushuang was still safe. Li Fan secretly swears, Wushuang, waiting for me, I will pick you up soon.

Everything is ready. On the fourth day, Li Fan kept himself in the best condition, and then began to clear the gate!

Li Fan closed his eyes and entered his spiritual knowledge. In this world, the ninth star above Li Fan's head finally began to flash a little faint light. Although there is only the fire of that star, Li Fan knows that this is a wonderful start! As long as this ninth star is lit, his "Kowloon Decision" can really cultivate to the last level, break through the body's porch, and reach the level of sacredness!

Li Fan's working skills let the internal forces of the two Dantians flow out together and be sent to the ninth acupuncture point, which has been closed in the body.

This ninth cave is as thick as an iron shell. But under the impact of two forces, a crack appeared slowly! Li Fan suppressed the joyful mood, continued to adjust the momentum, and gradually overcome this last obstacle in the body.

At the time of Li Fan's retreat, Qixia Villa was also training its own strength. After the owner went out of the customs, he went to the palace of the Emperor Wu to start the war. At that time, the owner alone will definitely not work. At this time, several strong men in Zhuangzi are working hard to break through the second stage of Wushen.

"Jiangye, have you touched the door?"

Le Xiaohu looked at Jiang Ye, who practiced the sword of the dragon, and couldn't help asking.

Jiang Ye shook her head, let alone the second stage of the martial arts. Even if the master passed the set of dragon-swords to herself, she hadn't comprehended it yet.

"The two of us are still a little far away from Master."

Le Xiaohu was a little anxious, "Is there no good way to improve my strength?"

"You and I shouldn't stay in this villa anymore."

Jiang Ye thought about it, and suddenly said.

"Foolish, you want to be a rebel?"

Le Xiaohu was annoyed as soon as he heard it.

"Pig, what are you thinking about?"

Jiang Ye stared at Le Xiaohu fiercely. "In this villa, you and I can practice martial arts with peace of mind, but with the blessing of the master, it is doomed to make little achievements."

"Oh? You mean, we two should go out for a while?"

Only then did Le Xiaohu understand what Jiang Ye meant.


Jiang Ye nodded, and she did exactly that.

"It's a way, then let's wait for our final battle with Valkyrie! I'll talk to Master and let us go down the mountain to practice."

Le Xiaohu clapped his hands, "It was so happily decided! Come on, let me try your sword of falling dragon!"

"Why? Master's Chop Dragon Stage, you haven't learned anything but you want to play tricks with me?"

Jiang Ye raised his eyebrows.

"I know your girl is awesome, but I'm no worse than you! Although I haven't touched my head in the second stage of the martial arts, but I've already gotten five minutes in this leg-cutting method!"

"You're a bit big!"

Jiang Ye rolled his eyes.

Le Xiaohu didn't speak, but suddenly his body flashed and disappeared in front of Jiang Ye.


Jiang Ye was a little surprised, and Le Xiaohu appeared behind her. At the same time, a dragon stole the moon and kicked directly into the back of Jiang Ye. But Jiang Ye was also unambiguous. She didn't look back, and her backhand was a sword. She went straight to Le Xiaohu.

But the sword that Jiang Ye must have hit was empty!

At the same time, the floor under her feet suddenly disappeared, making Jiang Ye's feet unstable, and she stumbled. Before waiting for Jiang Ye to stabilize his body, Le Xiaohu reappeared, kicked one side, this foot stopped beside Jiang Ye's ears, and the strong wind swept across Jiang Ye's face, cracking Jiang Ye's mask, exposing Here comes a beautiful pink delicate face.

"You cheated."

Jiang Ye was not convinced. "You used your ability."

"This is one of the ways I fight."

Le Xiaohu said indifferently, "You have it, you can use it!"

"I don't bother you!"

The two were arguing, and suddenly there was noise coming from under the mountain. A villager disciple hurried up, walked to the main hall, and was stopped by Xiaohu.

"What panic?"

"Not good, Chief, the Eight-Power Allied Forces are here again!"

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