1369 Ice Sword

Who is Murong Ying? My heart is proud, where can I suffer from this loss!

"My sister, your set of Murong Swords, when you first used them, you used me to practice."

Jiang Feng smiled, "No one knows your sword better than me. How do you want to use it to defeat me?"

Said, Jiang Feng aimed at a gap, popped Shura Jianqi, rubbed Murong Ying's neck and flew out.

Murong Ying's pale neck immediately left a light bloodstain.

"The Shura Excalibur was created by my painstaking efforts. How can your swordsmanship match?"

Jiang Feng mocked Murong Ying while fighting.

"Zhuang owner, let us help you!"

The gold and silver two swords were guarded by Murong Ying, and finally couldn't help it. The two of them jumped out, driving the sword at the same time, turning into two rainbows of gold and silver, and ejecting towards Jiang Feng.


Murong Ying Meidai clustered into a ball, Jiang Feng sneered, her fingers bounced, and two red crimson Shura swords flew out instantly, smashing two long swords.

Almost instantly, blood stains appeared on the throat of the gold and silver swords. The two of them had died without even seeing each other's attacks.


Murong Ying Qiao's face was already covered with frost, and the gold and silver sword followed her for a long time, loyal and loyal, but she died for no reason at this Fangping base.

"That doesn't blame me."

Jiang Feng shrugged. "They are too weak, just like ants. I just moved my fingers and killed them."

"That being the case, I will kill your men."

When Murong Ying is upset, she is also a female star! She opened her palms in front of Yulin Jun in the distance. Suddenly, the seven swords suddenly fell from the sky, directly piercing the bodies of the Imperial Army, and nailing them directly to the ground. Shui Wuxin also nearly died under the sword, but she was a master-level master anyway. Shui Wuxin barely blocked the falling sword and rolled to the side.

"Just whatever you want."

Jiang Feng disagreed, "They have lost the value of use, you kill it if you want to kill it."

"Master, lord ..."

Shui inadvertently heard this, and he seemed to be shocked.

"Unintentionally, you have worked so hard for so long."

Jiang Feng looked at Shui inadvertently and said softly, "You have helped me so much. The only way I can repay you is to kill you with my own hands, is it okay?"

"Why, why ..."

Shui Wuxin was shocked, "Isn't I your loyal subordinate ..."

"Why, don't you want to die for me?"

"Subordinates are willing to die for you at any time ..."

Shui sighed unconsciously, kneeling down at Jiang Feng, lowering his head, as if waiting for Jiang Feng's disposal.


Jiang Feng nodded, "No woman can affect my feelings except my sister. Water has no intention. You help me a lot, so I'll kill you by myself. It's a good death."

"Please ... please ... let's ..."

Shui Wuxin's body trembled softly, and her speech was a little choked. I can die in his hands ... it seems, it's not bad ... it can be considered ... have an explanation ...


Jiang Feng is very satisfied. He is already the strongest, and there is no need to rely on others.

"Go and die for me."

Jiang Feng waved a Shura Jianqi and went straight to the water without intention.

His sword air was as fast as a thunderbolt, and he immediately came to Shuiwuxin. And Shui Wuxinxin horizontally, closed his eyes and waited for death.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of her, and at the same time he waved the sword away.


Jian Qi shot through a building next to him and pierced through. Shui Wuxin was a little surprised, looking at Li Fan who was standing in front of himself, he didn't understand. Why should he protect himself?


Jiang Feng confronted Murong Ying and said without looking back, "I didn't expect you to be so nosy."


Li Fan smiled, "You're biting me if you're not convinced."

"Li Fan, don't be too proud. When I kill Murong Ying, it's your turn!"

"You go."

Li Fan lifted the water up from the ground and said to her, "Stop flowing this muddy water."

"I am a useless person, why save me."


Li Fan's eyes stared. "Why your value is realized by Jiang Feng!"


Shui Wuxin is a little confused. She has always lived for Jiang Feng. Losing that goal now, she really didn't know what to do.

"Idiot woman! Go and cool off!"

Li Fan can't stand the character of being waterless and heartless, can't he live without Jiang Feng?

"Go, here you go."

By the way, Li Fan threw Shui Wuxin a long sword, "Don't affect our work."


Shui had no heart holding the sword, and was speechless. Why doesn't this man have any pity for Xiang Xiangyu, and persuade himself that he will die!

"Shimei! Give up!"

However, on the battlefield, Jiang Feng even surpassed Murong Ying, and Murong Ying was in a disadvantage!

"Murong Ying, why don't you change me?"

Li Fan advised, "Your work is not good."


Murong Ying is very upset, Jiang Feng and Li Fan, these two guys, even surpassed themselves, but also created a very powerful set of work!

She won't give up! After all, she is a well-deserved leader of martial arts! Whoever said that the boy must be stronger than the woman, she Murong Ying, can also beat these two men!

"Bingyan Sword Art!"

She suddenly took a step back and opened up her distance from Jiang Feng. Then, Murong Ying exhaled a long breath, and her two swords suddenly changed.

The long sword in her left hand turned red, as if burning. The burning power twisted the surrounding air. The long sword in her right hand condensed into a blue and white, and the cold air spread out, forming a layer of frost on the ground.

Murong Ying herself cultivated the flame palm, and was later infused with the energy of the cold attribute by Li Fan. Therefore, the internal forces of fire and ice can be exerted simultaneously in the body. This is the same as Li Fan's own creation of Kirin Palms at the same time. However, Murong Ying opened up a new path, and she even used this method on swordsmanship, and created this set of "Ice Flame Swordsmanship" with her double sword skills!

"Flame Ebara · Frozen Land · Thirteen Success!"

Murong Ying's two swords were stunned, and brought two opposite swords, and went straight to Jiang Feng.

"not good……"

Even Jiang Feng couldn't help changing his face under these two swords!

With his strength, this trick can't be stopped! The wonderful Murong Ying has such talents!


The internal force under his feet exploded, and the whole person instantly bounced up to a height of tens of meters.

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