My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1356: But a semi-holy

1356 is only a semi-holy

A half-sage, although only relying on the power of foreign objects to rise up, still completely abused the two masters of Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai.

Two hands rested on the heads of the two, and as long as he fired a thunderbolt, they could split their heads into coke.

But just then, a man's voice came through the sky.

"People who want to touch me, first ask my opinion?"

Adam looked up, but only saw a palm like white jade.

He didn't have time to kill the two seriously injured Chinese people, almost raising his hands subconsciously, releasing a huge light of thunder!

The power of thunder and lightning, even Guan Wenbao and Yan Kai cannot work together! Even an armored tank can be penetrated by this Thunder!

But that white jade hand even tore his thunder easily and came to the front again. Although Adam was a little surprised, he was not worried. After all, I still have an electrostatic magnetic field around me. I do n’t even fear a nuclear bomb attack.

However, he did not agree with what he wanted, and with a high electrostatic magnetic field, he was under the palm of his hand, like a piece of paper, and was broken with a snap! The fleshy palm pressed against his chest and patted him.


Adam felt as if he had been hit by a train, and his body flew upside down immediately, and a large spit of blood spurted out of his mouth, as he flew down into the air.


Adam's body hit the back of the mountain wall, and the whole body hit a pit. The terrible drama hit him, blackening his eyes and buzzing in his ears.

"All right?"

Li Fan wore a white owner's cardigan with a look of concern in his eyes. As soon as he reached out, he pulled up the two brothers who hit the world together. Then, huge vitality was poured into the bodies of these two people to resolve the internal injuries in them.

"Dadao is good!"

Yan Kai grinned. "Just like a bite from a dog."

"Master, are you out?"

Guan Wenbao looked at Li Fan with a dusty temperament, and there was some worship light in his eyes, "Congratulations to the master, the magic has been accomplished!"

"Oh, you're in the Holy Class?"

Li Fangan laughed twice.

He was very unnatural. He broke through the Holy Order himself, not by his own power ... but by the help of Murong Ai.

Although the strength of the semi-holy body has been practiced in his own body, if he wants to impact the ninth acupuncture point, he needs to concentrate on training to make the strength even stronger. At the time of the retreat, Li Fan's two forces hit the ninth acupuncture point together, but the power was consumed too quickly, and he soon became weak and failed to clear the pass.

Li Fan estimated that to break through this acupuncture point, at least with the horror speed of his practice, it would take at least three full years of retreat.

But where did Liao Wushuang wait for three years?

Just then, Murong Ai opened Chuner and sneaked into the closed room of her own retreat. The little girl didn't know what means to use, so that Li Fan lost her normality, and she even stripped this girl to taste the taste of peach.

In the loss, Li Fan and Murong Ai spent three full days, but these three days, let Li Fan's strength leap forward!

Recalling the nagging in the secret room that day, Li Fan couldn't help but some old faces flushed. Murong Ai lay in her arms afterwards and explained to herself.

This girl has been secretly practicing the secret method of the medicine Wang Gu Yin Men, and she has become a Baoding! If you can take her Baoding body, you can get the power of the ten dragons out of thin air!

This is a master-level power!

Li Fan held on to Murong Ai tightly, and could not help feeling a little pity. This little witch who followed her whole heart back then helped herself at the last minute.

"My brother-in-law ... If you are going to be your enemy in the future ... I hope you can show mercy ..."

Murong Ai had no choice but to mention this condition. With the help of her Baoding, Li Fan finally broke the final seal and opened the ninth acupuncture point, so that she really entered the realm of the Holy Level!

Holy, Holy! This is a total loss of fifty dragons! But after actually entering the sacred level, Li Fancai felt that the improvement of this realm is not just the gap between the fifty dragons! Now Li Fan feels his ears are clear and full of inner strength. He can breathe energy from heaven and earth in one breath. In the past, he had to use Yuandan to replenish his internal strength. But now Li Fan, just taking a breath, can draw a lot of internal force from the heavens and the earth, and enrich his own Dantian.

Dantian is also different. Now these two Dantians are like rotating nebulae, full of strength and vitality.

Next, Li Fan also helped Murong Ai. When the two were lingering, he also washed the bones of the little girl, used vitality to help her open up the meridians of the whole body, and directly took a girl who had no intention of practicing martial arts, but only in the early days of the fire and pure youth, stubbornly pulled to the peak of strength!

Making only the master's speed is even fiercer than Zhou Guifei's transfer of power! However, the manufacturing method is special, but not everyone can use it.

"Damn! How could I fail!"

Adam's roar came to his ear, calling Li Fan's heart back. He looked intently, Adam was pulling his body out of the rock. Those angry blue eyes stared at him tightly, anxious to cramp themselves.

"Huaxia people, how can you hurt me!"

The thunder and lightning wings behind Adam kept flapping, and his power began to run to the extreme.


Adam struck a thunder and tried to split the **** Huaxia Wufu into coke! But Li Fan just reached out and shattered the falling Thunder.

"Are you also called Thunder?"

Li Fan smiled, "How does it compare to the thunderous power of nature? At best, it's just an artificial electricity."

"It's ridiculous! I'm as powerful as God!"

Adam suppressed the shock in his heart, remembering the power of the Zeus system, and immediately became confident again.

"This Zeus system gave me the golden empire, the strength of the creation god!"

"God of Creation? When the guy was at its peak, it was only a semi-holy."

Li Fan couldn't help shaking his head, "Where is it stronger?"

"Nonsense! I think you're looking for death!"

This enemy is too strong, no matter what despicable means he used, he must be killed today!

Adam even wondered if Li Fan's chip was implanted in Li Fan's body ... or, in other words, he was the Dragon God I secretly created by Huaxia, a perfect artificial person?

Hua Xia still has this kind of technological strength. Damn, you must kill him, and then get his data!

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