My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1363: Though far away

1363 Although far away

The Round Table Knights also believe in their combat effectiveness. As long as they are on the horse, no one can stop it! These stupid Chinese people, if they want to beat themselves, they should do it before they start!

"Fight, three."

Li Fan was not worried at all, he stood there calmly. And Wang Xiaoran held the sword in her hand and gave her order with her nice voice.

The Knights of the Round Table didn't care about the attack of the opponent at all, he just waited for his spears to tear these Chinese people's bodies!

But at this moment, the twelve Qixia sword guards shot together!

Canglong water! Three teams!

Qixia Sword Guard takes three people as a group, and one group is responsible for assassinating a knight!

The three silhouettes in the air flashed across from a knight at the same time, each of them played a trick, one pierced the throat, one pierced the horse's head, and the other prickled the horse's leg!



The throat was cut open, and the sound of steel being cut off!

In a blink of an eye, four steel war horses rolled to the ground, and the knights above were crushed to death.

"carry on!"

Wang Xiaoran didn't care, she continued to order, and the remaining two knights were also beheaded. Only the Knight of the Round Table was left alone. With his thick armor, he simply blocked a wave of attacks. But he's okay, the war horse under him is still destroyed! The round table knight rolled to the ground, carrying his sword, and was frightened and angry, looking at the twelve Chivalry Sword Guards standing around.

"Finally, twelve."

Wang Xiaoran's face was cold and frosty, and his sword pointed at the Knight of the Round Table.

"Shield of victory!"

The knight of the Round Table had a terrible feeling in his subconscious mind. He did not hesitate to immediately turn on his strength and gather a golden shield to protect his body!

But at this moment, the twelve seven sword guards stood by his side and threw the sword in his hand.

"Twelve White Tigers!"

Their twelve fingers pressed down together, and immediately twelve swords fell in the sky and were chopped on this knight!

"Bang, bang!"

The falling sword is indestructible! They tore the golden shield, tore the heavy armor, and nailed the Knight of the Round Table directly to the ground!

This is the power of Sixiang Sword Formation!

Looking at the Knights of the Round Table in a pool of blood, Eve didn't say anything for a long time.

These Chinese people ... What tactics did they use to kill a pair of knights like this?

It's ... incredible!

"Hua Xia ... Hua Xia ... I really despise you ..."

Through the video, the general saw this scene and frowned deeply.

Li Fan, Seven Knights Villa ... They really are the number one enemy of the Great American Empire! As long as they are destroyed, no one at Huaxia can stop them!

"This sword array ... is so powerful ..."

Even if the water is unintentional, I can't help but be shocked when I see this situation. A pair of beautiful eyes has a surprise, and I can't accept it for a long time.

With this formation method, the combat effectiveness of Qixia Villa is greatly improved. I am afraid that on the rivers and lakes, you can defeat Qixia Villa by martial arts. Jiang Feng's eyes flashed a enthusiasm too. If such sword arrays are learned by themselves, they will surely be more powerful!

"Everyone, come together!"

Eve knew that one or two teams would not be able to win here. She gave an order, and all the gods at dusk immediately surrounded them in all directions, and surrounded them to Li Fan!

"Twelve White Tigers!"

The twelve sword guards did not panic, and under the command of Wang Xiaoran, they controlled the sword array together.

For a time, the sky was raining.

Although the strength of the twelve sword guards is not as good as the four sword guards, they are large in number. Twelve people joined forces to perform the White Tiger Sword Formation, and let the sky and sky rain fly around, killing the Twilight Warriors screaming and embarrassing.

The warriors of these gods at dusk are also elites, each of them is a dragon and a phoenix of carefully selected people! But here, they have not been able to show their fighting power, just like chickens and dogs, and have been slaughtered.

Eve was annoyed, but she couldn't save these people. She couldn't shoot because Li Fan was still standing there waiting for herself.

"With one day of my Seven Knights Villa, don't wait for Huaxia to wait."

Li Fan proudly said, "Give you thirty seconds to roll back quickly! Otherwise, kill without pardon!"

For the inmates, Li Fan has always been far away. If these people do not know repentance, then Li Fan does not mind taking them all to worship their ancestors.

"Li Fan, I know you are great, but don't be too crazy!"

Eve said, reaching out her right hand and aiming at Li Fan above the flagpole at a distance of tens of meters.

A huge force compressed, and Li Fan dropped a bomb from the bottom. The flagpole he just stopped on has been pinched into a mass of scrap iron.

"Hum, die!"

Eve had a huge mental power. She pointed with one hand, and the two surrounding tanks flew up, hitting Li Fan in the air together!


Li Fan stretched out his hands, bracing the two squeezing tanks stiffly.

Eve took a breath. This man, is he a monster?

"Your mental strength is too weak to be worth mentioning!"

Li Fan said, let go!

A tank smashed down immediately, and Eve hurriedly stretched out her hands, blocking herself.


The tank was blocked by her with a spiritual shield. If it wasn't for her mental strength, I'm afraid she had been crushed into flesh at this moment.

Li Fan held the other tank with both hands, and the whole person jumped directly to the tank below, dropping heavily.


Eve's knees were bent, and blood was dripping from the corners of her mouth.

This, this man is terrible ... his strength, he can't deal with it at all! Even with nine nano-nuclei, his energy is not as good as him! It seems that he has an energy value of close to six thousand, which should be true ... But, clearly a human being, why has such terrible energy. Could it be that he is really the strongest transformer in China? But how can Huaxia's technological strength surpass the United States?

It's Dragon God No.1, and this Li Fan ... all this is really weird!

Eve was a little annoyed, but at this moment, no one can fight Li Fan except herself.

Such a grand battle, even if it was a pro-American army, stood beside it with no arms, apparently meaningless to help.

Cunning Chinese!

Eve can't control these companions around her, she can only sacrifice them!


The spiritual shield is finally broken!

Eve's body suddenly turned into a white smoke and disappeared instantly. Her four companions were not so lucky, and were immediately crushed into meat by the tank!

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