My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1366: perish together

Chapter 1366

The warriors at dusk, who were still fighting next to each other, froze in an instant. Powerful Eve, isn't it a failure? How can this be good?

Li Fan's palm, although it failed to freeze for thousands of miles, sealed a circle of ten meters! This is also a powerful skill. Ordinary people, etc., who can do it? In fact, where do they understand that Li Fan has mercy on his men. Otherwise, with his skill, the Frozen Wanda can't be achieved, but within a hundred meters of the circle, it's his hand.

The reason why this trick is not used, one, is indeed merciless. Second, within these 100 meters, there are seven sword guards, Li Fan is afraid of hurting them. But he can control the ice seal within ten meters, which is also a powerful force control technique!

"With such power, it is worthy of China's Shangfang sword."

Through the eye-mask camera, the general saw this scene and couldn't help admiring it. Such a powerful combat power, unfortunately, does not belong to the empire. Otherwise, the empire will dominate the world. Since it is not available, it will naturally be destroyed and cannot fall into the hands of other countries.

"Wake up, Eve, use your most powerful force for my empire!"

The general ordered, and the frozen Eve's eyes suddenly lighted up. Although she was unconscious, the general temporarily took control of her body by remote control. At this moment, Eve has become a well-deserved killing machine! Under the instructions of the general, she tore up the frost that had sealed her instantly with her mental strength, and then shook the thunderspear in her hand and aimed at Li Fan again.


A thunderbolt out of thin air fell from the sky and fell directly to Li Fan.

This time, the Thunder is faster and fiercer!

However, Li Fan had already been prepared. Chunbo sword rose into the air, suspended above Li Fan's head, and led the thunder to avoid the disaster. He unloaded the thunder and lightning and fell on the palm of Li Fan.

Xuanlong Ice Palm · Long Tun Vientiane · Ten Successes!

Li Fan swallowed all things with his dragon, and slammed this powerful thunder into the palm of his right hand.


The general saw this scene through the screen and was taken aback, some couldn't believe his eyes. Huaxia kid, actually sucked the power of Tianlei with the palm of his hand?

The power of thunder and lightning! This is an extremely powerful energy! According to known technology, humans have not yet invented an object that can withstand the power of lightning. At most, a lightning rod is used to attract lightning and introduce it into the ground. Although Eve relies on the Zeus satellite, the Thunder that can be attracted has only a small part of the power, but the tank just proved that this kind of Tianwei cannot be violated!

The Chinese man in front of him, but took down Levi with a palm of his hand? how is this possible?

In the general's shocked eyes, Li Fan had already released his second move.

Thunder Dragon Teana · Thunderbolt · Raywell!

Lei Long Tian Yao, this is the method of the thunder knife, was divided into three moves by Li Fan, attacking the upper, middle and lower three ways respectively! But at this moment, the powerful Lei Wei was in his hand, and Li Fanlai could not tolerate his moves. He simply waved his hand and split it out as a sword!


The blue-violet thunder knife directly cut through the air and the ground, and immediately arrived in front of Eve!

"Stop it!"

The general urged Eve's mental power, releasing a mental barrier, blocking herself.


The lightning knife collided on the mental barrier, and the speed of advance was slightly delayed!

The general was overjoyed, and sure enough, his empire's weapons were the most powerful! Even Lei Wei can block it!

Relying on the power of Zeus' suit, Eve temporarily blocked the lightning knife. But Li Fan still had a back move. He waved his right hand, and his vitality condensed in the air. The other one immediately condensed in the air, fell from the sky, and fell with a palm toward Eve's head!

Outside the incarnation · Qingdi Dinghai · Ten success!

With a loud noise, Eve's mental barrier was broken! At this scene, even the general could not help but be shocked. Where does he know that this move of Qing Emperor Dinghai fell from the sky, and it was best to crack the defense!

The mental barrier was broken, and the thunderbolt also went up, making a slamming noise, and even cut off Eve's arm, and then flew backward. This thunderbolt later divided the tower behind into two and cut it into two sections!

"I'm going ... so amazing ..."

"Here, this is China's Shangfang sword?"

"We can't fight ... what to do ..."

At a glance, these warriors of the gods at dusk saw how such a master of Li Fan could have fought! This person's strength ... I'm afraid it's a bit scary! Can such masters handle it?

"Sworn to complete the mission!"

Because of the severe pain, Eve was sober again. She looked at one of her broken arms, and she was wise. It seemed that he had lost consciousness just now, and it was the general who controlled himself, but it turned out that he was defeated by Li Fan and lost an arm.

If alive, Eve doesn't care about this arm. Their empire had terrible science and technology, lost an arm, and could pick it up again. But if you lose your life here, you have nothing.

Eve had wanted to request a retreat, but the general's applause came from her ear. Sworn to complete the mission ... Is it really impossible to lose your life here?

Li Fan is like the door **** of Huaxia. When he stops here, no one can move the big dragon **** No. 1.

"That being the case ..."

Eve's eyes let out a glorious light, even if Li Fan looked at it, she couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Dude, what does this woman want to do?

"Zeus's anger!"

Eve began to emit blue electric light, and then the sky began to be covered with dark clouds. The dark clouds were thick and dark, but Li Fan had a dark cloud over the city. There was a bad hunch in his heart, this woman Eve ... wouldn't be ...

"not good!"

Li Fan frowned, and must kill Eve immediately, she definitely wanted to attract a terrible sky mine here!

If the real Tianwei comes, whether it is Eve or Dragon God One, they will all die together! Li Fan might have a way to survive, but he couldn't protect Wang Xiaoran's safety!

Dragon Sword · Canglong Water · Thirteen Success!

As soon as Li Fan waved his hand, Chunbo sword turned into a black dragon, and passed by Eve in an instant!


The water dragon is the fastest sword in the dragon sword! Has the same skill as Huangdi Chenglong in the palm of the Five Emperors!

It was just a moment of effort, and Eve's body was pinched out of a blood hole. The general stood in front of the camera. He didn't even see the truth of the sword, and the news of Eve's death came on the screen. But the general's mouth smiled.

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