My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1357: Extreme power

1357 Great Power

It is said that Li Fan is a better Chinese warrior than himself, and Adam does not believe in life or death!

He must be the highest-tech artificial person created by Huaxia Secret! This is the only judgment in Adam's heart! Since he is a humanoid, he has a way to deal with him!

Adam was so excited when he thought of it. He stretched out his hand directly, a black nano-nucleus suddenly tore his eyebrows, shook off the blood, and flew out of his head. This nano-nucleus was about the size of a peanut meter, and flew in front of Li Fan, turning round.

"Hahaha, since you are a human being, I am not polite about the power of nuclear batteries on your body!"

Huaxia's dragon chip was developed together with Meidi. But in order to deal with this Chinese dragon chip, the US imperial concealed it. They created a system that can absorb the nuclear capacity stored in the dragon chip as long as the nano-nucleus is urged! In this way, no matter how strong the Chinese dragon chips are, in the end they can only do wedding dresses for their beautiful emperor!

With such a set of methods to overcome Huaxia, the US imperial abacus played very well. Adam also thought that he could absorb the power of Li Fan and make himself stronger!

But what surprised Adam was that no matter how the nano-nucleus rotates, Li Fan doesn't have any nuclear force absorbed.

Previously, Li Fan had a dragon chip on the back of his hand, but long after he reached the Holy Level, he was refined by the huge internal force in his body. Now in Li Fan's body, the master Dan Tian has only a vast vitality, and the second Dan Tian has a thick Yin, how can he be sucked away by Adam.

"Has it been enough?"

Li Fan looked at Adam's horrified expression, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and a smile appeared.

But this smile made Adam frightened. He seemed to see the devil smiling at himself, it was terrible!

This Chinese man ... No, he is not human, he must be a demon in hell!

"This is your power?"

Li Fan held out his thumb and forefinger and pinched toward the nano-nucleus.


Adam was so horrified that he hurried to get the nano-nuclears back! But Li Fan's **** have firmly pinched the nano-nucleus.

Adam's nano-nucleus is no less powerful than a small bomb! He let the power of this nano-nucleus explode, trying to break free of Li Fan's hands. But Li Fan easily crushed the nano-nucleus, Adam spit out a blood, immediately kneeled on the ground, looked at Li Fan in shock.

The hardness of this nano-nucleus is equivalent to that of diamond. Now he has been crushed by him? How is this possible!

Adam didn't believe his eyes at all, it was a nightmare!

"Dragon, the power of Dragon God One ... it is so strong ..."

Adam murmured.

"Sorry, I'm not Dragon God 1."

Li Fan was standing in front of him with both hands, "Remember, I'm Shang Fang's sword, the owner of Qixia Mountain Villa, Li Fan."

"Hell ... can't the power of God work ..."

Adam shivered, but Li Fan smiled.

"The power of God? Stop dreaming, it's just a little brute force with the help of foreign objects. Even if you are a semi-sacred power, you can't beat a martial artist with the same semi-sacred power. You are just waving a leader The child with the gun. "

"Nonsense! I must kill you! Get your data!"

The retinal camera in Adam's eyes kept taking pictures of this scene, and the senior US executives standing in front of the screen were stunned.

"How is it possible! How can he have such power!"

"Shangfangbaojian? Why is it so strong?"

"Not scientific, this is not scientific!"

The executives were a little crazy, they were shocked by Li Fan's strength.

"Can't even the Zeus system help him?"

A pale-haired officer sitting in a chair, holding a cane in his hands, looked at the scene on the screen.

"We are collecting his data."

A researcher said next, "He is currently analyzing his power level!"

"How much is our Zeus system?"

The officer asked.

"The Zeus system used on Adam gave him nine hundred pictures."

The institute said immediately.

"Nine hundred pictures ... comparable to a nuclear bomb."

The officer's eyes were somewhat relieved, "The creator **** of the Golden Empire was just a thousand strength. We created this Zeus system according to his genome, which is already the most perfect replica."

"Zeus is our highest technological masterpiece!"

Everyone nodded.

"If it were not expensive, we could mass produce the Zeus system and create countless powerful fighters!"

"Dragon One will be our greatest threat."

The officer's brow frowned. "The Chinese hawks, who made such a thing secretly, are really awful!"

"Is this person's strength measured?"

The officer asked.

"Measured, measured out ..."

The researcher's body suddenly trembled, his eyes narrowed and rounded, and it seemed that he could not believe what happened.

"What's wrong, how much?"

The officer asked, "It should be a thousand, maybe he has the genes of the true creation god."

"No, not a thousand ..."

"How much is that?"

"Five thousand eight hundred ..."


The officer stood up and sat down weakly again.

"Why, how can such a high value ..."

"Machine, machine can't go wrong ..."


The officer was very surprised, "This is impossible! Where can there be such exaggerated data! There must be something wrong with the machine! Retest!"

"No, Adam has been defeated, and the other party has stolen his strength."

"Damn, you have to get his data! His genes!"

"We already have his genes ... but at the time his genes did not have such a powerful energy value."

The researcher trembled.

"Then grab his genes! No, grab him all!"

The general is roaring!


These military personnel were immediately mobilized.

"General, what about Adam ..."

"He's useless, we don't need waste!"

The general said.


At the same time, Adam in the distance had completely lost his consciousness and lay on the ground like a pool of slime.

"You, you are rebellion ... rebellion ..."

When Chief Xu saw this scene, he couldn't help shivering. He didn't even dare to look at Li Fan's eyes.


Li Fan smiled, "I am a Shangfang sword, and everything is based on the protection of Huaxia. You, however, are in full pockets, just want to make yourself happy, but also eat the flesh and blood of the Chinese people!"

"Nonsense, me, I'm the head of the **** round! How can you take me?"

"No, you are just garbage."

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