1358 Hidden Rivers

With the help of hawks, this section chief Xu has been removed from office.

But the Lisen above him was cunning. People just came to the villa to show their faces, leaving nothing behind. And with his doves behind him, it is naturally impossible to move him.

"However, don't worry, those guys' good days are coming to an end."

When General Ran met Li Fan, he still brought him good news.

"As long as our Dragon God No. 1 goes to heaven, these guys have to obediently surrender their rights. By then, naturally, no one can threaten us."

"Oh, Dragon God One is a good thing."

Li Fan was not so excited. "But at that time, the rights of the doves will be handed over. I am afraid that I will also hand over the rights of the Fangbao Sword."

"Ahem, Major Li, what are you talking about?"

General Ran coughed a few times. He sat in the reception room of Qixia Mountain Villa and looked at the boy in a Chinese suit in front of him. It stands to reason that if he is a general with military power in his hands, how can he fear a young man in his early twenties? But this is the Chinese sword of Shang Fang, who possesses a terrifying power, and at this moment, this state of dust is also a bit of a shock to General Ran.

When he recruited him in the past, he was just a stubborn kid with a bullish temper. But now, he is already a generation of masters who are on an equal footing with him. This temper has a lot of peace, and he knows how to hide things in his heart. He has three or six points. The word that was not cold or hot just now has begun to play against this general.

"We are all brothers on the same front. Whether it is Wulin or the government, they are all part of my 5,000-year history in China!"

"The rabbits cook, the birds do their best."

Li Fan picked up the tea cup and looked at the tea leaves in it, slowly said, "When can this front be maintained? It doesn't matter if you say it, I don't think I say it."

"Major Li, I know your concerns."

General Ran has heard the voice of Li Fan's paintings, "After Dragon God No. 1 is in the sky, you must be the leader. At that time, it is estimated that you will be promoted directly to the colonel. Although not a general, it is also a very high rank. Now, and your seven chivalrous villas, the official will not move. Moreover, they will also be given military membership. How about the sword guards of each villa can get the rank of soldiers? "

"Yes, in this way, I am equivalent to helping the government make a wedding dress."

Li Fanpin took a bite of the new tea cultivated by the villa, which tasted a little bit fishy, ​​but after a long time, it had a slightly scent and was pretty good.

"Brother, this is already very good! You have an elite force in your hand!"

General Ran reminded Li Fan, "If you don't rank them in the military, how can you rest assured those people above?"

"This army was originally used to guard the peace of China."

Li Fan is not upset, just calmly stated the facts, "In the future, even if Dragon God One is launched into space, it will only be able to defend the missiles of the nations. If a force such as the twilights invades, you still have to I ’m here to stop the Seven Knights Villa. ”

"The wolves of the western nations are ambitious. You Li Fan is also sincere, and I naturally know."

General Ran sighed, "But you said something just now. It ’s not enough for us to talk about it ... Yeah, Brother Li, what are you going to do? Just say it."

"Now that you're in the military, pay it."

Li Fan said very honestly, "Everyone is defending China's safety and security. Let's just do it all by ourselves?"

"Cheng, you villa can be regarded as an independent group anyway. Although you can't actually get you a leader, but the corresponding moon 俸 must still be there. Every sword guard in the villa is also special according to each month. The salary level of the combat department is subsidized. It is 7,000 yuan a month, with five insurances and one fund. What do you think? "


Li Fan finally smiled. "Although it is not very generous, I will reluctantly agree with everyone."

"You're still reluctant, is this treatment bad?"

"After all, we have this strength, and it seems that your terms have not been finished yet?"

"Hey ..."

General Ran was said to have a broken heart and smiled cheekily, "At that time, a party secretary will be sent there."

"Yes, I know."

Let Li Fan bring such a large armed force alone, it must be irrelevant.

"Here they come, what a bad name this is. The secretary of the village party committee, it sounds worse than the village cadres."

"Haha, of course you can't call it. At that time, you just have to give the title of a deputy owner. People also know that people who play politics are good at it. As long as you don't do things that violate the law and discipline, he will I'm doing it to you. Anyway, this is definitely our hawkish person, and I can make you lose? "

"Okay, let's set it this way."

Li Fanxin said that after everything was settled, he should go to Lijiadao to enjoy Qingfu. He is also tired of the things on the rivers and lakes.

He won the benefits he should fight for Qixia Mountain Villa, so he didn't have to worry too much about the rest. But now, there is one more thing that he still has in mind.

"General Ran, what happened to the Emperor Wu's Palace?"

"Don't mention, we checked several times at the address you gave, and we couldn't find where these gangs went."

For Huaxia, the Emperor's Palace is indeed a real ****. It is horrible to want to overthrow the government and become the emperor and let history go backwards!


"It's been searched nearby, without any clues."


The tea cup in Li Fan's hand suddenly knocked, and this purple sand tea cup fell into the table, and General Ran was shocked to watch. Good boy, this strength is getting higher and higher! It deserves the title of Shangfang Sword!

"The gangless gangsters in the Emperor's Palace! The people who robbed me are still hiding!"

No matter how good Li Fan is, this can't help but frown. Liao Wushuang still doesn't know where he is now. Too Platinum Venus whispered to the Emperor's Palace to dig in, but as a result, these dogs went into hiding!

It's ridiculous! In this courage, he also claims to be the Emperor's Palace?

"Brother Li, don't worry too much. Don't you say that Liao Wushuang is the daughter of Liao Jue. As the saying goes, the tiger poison does not eat a child, she should not be in danger for the time being. No matter how arrogant the military palace is, it is a folk Organization. Right now, there's another big thing waiting for you to do. "

"Is Dragon God No. 1?"

Li Fan also calmed down and looked at General Ran. "Say, when will it launch, what do I need to do?"

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