My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1367: Cardinals behind

1367 The Cardinal

It doesn't matter if Eve is dead. Her body is still controlled by herself.

This terrifying sky mine is coming!


Li Fan could see that even if Eve was dead, she was still calling for terrible thunder and lightning.

"Don't underestimate the Chinese hero!"

Li Fan snorted, and then the whole person jumped up and pressed down directly against the Eve who summoned thunder and lightning.

Xuanlong Bingzhang · Skyscraper · Thirteen successes!

Li Fan didn't leave any emotions this time! This holy level of strength is fully exerted!

A white ice dragon fell from the sky and hit him hard.

Eve was too late to struggle, and was directly turned into a fan by a powerful palm!

Such a shockingly powerful strength finally closed everyone's mouth. In front of the general, the screen went dark, and then nothing was seen. Control of Eve also completely lost contact.

"What happened!"

The general roared, but nothing was possible at this time!

"Hurry up and connect with Eve again!"

The general roared again and again, and seemed to be extremely angry!

"General, we have plan b!"

A nearby officer reminded.

"Yes! We have plan b!"

Thinking of this, the general's face was a little pale.

As long as there is plan b, Dragon God One can also be destroyed! No one can stop the strength of the American Emperor!

Yes, no one can stop it!

At this moment, at the Fangping base, all the gods at dusk had surrendered, surrendering with both hands. Not surrender? Li Fan, the horrific Chinese god, stands here, who dares not to obey?

"Xiangong, they are all under control, foolproof."

Chuner reports with Li Fanhui. At this point all enemies were brought under control, and the base's guards were awakened. They reoccupied the base and were ready to launch Dragon God One.

The rocket is about to launch, but I don't know why, but Li Fan faintly feels a little bad. Chuner said it was foolproof here, but he has been practicing martial arts for years, and this intuition has never lied to him!


Looking at the rocket that had slowly sprayed flames and started to lift off, Li Fan suddenly noticed that something was wrong!

"Chun'er, you said, if I were a Emperor, I would face a terrible enemy ... what will I do next?"

"I think ... it must be that, right?"

Chun'er seemed to notice something, and she looked up in surprise, looking at Dragon God One, which had already flew into the air.

"not good!"

Li Fan also frowned, and his knees were slightly bent. The whole man suddenly bounced, and he walked for nine days in a row, stepping in the void. Relying on this power, he continued to take off, and soon caught up with the rocket that had not yet flew high. As soon as Li Fan shook his hand, Long Qiao started. With the pull of the dragon-snatcher, he was pulled over the rocket in turn.

At this moment, Li Fan's breath enveloped the entire rocket instantly, and he finally found an invisible guy.

"Falling Dragon Sword · Canglong Water!"

Li Fan stretched out a finger, and the sword gas bounced out directly, hitting it.


A slap spider robot was directly blown out by Li Fan's sword air, fell into the air, and then exploded! This huge explosive force almost spread to the rocket that rose to a higher place. Fortunately, the rocket has begun to speed up and shake off the explosion wave.

Li Fan sucked the rocket in one hand, he examined it carefully, and found that there were no more strange things, then he was relieved. But looking down, he flew at least a few kilometers high. This distance, even if there is divine power to protect the body, I am afraid it will be difficult to save my life.

Li Fan had previously played high-altitude jumps in the air, but at that time he was not so high.

But who is Li Fan? He released the rocket and fell down. But at the same time, Li Fan took off his coat in the air and unfolded in the air. His clothes are filled with a strong internal force to ensure that the clothes will not be torn by the airflow!

He pulled the dress tightly with his arms. Li Fan felt like he was holding a wild horse who wanted to escape, and it was difficult to control the dress! But Li Fan still fell down a little bit, just like a fairy descending slowly, and slowly fell to the ground.

"What a Chinese patron saint."

When Jiang Feng saw this scene, he couldn't help raising his head and building a small tent with his hands. While blocking the sun, he admired, "This strength, even if Murong Laoer is resurrected, I'm afraid I can't do it. . "


Murong Ying squeezed a word out of her mouth, "Just comment on my dad and leave my life here!"

"Sister, you are still so overbearing."

Jiang Feng held his hands and said with a smile, "If you can be gentle, the two of you will have joined the rivers and lakes together as if they were relatives of gods. It's a pity that in the end, Lao Yan split up. "

"Why, come and comment on me again?"

Murong Ying sneered, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed cold, "So love to say, why not give up Wu Congwen?"

"It's also a way out."

Jiang Feng seemed to think about it very seriously, then nodded, "But that will also be after subverting the entire rivers and lakes. Especially your Murong family, this family does not get rid of one day, I have been unable to calm down."


Murong Ying seemed too lazy to talk to Jiang Feng again, and once she threw her sleeves, she ignored him. Jiang Feng didn't bother, and continued to look up at the sky, as if looking forward to Li Fan's return.

Murong Ying Bingxue is clever and seems to have guessed something wrong.


She frowned gently, even if she frowned, it did not reduce her beauty by half.

Li Fan had fallen lightly to the ground, and at this moment, Dragon God One was finally launched into space, separated from the rocket and entered a fixed orbit.

Huaxia cheers, and the people rejoice in the country. With this Dragon God No. 1, Huaxia will no longer have to look at Meidi's face!

But the happiest is Jiang Feng. He couldn't even restrain his inner ecstasy and laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Li Fan was a little surprised, looking at Jiang Feng, "Are you crazy?"

"Li Fan, do you think I will help you so kindly?"

Jiang Feng finally showed his last card, "Secretary Li has seen through your plot long ago! We are so skillful that we have already played hands on Dragon God No. 1!"

Then, he reached out and pointed at the sky.

"Let you see and see, the real power of Dragon God One!"

Li Fan and Murong Ying looked at each other, and saw each other's eyes badly.

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