My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1359: Fangping Zhen

1359 Qifangping Town

Dragon God One is about to launch.

This is a great thing for Huaxia. But many people don't want to let this satellite go to the sky, not only foreign forces, but also some Chinese forces. For a time, the heroes of all parties had a terrible heart, and the Fangping base preparing to launch the Dragon God One was also undercurrent.

Li Fan took Guan Wenbao, Chun'er, Wang Xiaoran, and the twelve swordsman sword guards together as directed by General Ran toward the Fangping base.

Fangping base is surrounded by Fangping town, and the town is close to the military base, so the town has always been in good law and order, and life is stable. It's just that in recent days, it has been a little bit uneven. There were suddenly more foreigners in this town.

"Sangong, you've arrived in Fangping Town. Find a place to rest your feet."

Looking forward, Chuner had seen a stone monument standing upright at the entrance of the town, and the three large characters of Fangping Town were engraved with red paint. It's just that with the passage of time, the handwriting has become a bit vague, and the words Fang Ping can only be seen faintly. The town is a little unclear.

"It's Fangping."

Li Fan was relieved to some extent. When he came out, he was carrying the control chip of Dragon God One. This thing has been placed in Qixia Villa, which can be regarded as a heart attack of Li Fan. Now he has been escorted again and again. Although his strength is already holy, there are still some holy masters in this world. He really wants to join forces to snatch.

The more exquisite martial arts, the more small Li Fan felt. Li Fan's exercises include "Nine True Skills", which can sense the energy of this world. Li Fan broke through the sacred level, and felt deeper and deeper in this heaven and earth. The abundance of energy in heaven and earth is extremely rich. And after becoming a holy class, I can always feel above the sky, as if there are a pair of eyes staring at him, Li Fan is covered with hair.

He once consulted with the Dragon Girl. Since ancient times, can anyone be stronger than the Holy One? The Dragon Girl has lived for a long time, and also knows many older stories and legends. But even she shook her head.

Holy level is the strongest being. Whether it is human or beast, this is a top threshold.

Li Fan thought about it, this is probably the law of heaven and earth. If a person's strength surpasses the holy rank, does it not have the ability to fly soaring? That really can't be called a person, but a god. After breaking through the sacred level, Li Fan felt that his life span had also grown significantly. According to the Dragon Girl, normal people who practice to the Holy Level can increase their lives by two or three hundred years. And I have eaten another dragon, and I should be able to live longer. But for how long, I don't know.

In short, for Li Fan, he has a huge treasure in his arms, and everything is still careful.

In particular, this giant treasure is also related to the fate of Huaxia, and no mistakes can be made.

"There is a restaurant in front of you, and everyone is tired. Eat something and then go."

Li Fan saw that there was a restaurant in the town, and the place was approaching anyway, so he simply took everyone to eat. You can absorb energy yourself, but others still have to eat.

It was about two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no one in the restaurant. In a large tile house of more than forty square meters, there are seven or eight tables. Li Fan took a group of people and sat down.

Li Fan, Guan Wenbao, Chuner, and Wang Xiaoran are sitting at a table. The remaining twelve sword guards were divided into two sets and sat next to two tables.

There are some farm food in the restaurant. Li Fan casually ordered some for everyone to eat.

"The food here is too average."

Chun'er frowned, "How can I eat this for Xianggong."

"Go out and eat whatever you want."

Li Fan was very casual.

"Although Chuner's cooking is not as good as Qiu'er, he is better than that."

Chuner said, turned and went to the kitchen. This restaurant is also casual. With some money added, Chuner cooks in person, and the boss is happy.

After a while, Chun'er made four soups, four soups, and a thick soup, brought it to Li Fan.

"Sister Chuner is so good at cooking!"

After Wang Xiaoran tasted it, he was full of praise.

"I can't do it, Qiu'er's cooking is a must."

Chuner waved her hands shyly. She was good at female workers, and now she sew clothes on Li Fan herself.

"It's fine! Master, you are so happy ..."

Wang Xiaoran looked at Li Fan. As a snack, he couldn't help but feel a little envious.

In the villa, Li Fan's food is also responsible for Qiu personally. When I think that Li Fan can eat such delicious food every day, how can I not be jealous!

"This pearl emerald and eight treasure soup is very good."

Just then, there was a voice of someone beside him.

Li Fan turned his head and saw that a handsome teenager came over and sat in front of him. The young man had a white shirt on his upper body and black trousers on his lower body. He was wearing a pair of white-washed sneakers and was tall and slender. He held a sword in his hand, put it on the table, and sat opposite Li Fan.

Guan Wenbao they were very alert, but when they saw the boy's appearance, they relaxed again.

"Liu Zhu, why are you here?"

Seeing Liu Zhu, Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Come on? Or are you grabbing something for your master?"

"Go and say what."

Liu Zhu couldn't help but Li Fan glanced at him for a moment, so that Li Fan stayed a bit. Obviously a man, there are so many kinds of style.

This buddy is too damn, he must transform him well, do not let him embark on Yan Kai's no return!

"I'm here for you."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I miss you, come and see you, won't it?"

Liu Zhu looked at Li Fan resentfully, "Why, is it so difficult for Li Dazhuang to meet now?"

"Haha ... that's what we said ... we are brothers, and you want to see me, it's not a matter of minutes."

"More than I want to see you ..."

Liu Zhu took a bite of the dish in front of Li Fan, his eyes suddenly flashed, "Well, delicious!"

"Thank you."

Chun'er smiled slightly.

"That's right, Master Li Zhuang, there are such handsome little girls around."

Liu Zhu intentionally or unintentionally did not know whether it was ridiculed or sour.

"She's not a girl, but a swordsman."

Li Fan explained it.

"That's not the same. Seeing you look like a younger master now, but forgetting your brother's pain."

"What's wrong with you, I really can't go on, just come to me."

Li Fan said, "As long as you abandon the dark and cast the light, the door of Qixia Villa will always be open to you."

"Abandon the dark cast Mingle! Our holy religion is not dark!"

Liu Zhu rolled her eyes again, "In our opinion, you are dark!"

"Yes, yes, you can't stop your mouth from eating."

"My mouth is blocked, but those guys outside are not necessarily."

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