1371 Bet

Li Fan finally shot!

The comprehensive combat effectiveness of Jiang Feng and Murong Ying is almost the same. At this point, Li Fanlai intervened to break the balance between the two and form a tripod.

Although Jiang Feng is a devil-like figure, Li Fan still has to try to use him! This is like a venture investment, where benefits and risks coexist! Only bold and attentive people can profit from it!

Li Fan is not a conspirator or a hero, but he wants a gamble at this moment!

"Good third brother, are you here to help me?"

Jiang Feng didn't know if he was happy or surprised, but asked with a smile.

"No, no, no, I just saw the masters a little bit itchy, so I wanted to come and learn, and hope to give a chance."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, he waved a palm and patted it on Jiang Feng's wrist. Jiang Feng originally had a tiger claw and grabbed Murong Ying, but now she was repelled stiffly.

"Third brother?"

Murong Ying lifted her sword, and Li Fan lifted her foot and opened her sword.

"doing what?"

Murong Ying glanced at Li Fan, but Li Fan shrugged his shoulders.


Murong Ying stabbed a snow sword in her left hand and stabbed at Li Fan's left rib.

"Soura picks the stars!"

Jiang Feng is also a tiger claw, grabbing directly to Li Fan's chest.

As soon as Li Fan reached out, Qianlong's hand was launched, Chunbo Sword was sucked into his palm, and he pushed up, blocking Mu Rongying's sword. At the same time, he took a note of Xuanlong Bingzhang in his left hand and slapped Jiang Feng's palm.

"Don't come in!"

Murong Ying seems to be a little angry, this Li Fan, how to make trouble, don't look at the timing!

"Since you want to fight, I'll go."

Murong Ying wanted to pull away.

But at this moment, when Li Fan waved his hand, a sword qi swept away from Murong Ying's feet and cut a crack in the ground.

"Mother, you haven't decided yet. Why are you in a hurry?"

"I won't fight anymore!"

Jiang Feng knew that he couldn't tell the difference between high and low now. With his temperament, he naturally wanted to find a place to practice well, and then found the opportunity to kill Li Fan.

But Li Fanke didn't plan to let him go, he appeared outside the body, a record of Huang Di riding a dragon, forced Jiang Feng back.

The two were helpless and had to follow Li Fan together.

Li Fan is also a top holy master. With his subtle moves and the ability to incarnate outside, he was tied with two other holy masters! Li Fan was in the prestige. He just wanted to let these two people know that his own force did not take him into account. Murong Ying is okay, it is estimated that she will not provoke herself in the future. But Jiang Feng is a hero, and he will definitely find a way to defeat himself! But he couldn't join forces with Murong's family, so his only solution was to completely destroy Murong's family!

The three finally touched their palms together, and they started to compete against each other's internal forces. The powerful energy continued to spread out from the three of them, impacting around. Murong Ying and Jiang Feng were shocked. Li Fan's internal strength was so strong that he could have a long time with him.

"Li Fan, what are you trying to do?"

"Third brother, I know you like fighting, but there are many things to be busy when you are an elder brother. How about letting the elder brother go and let your sister and you practice with you?"

Both of them are a bit inexplicable. Does Li Fan just like fighting? Murong Ying knew that Li Fan was a martial artist, but it wasn't a pleasure to fight like this.

"You should have seen it. I'll fight the two of you together. It's fine."

Li Fan proudly said, "After all, the two of you are centrifugal. If you don't work together, you won't be able to beat me. But if the three of us fight, I don't think there will be a victory or defeat without a day and a night. In the end, we should be hurting all three parties. "

"Since you know, why should we force us to fight you?"

Murong Ying didn't speak, but Jiang Feng already wanted to understand something.

"Speak your terms!"

"Okay, let ’s not tell anyone secretly. My conditions are very simple. For Jiang Feng, I will fight the Wuhuang Hall in the future. As a dove representative, you naturally have to dispose of the Wuhuang Hall. Your request is that when I challenge the Emperor's Palace, you must come out and help me once. "


Jiang Feng's eyes turned and he agreed immediately. The interest of the doves represented by himself, Wu Huang Hall, should be removed naturally. Dragon God No. 1 is already in the sky, Qixia Villa and Murong Villa cannot be destroyed, and the upper forces should also start shuffling. After all, the doves are a big business and will not fall down for a certain period of time. As long as you take the opportunity to get rid of the Emperor's Palace, maybe the doves have a chance to rise again.

"As for the lady, I have no other requirements for you, you will stay with me and be my one-month thug."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng sneered, and it really was an emotion. At this time, do you still want to restore your relationship with Murong Ying?


Murong Ying flatly refused, and she couldn't stay with Li Fan anymore, or sooner or later ... she would surrender.

"Mother, I borrowed you for a month because I have important things to do this month."

Li Fan Zhengzheng said, "A major event related to my Huaxia, so you must help me."

"If you hit me, it's bad ... you're dead!"

Originally, she wanted to curse Li Fan, but Murong Ying finally didn't want to, but just made a noise.

"Relax, why have I ever lied to you?"

Li Fan's voice was a little louder. "Jiang Feng, Murong Ying, the three of us truce first for a month. This month, don't do anything to each other.

"Okay, it's up to you!"

Jiang Feng nodded, and this matter was also following his heart. He has just improved his strength and needs to recuperate, consolidate his strength, and then make plans.

"That's it, we'll make it this way."

Li Fan did a good job of foreplay, but he also had something in mind.

"I count three. How about the three of us?"


The three of them agreed, and when Li Fan counted to three, he stopped at the same time.


The huge power spread out, and the three people took a step back, and Li Fan's face was flushed, but he quickly suppressed it.

"Second Brother, good means."

Li Fan said something, but Jiang Feng was a bit inexplicable.

"Li Fan, I promised what you said. Let's meet again someday!"

Said, Jiang Feng turned his head, and looked at the water without a glance, like a big bird, snatched away.

After he left, Li Fan's expression finally loosened, and blood came out of his mouth.

"He hurt you?"

Murong Ying immediately understood that she took a step forward and grabbed her hand on Li Fan's wrist.

In the vein of Li Fan's breath, an air of Shura was flowing.

"You ... fool ..."

Li Fan saw that Murong Ying's eyes turned red.

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