My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1362: Overwhelming!

1362 Unstoppable!

Eve was the last genetic weapon of the Emperor. Like Adam, she was equipped with the latest Zeus system. But in terms of performance, Eve is stronger than Adam. Because Adam had only seven nanonuclei implanted in her body, and she had nine.

She tied her blond hair behind her, wearing a black special combat suit, which tightly complemented her figure. With five people behind, they could not help quietly staring at the female executive's upright hips, lamenting that this was a personal stunner. The group sneaked into the vicinity of Fangping base. Although there are only six people on their side, the entire gods have dispatched many fighters at dusk, island nations, India, the United Kingdom ... A total of more than ten countries, large and small, have sent the most elite agents to prepare the dragon God One's launch plan is destroyed in the bud!

The Fangping base has entered a first-level alert. There are soldiers on patrol everywhere, and they can't sneak in if they are ordinary agents. But for Eve, it's not difficult. Her ability is different from Adam. Adam gets the power of lightning, which is a destructive weapon of destruction. But Eve, her ability is more weird and more tactical.

The gods at dusk are waiting for their own hands. Eve looks at these dense patrolmen. She puts her hands on the temple and her powerful spiritual power is immediately launched.

One minute passed, all the soldiers in the entire Fangping base fell asleep. This is Eve's ability to dream. She can make everyone dream, and no one can wake up without her orders. In this ability, no one is her opponent to Eve, she is the absolute master!

Just as Eve was about to start, an Indian yoga warrior couldn't bear it, as if in order to **** Dragon God One, jumped over the barbed wire and jumped into the base.


In the shaking of the earth, the red flame seemed to be the demon running out of hell, and swallowed the body of the yoga fighter directly.


Eve couldn't help scolding her mother. This Fangping base is now Longtan Tiger's Cave. Although everyone is asleep, how can they just go in casually! Fortunately, her nightmare ability is extremely strong, and even in this case, she can still keep those in sleep.

"Decipher the minefield."

Eve gave a command, and a hacker came out behind him, using his computer to start unlocking the password of the nearby minefield.

After about three minutes, the minefields were successfully unlocked and the mines lost their protection.

"That's it, go in!"

Eve waved, in all directions, at least hundreds of people, swarmed up and jumped into Fangping base.

Dragon Rocket 1's rocket is in the silo. In any case, you must stop the launch of this thing! After a hundred people have scrambled, everyone wants to be the first to get the information of Dragon God One! Everyone knows that whoever gets the information will be a real power!

Even if it is an alliance, at this time, it can not be one heart!

"Crash, the satellite is ahead!"

"The information is ours!"

"not ours!"

Things haven't arrived yet, but a group of people are ready to divide the spoils. It seems that this Fangping base is just like a lamb to be slaughtered to them.

But at this moment, a storm was set off in the flat land, and those people around him were directly taken off.

The crowd stood still, looked up, and found a man standing on the flagpole in front. He has a beautiful appearance, a gentle complexion, a white cardigan, a white cardigan, and a golden rooster standing on top of a tall flagpole.

Seeing this man, Eve frowned slightly. She has information about this person, and is said to be a monster with nearly 6,000 energy values! Adam was defeated in his hands that day! If he could bring him back, he would complete a big task!

In the general's mind, Li Fan's task level is equal to Dragon God One! I never imagined that a Chinese person could be treated like this!

The hundreds of people, looking at Li Fan, seemed to know that this person was not very provocative. How many people don't know the name of Huaxia Shangfang Sword?

Three people came especially under him. Although these three groups of people are not many, they don't seem to be provoking.

"Master Eve, it's up to you!"

The backbone of the crowd is this beautiful emperor's Eve. She has a terrible ability and should be able to surrender these Chinese guardians.


Eve nodded, and it was not too late, and she immediately mobilized her ability to prepare to put down the few Chinese people who were not eye-opening! But at this moment, a ripple of spirit suddenly spread out of Li Fan's body, directly impacting his own power! The two canceled each other out, Eve's ability failed!


Eve's face sank. Without the power of Nightmare, she couldn't let these Chinese guardians fall asleep!

"I didn't expect this Shangfang sword to know the mental power!"

A British Round Table knight felt this power, and he grunted.

"That being the case, let me round the knights of the Round Table!"

With a wave of his hand, six knights came out behind, each wearing iron armor and holding a spear.

"Mechanical Bionic Beast!"

The six knights, under the leadership of the leader, brushed off the iron boxes from their backs, threw them to the ground, and kicked them apart!

The iron box immediately began to change, and the metal above it continued to decompose and combine. Soon, seven steel war horses appeared beside them.

Li Fan's eyes lightened slightly, good guy, there are such technologies. Mechanical bionic beasts ... It's amazing. This steel warhorse is vivid and mighty. It can add a lot of fighting power to these knights!

"Everyone has it!"

The round table knight raised his big sword and shouted, "Charge with the knight's glory!"


The seven knights rushed towards Li Fan together. The Round Table knight was holding a large sword in front, and six knights followed, holding carbines. The warhorse galloped and brought a billowing smoke.

"The Royal Army."

Jiang Feng seemed to be here to help this time. He immediately ordered that six non-commissioned officers step forward to block the knights. Six peak-level masters who use chip to enhance their power. They each exert their ability, pedal lightly, and attack the knights!

However, these masters who climbed the peak turned out to be like a mantis arm as a car, and they were knocked out when they came face to face!

There was a smile on Eve's mouth, and the power of the Knights of the Round Table was not fake. Once they run wild, they are overwhelming!

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