My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 138: How much are you

138 How much are you

"Give you."

After going out of the bathroom, Liu Yannan had wrapped his towel around him, covering his body so tightly that Li Fan could not see it at all.

Li Fan felt a bit shameful. Such a beautiful spring light was too hastily just now and didn't look carefully. By the way, when Liu Yannan first entered the bathroom, what did he seem to do ... I really want to go back in time and let him take a good look ...


Li Fan was feeling, but Liu Yannan silently handed a pair of scissors and placed it in front of Li Fan.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this pair of scissors, Li Fan couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Is this going to break with me? Will you not pay for the task?"

"of course not."

"I can rest assured that."

Li Fan was relieved.

"I let you poke your eyes."

Liu Yannan's voice was unemotional, "You can rest assured that I will give you a large pension."

"Retire your sister! Ghosts need to poke their eyes!"

Li Fan was furious at that time, "How did you save you, my little master? If there is no young master, there will be an additional bare-legged female corpse here tomorrow!"

"go away!"

Liu Yanan was terribly upset in his heart, and he was seen by Li Fan like that ... twice today ... two times that can make people feel shameful, he was shown to ... not to poke his eyes, how to live his face Go on!

"Moreover, didn't you just see you taking a bath? At that time, there were still bubbles in the water, but only the upper body?"

"Then don't you still see my chest?"

Li Fan pouted, "Don't make fun of me, where's your chest?"

"Li Fan ... I, I must kill you ..."

Liu Yannan almost collapsed, it's all this time, Li Fan is still sarcastic!

"Even if I lose my fortune, I will kill you!"

"Okay, how can I say that I saw it to save you?"

Li Fan explained well, "I may have seen your body accidentally, and I didn't mean it on purpose, can't you forgive me?"

"You ... didn't see anything else?"

"What else?"

Seeing Liu Yannan's expression was strange, Li Fan didn't quite understand what she meant.

"Really ... didn't you see it?"

"Hey, what do you mean, I was busy fighting with that ninja?"

Li Fan was speechless. "How can I watch you carefully? Or you can take it off now and let me look at it again?"

"Just go and die!"

Liu Yannan was so angry and arguing with this guy that he really couldn't take advantage of it!

"Since you don't see anything ... then forget it ..."

Liu Yanan murmured in his heart that the safety of these few days had to be given to this guy, and his eyes were blinded, which was really not good for himself.

"That's it! You obviously have nothing to show me!"

"You are going to die!"

"How about you to kill me!"

Li Fan's arrogant look made Liu Yannan want to kill.

"You **** ... if I could martial art, I must have dug your tongue first!"

"Viper woman, you are so vicious, how can any man dare to marry you?"

"Hum, use it!"

Liu Yingnan said with his arms in his arms, "Was a man who wants to marry Miss Ben, all Huaxia line up to the island country?"

"Are they all serious masochists with a strong taste?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"go away!"

Liu Yanan stared at Li Fan fiercely, "Just talk to you!"

"Then ask you to be serious, who do you think the ninja today will be sent from? I think he knows the situation here and is very professional."

"I have two ideas now."

Liu Yannan held up two fingers, "One, this ninja was sent by our opponent, a well-planned assassination for a long time. And it was a series of assassinations. My life. If that's the case, Miss Ben is not afraid of them! My Red Dragon Gang has stood in city A for so long, why have I been afraid of some little devils from the island nations! "

"What about the second?"

"Second, things are going to be interesting."

Liu Yanan's face sank. "If it wasn't the enemy, it was the assassin sent by the old man Yamada! He did have some powerful ninjas under him, and he wanted to kill me."

"Aren't you two partners? Why did he kill you?"

Li Fan was a little strange, and felt things were getting more and more chaotic. At this time, it would be nice if you had a small four-eye next to you. With him, these things are not difficult to guess at all!

"It's hard to guess. There will never be absolute enemies and absolute friends in this world."

Liu Yingnan said, reaching out and picking up two apples on the table, one big and one small.

"For them, I am this apple."

Liu Yanan put the small apple in there, and then said, "They used to need this apple so much that they kept trying to maintain me. But now they may have a bigger apple, so I have become an abandoned word."

"A bigger apple?"

"There is more than just a multinational group in China."

Liu Yanan laughed at Li Fan's IQ, "Why don't you even understand these?"

"I understand."

Li Fan suddenly realized, "You mean, Yamada already has another partner, and the conditions are better than you."

"It's not necessarily that their conditions are better. It can only be said that they gave Yamada something we couldn't give."

Liu Yanan sneered, "Anyway, I'm afraid this time it will become a grand banquet. Anyway, the soldiers will come to block, the water will cover, Miss Ben is waiting for them!"

"What are you doing so hard? Isn't it us who protects you?"

Li Fan rolled his eyes.

"Che, that's what you hired by Miss Ben!"

Liu Yannan said directly, "Don't forget, if I die, you will have to pay twice as much!"

"By ... it always feels like a second contract!"

Li Fan complained.

"You come less. Before you set off, Su Chen must have told you the danger of the mission! But you still agreed, right?"


Li Fan was speechless. He glanced at Liu Yannan and turned to walk outside.

"What are you doing?"

"Unhappy, I'll ventilate."

Li Fan went outside the room and saw Qi Zeping standing at the door with an iron tower.

"Are you envious of me and can stay in the room?"

Li Fan decided to find some sense of superiority from Qi Zeping!


Qi Zeping shook his head resolutely.

"Ji ... I ask you, how much do you pay for this mission?"

"We are billed by the hour."

Qi Zeping kept showing the same iceberg expression, suddenly showing a smile.

"How much is an hour?"

"Ten thousand."


"US dollars."


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