My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1361: Origin of Liu Zhu

1361 The Origin of Liu Zhu


Wang Xiaoran pulled his sword out of the sheath, and her three dragon-falling swords were considered to be pure fire, so there was nowhere to test the sword!

Jiang Feng and Li Fan didn't even stop, Jiang Feng was still sitting there, and Li Fan stepped back two steps. At the same time, as soon as he waved his hands, the surrounding tables and chairs were slightly off the ground and slipped out, leaving a space in the middle.

And Murong Ying was still sitting there, eating her own stuff, as if she didn't care about it all.

The boss stayed beside her, stunned. The two Qixia sword guards stood next to her to protect her from being affected.

"This, this is ..."

"You can rest assured that if there is any loss in the store, we will pay the price."

Chuner stepped forward to comfort the boss.

"Little girl film, you have only practiced martial arts for a few years, and you are so arrogant."

Shui had no intention of holding the whip in her hand. Her current strength is the Grand Master level, and she has practiced the Bone Whip method. Naturally her confidence has increased. Although Wang Xiaoran was extraordinary, he hadn't been taken care of by the water.

"Hum, don't cry if you lose!"

Wang Xiaoran held the seven chivalry sword in his hand, and the sword front aimed at the water in front of him.

When two people lifted the internal force at the same time, their gas field directly spread out and hit each other. In contrast, Wang Xiaoran's gas field was obviously weak. But she didn't have the slightest fear, because she believed that Master passed on her three swords of descending dragons!

"Teach you this girl who doesn't know how to live or die today! Let you know what it means to be someone else, there is a day outside!"

With that said, Shui Wuxin suddenly drew his hand as a whip.

Bones chase the soul!

This whip is the quick opening whip in the bone whip method! This time, it is fast and accurate. Letting go with a whip is like chasing a soul and catching a shadow.

In Wang Xiaoran's ears, there was only a crackling sound, as if he had fired a cannonball in the air!

Wang Xiaoran's body suddenly disappeared, appearing on the right in the blink of an eye. And a table not far behind her, as if split by an invisible knife, split directly into two halves.

"Fast whip."

Li Fan nodded, seemingly unable to help praise.

"Huh, it's terrible behind!"

The water hummed unconsciously, and then the body moved around, and the long whip in his hand brought up a shadow, which turned Wang Xiaoran's body into it, leaving her nowhere to escape! But Wang Xiaoran's eyes narrowed slightly. She held the Seven Chivalry Sword and narrowed her eyes slightly with blue light. This is what Li Fan taught her to get the internal forces together.

In this dense attack of Shui Wuxin, Wang Xiaoran instantly found her weakness.

"Canglong water!"

Both Wang Xiaoran and the sword in his hand turned into an afterimage, and appeared in front of Shui Wuxin instantly. Without waiting for the water to act, Wang Xiaoran's sword was already pointed in front of her fair neck. So far, Wang Xiaoran has shown mercy. But Shui was unwilling, but she was a little reconciled. Why was she a master's strength and she lost to a martial artist who reached the top?

This unscientific!

Sui Suxin suddenly stretched out **** and opened Wang Xiaoran's sword. At the same time, she flung her long whip in her right hand, locked her bones and locked them towards Wang Xiaoran's throat!

"Dragon Locker!"

But the sword in Wang Xiaoran's hand was agitated, then picked.

The long whip in Shui Wuxin's hand came out of his hand and fell aside. Shui unconsciously stepped back two steps, looking at the stabbed tiger mouth, a pair of beautiful eyes shocked.

He was hurt? She was so careless that she was defeated by a little girl?


Shui stepped back two steps unconsciously, his face was incredible. Jiang Feng stepped forward gently and supported her shoulder.

"Victory is a routine thing for soldiers. Just go back and practice hard."

Jiang Feng looked at Wang Xiaoran's eyes brightly. This little girl seemed to have a good talent. If only she could win her own hands, it would definitely be even stronger. Li Fan had some luck, and he had so many powerful generals. Looking at Guan Wenbao next to him, Jiang Feng was really jealous.

"Since you lost, give way."

Li Fan asked Chuner to leave some money and planned to continue to Fangping base. But at this moment, the six Sergeants of the Royal Forest pulled out their weapons and stared at Li Fan coldly.

"Shameless Demon! You must stay!"

Six people said in unison.

"Step aside."

With a wave of Li Fan, the bodies of the six people flew straight out and hit them.


Jiang Feng finally narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Fan with shock.

It's only been a few days, Li Fan has broken through to the holy level?

Jiang Feng secretly clenched his fists. Why, he has sacrificed so much that he is not Li Fan's opponent! What kind of **** luck did Li Fan take, and why can he repeatedly surpass himself?

"Let's go."

Li Fan took back his hand and was planning to leave with Liu Zhu. But at this time, Murong Ying waved a hand, and a table flew over, blocking the door.

"You want to stop me too?"

Li Fan turned around and looked at Murong Ying.

"People must stay."

For a long time, Murong Villa has only enemies.

"What if I don't agree?"

Li Fanmei was locked up, but Murong Ying said.

"The only Li is a peerless demon. He is slaughtering Wulin with all his heart. Currently he is practicing" Tongtian Shen Gong "and will wait for him to pass the level.

"Then you can find him."

"The only thing Li is cunning is that no one knows where he is hiding, except for the demon."

Murong Ying pointed at Liu Zhu, "and this person has a high status in the demon religion. If he is, he must know Li's only hiding place."

"How would I know that I'm just a small congregation."

As soon as Liu Zhu pouted, holding her four elephant sword, she said without fear, "you guys, you know how to bully me, a small congregation, and you have the ability to find the Lord Lord yourself!"

"Slick mouth."

Murong Ying frowned. "Today, you can't go anywhere."

"He is my righteous brother, and I won't make him hurt."

Li Fan stood in front of Liu Zhu.

"Do you really want to keep a demon?"

Murong Ying seemed a little unhappy.

"It has nothing to do with demons, I believe him."

Li Fan said without hesitation.

"Then you don't believe me?"

"I naturally ... believe you too."

Li Fan tangled a bit, he turned to look at Liu Zhu.

"Liu Zhu, do you know where Li Wei is hiding?"

"Master God, the dragon, never sees the end, how can I see it?"

Liu Zhu rolled her eyes.


Murong Yingjiao scolded, "You ..."

Before she could finish speaking, there was a loud noise from a distance, and then the ground shook slightly.

Everyone changed color, this is ... Fangping base accident?

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