My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1352: Come home again

1352 上 Comes Again

Adam was reprimanded fiercely when he wolfed back last time.

The plan to seize the Dragon God 1 controller should not fail at all, and it must not fail. As a result, Adam, as the captain of team A, took the elites of various countries, and finally became a ridiculous spectator. He also fled back so embarrassedly, he just lost the emperor's face!

So this time, Adam was prepared. Knowing Li Fan ’s unique combat effectiveness, Adam was vigilant this time. He applied for the highest combat instructions. This time, he went to the Seven Knights Villa. In addition to the elites of the Eight Kingdoms, he brought his strongest combat power to the United States. , The third generation chip, Zeus!

With this Zeus chip, Adam believes that even if the God of Creation, the golden empire is resurrected, he can kill each other again! What's more, these ignorant Huaxia Wufu! What a great thing to know about boxing and kung fu, let them know immediately what is absolute power!

Adam brought a hundred people this time, and aggressively went to the Seven Knights Villa, ready to **** the controller of Dragon God One again!

"Adam, are you all over?"

Xia Yan looked at the foreign devils in front of her, and could not help frowning. "When our villa is your back garden, come whenever you want?"

"How do you say in front of Secretary Li?"

At this time, several Huaxia officials who came with him first spoke.

Several people were surrounded by a middle-aged man wearing a sun suit, and many people rushed to shade the man with an umbrella.

An official shouted at Xia Yun.

"He is the Secretary-General of our Provincial Party Committee, Li Sen."

Liu Xiaowan stood beside Xia Ye, reminding her with a voice.

Xia Yan frowned slightly, but she did not expect that even such officials came, which really surprised her. However, it seems that Secretary General Li seems to be a dove, otherwise why would he come to this place to show up?

"Xiao Xu, I still have a meeting this afternoon, and I can't accompany the delegates. You entertain them well, don't neglect the delegates, you know?"

Li Senduo glanced at Xia Yi, but said nothing else, turned his head and went down the mountain, leaving only the official with the surname Xu, to accompany Adam.

"Have you heard that, Secretary General Li said, and entertain some representatives!"

The surname Xu is a section chief. As soon as Li Sen leaves, he immediately rises to strength and rushes towards Xia Cheng.

"Strange, what he said about him has nothing to do with me."

Xia Xun said nothing. "I don't rely on patting him to make a fortune and get rich. Why listen to him? Want to entertain, you can open a Zhuangzi hospitality."

Li Fan's Shangfang sword has an official position. Even in the army, he is the title of major, and he has the power to kill and kill. He never fears political officials. Therefore, Xia Yun's attitude is so tough and he doesn't take this section chief to heart.

"I don't think your Zhuangzi plans to open it?"

When did Section Chief Xu suffer from such losses, he immediately frowned, "I have to let business people check you tomorrow!"

"Welcome to check."

Xia Xie smiled, "You can go after you have finished speaking? We are not open to the public. We refuse to visit. Goodbye."

"You, how can you do that!"

Xu Ke's nose was out of breath, and Secretary General Li had already come here to show his face. I did not expect that they would not even look at his elderly! What a bravery!

"No lawlessness! No lawlessness!"

"You are lawless, right?"

Xia Xie sneered, "This is private property. You break into houses. It's against the law. Come, see off!"


Twelve swordsman swordsmen came over, and they wore golden arrow sleeve robes, all carrying a sword on their backs, and looked extraordinary and martial. Qixia Sword Guard is now an elite team to be cultivated, and Xia Yang just took them out to shock a foreign devil.


The twelve sword guards shot together with a single palm. Invisible internal forces sent Xu Kechang and his men all out and landed at the door of the villa.

Xu Ke's face was iron-blue, which made him so shameless! After saying that, how else did he mix in Cory! And Secretary-General Li will certainly be dissatisfied with his work after knowing it, and his future will be over by then!

"You people, there is no king!"

Xu Kechang blushed and couldn't help snarling.

"I really like to rake."

Xia Xuan couldn't help sighing, it was precisely because of these incompetent guys that Huaxia's martial arts did not become what it is now!

"Don't give a story today, I blocked you here!"

"Mr. Xu, you are just a manager. You want to seize the Seven Knights Villa, you are not qualified."

On weekdays diplomatic affairs were done by Liao Wushuang, but now Liao Wushuang is absent. Liu Xiaowan took the place of her job and stepped forward and said to Chief Xu.

"Don't say it is you, even Secretary General Li has no right to move me to the Seven Knights Village!"

If Li Sen had the right to control, why would he leave in person. The old fox thought that the villa would be afraid of him, and he made a wrong calculation!

These foreign devils are tiger and wolf people, and they must not be allowed to enter the villa! Otherwise, the Dragon God No. 1 controller, which was kept secretly, would have to be found by this group of foreign devils!

"Please come back!"

Xia Xun continued to order the guests, "I don't want to say the same thing twice."

"you guys……"

Chief Xu was trying to say something, and Adam stopped him.

"Mr. Xu, it doesn't matter, leave it here to me."

Adam said with a smile, "For these unreasonable people, we should sometimes use some unconventional methods."


Xia Yan also laughed, "I want to know, what kind of unconventional means?"

"You can't make sense, naturally you have to use force."

Adam frowned.

"Interesting, defeated, and brave?"

Xia Yi satired, "If it wasn't for the Yulin Army who rescued you last time, a few of you would have been disabled. So far, how dare you go to my villa?

"I am different now than I was."

Adam looked at Xia Yuan coldly, "I urge you to let us in immediately, and let us visit this villa just fine. Otherwise, I can only use the last resort."

Speaking, Adam stretched out his right hand, and suddenly a blue thunderbolt sprang up in his palm, and the thunderbolt twisted.


Xia Ling frowned. Is this Adam also a mutant? Impossible, the mutants are all wanted targets. Even the US emperor is afraid to take the world by storm.

"Give Way!"

A strong breath erupted in Adam, impacting around him, and even Xia Yue stepped back.

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