1370 Big Three

Who says women are inferior to men? Who says men have inheritance?

In Murong Ying's heart, this is the most hated statement! Li Fan and Jiang Feng both created their own kung fu. Why couldn't she Murong Ying?

"Blazing Fire Hagiwara · Ice and Snow Country · Thirteen Success Forces!"

Murong Ying casts two different swords in her left and right hands, and throws them towards Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng was a bit surprised. The two swords have different attributes, and each has several ways to attack! But Murong Ying is as if she has different brain controls for her left and right hands, and she can easily use two different sword techniques at the same time. Jiang Feng can stop one move, but can't stop the other!

Human thinking is inertia. You can use both hands together, but you can only perform the same action. But if you make the left hand draw a square and the right hand draw a circle at the same time, it will be difficult! This is like the left-right fight in Jin Yong's novels. Once it is practiced, the left and right hands show different moves, which is really amazing!

Jiang Feng's body suffocation is okay to deal with ordinary masters, but in the presence of a holy class such as Murong Ying, it is also paper-like. If Murong Ying's sword was hit on him, I'm afraid it's not a joke!

"Sura's Wrath!"

Jiang Feng's body swelled a lot, and her body was covered with a layer of black light!

But this black light quickly began to change, and soon the black light faded into white light! A stronger momentum spread immediately!

Li Fan knew in his heart that Jiang Feng's black Shura spirit had probably reached the peak of cultivation and had become the final white Shura!

Sure enough, Jiang Feng was white at this time, and the whole person was roaring at Murong Ying like a tiger with a white face standing!

After the transformation of Shura, Jiang Feng's strength has even improved a bit! He actually passed through the gap attacked by Murong Ying and appeared in front of Murong Ying. Then, a note of Shura picked the star, and went straight to Murong Ying's heart!

Jiang Feng is too fast after Shurahua! Even though Murong Sakura is already holy, she couldn't keep up! After all, Murong Ying was an outstanding saint-level martial artist. She almost used her subconscious reaction to hit two swords and blocked Jiang Feng's palm instantly!

If Jiang Feng insists on cracking Murong Ying's heart, his palms and throat will not be able to keep it.

Murong Ying's set of swordsmanship focuses on the key points. At this time, there are two swords left and right, one sword is piercing the veins on Jiang Feng's wrist, and the other sword goes straight to his throat. No matter how long Jiang Feng's hands are, can he grow a sword?

Jiang Feng stopped his body in the air in time, and at the same time took a glide backward, backing back more than ten meters.

"how is it?"

Murong Ying also fell to the ground, with one foot stepping on the ground and the other foot lifted in the air. Her white thighs were seductive. She held a sword in both hands, a pair of flirtatious eyes, and looked at Jiang Feng in the distance with pride.

"Are you convinced?"

With this set of "Bingyan Swordsmanship", Jiang Feng was defeated by three points stronger than her own strength. Murong Ying is indeed Murong Ying! Seeing the fun, Li Fan wanted to clap his hands and applaud, but he held back considering his current status. Once this person has status, he cannot be too comfortable.

The hatred between the Jiang family and the Murong family was almost irresolvable. The Murong family killed Jiang Feng's father and forced their family to ruin. Murongbo's old dog died indirectly in Jiang Feng's hands. No one can resolve this deep feud. The only solution was for one of the dead to be cleaned up and cut off the grass. But the two are now similar in strength, Jiang Feng is more powerful, and Murong Sakura has strong combat skills. At this time, there is no way to distinguish between victory and defeat. If you want to make a difference, at least two people have to spend three days and three nights to get results! And even after playing for three days and three nights, I am afraid that no one can kill anyone.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Fan's meaning is extremely important!

"Third brother, the hatred between you and Murong's family is not too light. You might as well help me, I can be the master and not move your Seven Knights Villa! At that time, you only need to move the Seven Knights Villa to the island. kind?"

Jiang Feng also knows Li Jiadao. While playing against Murong Ying, he opened up to Li Fan.

"Even if two people come together, why not?"

Murong Ying was unmoved, and her pretty face seemed to have no expression.

"Look at this proud woman! Don't you still like her?"

Jiang Feng continued to persuade Li Fan, "Do n’t dream, Li Fan, she is not yours! Even if you treat her well, she will not be with you! This woman never knows what is a favor! She belongs to the Murong family The devil is only a sword of Murong Bo! You love her, but she will kill you! "

Jiang Feng's words kept swimming in Li Fan's ears, which made Li Fan a little upset. This guy is really too noisy!

Li Fan looked at Murong Ying, she said nothing. Her pride did not allow her to say anything. For her, there is only fighting, keep fighting! Everything, let's talk about martial arts!

The answer to the two men was only the sound of the sword breaking through!



The two swords went straight to Jiang Feng with different moves, one left and one right, one up and one down.

Murong Ying has no sympathy, she seems to have to use a sword to cut off all feelings!

"See? This is her! This woman, she doesn't love you at all! You should give up on her, and it is not a problem to find as many women as you can!"

Jiang Feng's words made Li Fan think about it.

That's right, as long as Murong Villa is there, Murong Ying will never return to her. If this woman wants to come here without any burden, she must make Murong Villa disappear! But if it is herself who removes Murong Villa, I'm afraid Murong Ying will hate her for life. In that case, she won't be willing to face herself even without revenge on herself. Maybe I'll find a place to hide and never see each other again.

Therefore, Murong Villa must be removed, and it must be removed with the help of others!

To sum up, Jiang Feng can't die for the time being, and his hatred of Murong Villa may lead to misfortunes and drive tigers away. But Jiang Feng is so cunning and want to use him, maybe he will be used by him in turn!

At this moment, Li Fan's brain was moving rapidly, thinking about the way to deal with it. Conquering Murong Ying, this is also a big task to solve! As for Jiang Feng, it ’s just a holy level. Li Fan does n’t mind if he has such a holy level opponent. All the way up and down, which one did he fear?

Thinking of this, Li Fan suddenly laughed.

"Battle on top, how about me?"

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