My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1368: You are worse than me

Chapter 1368: You Are Better Than Me

Dragon Space One was sent into space and quietly floated above the planned orbit. As China's patron saint of space, it has its own great mission. When a distant sun shines on it, the hexagonal satellite begins to slowly change shape. Section by section, the steel body was dragged out of the hexagon and extended. Soon, the steel body extended a total of seven sections, the first section had a head, the second section and the sixth section had claws, and the last section had a tail. On the back is a gold back plate that absorbs sunlight for energy.

There are two kinds of energy drivers on the body of this dragon **** one. One is a small nuclear fission device at the core of Dragon God One, and the other is a solar driver on the back panel. In normal times, Dragon God One only needs to draw energy from sunlight to maintain its daily work. Every ten years, it will fly back from space to land for upgrades and maintenance.

When entering a combat state, it is not enough to rely solely on the amount of solar energy absorbed. At this time, it is necessary to use the nuclear fission device in the body to provide powerful energy to this Chinese dragon, so that it can transform from a patron saint into an out-of-the-box war machine!

But at this moment, the patron saint received the call, and then entered the form of the dragon from the satellite form, ready to launch a rage of thunder.

Murong Ying also came here to protect the Dragon God No. 1, because Li Fan did a good job, she was too lazy to handle it. But now things don't look good. Jiang Feng's reliance seems to have finally arrived. Could it be the praying mantis catching cicadas, the carduelis behind? In that case, Jiang Feng's ingenuity is too scary.


She couldn't help sighing softly. Since she first saw Jiang Feng, she didn't like this guy. Although the other party tried hard to please himself, Murong Ying Bingxue was clever, and seeing him through at a glance was nothing but hypocrisy. Staying in Murong's house should have another plan!

Now think about it ... this man has a big picture!

In the distant space, the satellite of the dragon **** spit out a golden light, shining directly on Jiang Feng's body. Jiang Feng's body began to alienate. The dragon chip in his body slowly moved, and finally swam to the position of his forehead, breaking his eyebrows, exposing a red crystal print, reminding Li Fan of the old man-like person Chosen!

The Emperor strengthened Eve with the Zeus system. It seems that Jiang Feng and the doves also intend to do so. They want to use Dragon God One to strengthen the dragon chip in Jiang Feng's body, so that he can make a breakthrough and reach a super-god state!

The golden light was so strong that even Li Fan was afraid to come forward and touch it.

"Murong Ying! Your Murong Villa and Li Fan's Seven Chivalry Villas will all be destroyed by me!"

Jiang Feng laughed while receiving the baptism of the power of the Dragon God! With the strengthening of Dragon God No. 1, the dragon chip in Jiang Feng's body has been played to the extreme! The clothes on his upper body were torn, and several nano-core chips were grown on his body, growing from his hands, shoulders, and legs. Behind him, there are also two pairs of chips growing out. The two pairs of chips slowly stretched into two pairs of blood-red crystal wings!

"Is this power ..."

Jiang Feng felt his strong, joyful face.

"Yes, this is the power ... I will use this power to destroy you!"

"You're good enough."

Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng who was getting stronger, and said softly, "Using Dragon God No. 1 also used me."

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, the carduelis is behind!"

Jiang Feng sneered, "Those ignorant barbarians thought that they could use my Jiang Feng? Dreaming, I was the one who laughed at the last! As long as I ruined you, Secretary Li would promise me a wealth! When the time comes, I will take me Sister, live a happy life. And you people will be buried by me and history! Huaxia Wulin will never exist! "

"I really underestimated you."

Li Fan arched his hand and expressed his admiration, "Your ability to endure is far beyond my expectation. I should have thought that with your heart, it would be impossible to run for nothing."

"Obviously admit your failure! Li Fan!"

Jin Guang slowly dissipated, Jiang Feng's body had swelled to a height of two meters, and two red pairs of crystal wings fluttered behind him. The whole man was magnificent and imposing. Even the twelve Qixia sword guards did not dare to act lightly. They have felt a terrifying coercion from Jiang Feng. Under this coercion, they can't move, let alone draw a sword against the enemy!


Li Fan and Murong Ying looked at each other again. Unexpectedly, with the help of Dragon God No. 1, Jiang Feng stiffened her strength, from a quasi-half-moment to a holy state! With such rapid evolution, the average human body cannot bear it at all! However, Jiang Feng's body has been strengthened several times by Dragon Chip, and she has really eaten this power!

"Without further ado."

Murong Ying has always been simply, she scared the disciples of the villa, then **** pointed at Jiang Feng, throwing out a sharp sword!

Murong Ying is proficient in turning reality into reality, and now she has trained three stages of Wushen, which is even more powerful. The sword gas that she threw out turned into hundreds of swords in the air, scrambling and shooting at Jiang Feng.

"Oh! Carrion!"

Jiang Feng is so powerful now that he doesn't even take these swords into his eyes. He held his arms and stood there, letting these sword qi hit him.


Jian Qi was blown out by the invisible protective gas on his body, which could not hurt him at all.

"Do you need help?"

Li Fan stood beside him, holding his hands, and asked with a smile.

"Ask me more!"

Murong Ying snorted coldly. She suddenly reached out and grabbed two swords out of thin air. Then, like a broken void, she passed through dozens of meters in an instant and came to Jiang Feng.

When Murong Sakura was only 16 years old, she relied on her own Murong Double Sword skills to fight the world's invincible opponents. Since then, she has never used this Murong Sword. Today, against Jiang Feng, she actually brought out the sword technique at the bottom of the box, which surprised Li Fan a little. It seems that Jiang Feng's threat has reached a certain level, and even Murong Ying has to face him squarely.

Murong Ying's two swords waved, but they were beautiful. She slashed with two swords and attacked Jiang Feng constantly. However, Jiang Feng was standing there, **** out Shura Jianqi again and again, unceasingly popping Murong Ying's sword.

"Sister, you see, you are not as good as me."

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