My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 139: sleep together

139 Sleeping Together

Although it is the price of a team, Li Fan is really upset that he can earn his own hard money for two days and one hour in one hour!

He was pitted by Su Chen's old fox!

He angrily went to Liu Yanan to settle accounts, but Liu Yanan answered him with a smile.

"My dear, you have already signed the contract, and regret is useless."

Get on the thief ship!

No wonder Su Chen can't wait to sign a contract for himself. It turns out he's doing this!

pit! Peerless pit!

"None of you are good people!"

Li Fan scolded angrily, "I believe you again, I'm a puppy!"

"Are you sure? Never believe me?"

Liu Yannan looked at Li Fan provocatively.

"If you don't believe it, you won't believe it!"

"Don't believe anything?"

"Yes, never be fooled!"

"Well, Li Fan, you believe me, you are definitely not Yang- 阳."

Li Fan was speechless, which made him unable to refute.

"Puppy, howl?"

Liu Yannan hugged Li Fan's chin in one hand and said with a smile.

"I'm yw, what's the matter!"

Li Fan acknowledged that he was just me, who was afraid of anyone!

"You are better than ..."

Liu Yanan first confided, "Come out, Miss Ben is going to sleep!"

"Why go out?"

Li Fan found an opportunity to fight back.

"I want to sleep, of course you have to go out!"

"I'm really sorry, the content of my cheap mission is to protect you personally for 48 hours."

Li Fan took the task as an excuse.


Liu Yannan disagrees, "I am a girl, I have no power over chickens! What should you do if you want to treat me?

"You can rest assured, I'm not interested in women with flat chests."

"Go to death, you big pervert!

"Just rest assured, the airport can only stop the plane, but not the others."

Li Fan pointedly said, "You don't need to worry about this."

"Hum, you die!"

Liu Yannan said angrily, "In short, I'm not assured that you are in the room!"

"Viper woman, have you forgotten that there is a ninja staring at you in the dark! If I leave the room, will you be wiped by your neck at night?"

Suddenly Li Fan said with a bit of horror, "If you kill you, it's okay ... in case this ninja is a pervert, like to **** first and then kill, then **** and then kill ... you must be destroyed and innocent when you die, How terrible ... "

"You, don't scare Miss Ben. Miss Ben isn't frightened ..."

Liu Yannan said so, but she was a little scared.

Why is Li Fan talking so vividly ... Can't he talk well? What a skill to scare a woman! Humph!

"Only I can protect you."

Li Fan saw that Liu Yannan seemed to have a loose expression, and immediately hit the iron while he was hot, and continued, "Fortunately, I have no interest in you at all, and you can sleep peacefully."

"Miss Ben is so charming, wouldn't you be interested in me?"

Liu Yongnan immediately blew up the temple.

"I'm yw."


Liu Yanan is about to be strangled to death, this guy is so annoying!

"So, I'm by your side, you'll be fine."

Li Fan's look of righteousness made Liu Yannan feel like he had done something wrong.

"Then you ... you stand right by my door."

"How can I do that, I am also human, shall I sleep well?"

Li Fan's words left Liu Yannan very speechless.

"How do you protect me when you sleep? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm a martial artist, different from ordinary people."

Li Fan immediately said, "When I was sleeping, I turned on the radar! If there is any danger around me, I will find it immediately and rule it out!"

"Is this an excuse you want to sleep?"

"I lied to you, I don't believe you call Guan Wenbao now."

Li Fan took out his cell phone, "Ask if we are all like this."

"I don't ask!"

Liu Yanan was already a little sleepy. "I'm sleepy anyway ... if you want to sleep, go to the outside sofa."

She didn't bother shaking with Li Fan anymore, she needed a sleep.

"No, I have to protect you personally."

"Don't you want to sleep with me?"

Liu Yanan gave Li Fan a white look.

"What do you want to do to me! Beast!"

Li Fan immediately took his own arm and looked at Liu Yannan vigilantly, "I didn't expect that you are such a person, and it took me a lot of pains to help you!"

"You get out of here! You smell bad! Or how else do you want to sleep?"

"Of course it's my bed. You're under the bed."

Li Fan reached for the space under the bed.

"You, you dream!"

Liu Yannan almost exploded, this **** **** made her sleep under the bed!

"I'm doing this for you! Viper woman!"

Li Fan yelled for himself, shouting injustice there, "You know I'm lying in bed, those ninjas will definitely treat me as you, and then launch a terrible night attack on me! And you, you can lie in bed A good night's sleep! I am so kind to help you, even at the expense of your own life, but you in turn scold me! Wolf heart and dog lungs! "

"You're so terrified! You obviously want to sleep in my bed, and you said so righteously! It smells shameless!"

Liu Yanan wanted to talk to Li Fan, but Li Fan stretched out, "Don't make trouble, go to sleep."

The words fell, and he fell straight to the bed, and then fell asleep with his head down!


Liu Yingnan jumped, "This is Miss Ben's bed! Get out of here!"

She reached out her hands, trying to push Li Fan off the bed! But she found that Li Fan was like an iron statue, extremely heavy, so she pressed on the bed like that, without moving! She simply kicked Li Fan's body, but she hurt her toes!

This guy, is the body made of iron?


Liu Yannan pulled out a Taidao from the bed and aimed at Li Fan. But she hesitated, and the knife stayed beside Li Fan's ear.

"Hate ..."

Liu Yannan said in his heart that he was not willing to chop it! But this guy owed himself 50w, just killed him like that, it was too cheap for him!

Save him a dog for his own use, hum!

Liu Yanan is really too sleepy. Today, after a busy day, he was too tired to be shocked. She didn't have the energy to quarrel with Li Fan anymore, and she also lay down in bed and fell asleep.

Li Fan was lying beside him, and Liu Yannan had a sense of peace for the first time. This made her very comfortable and couldn't help but stick it to Li Fan.

In the dimness, Liu Yanan seemed to have a dream. She dreamed that her mother was beside her, and she seemed to be back in her childhood, leaning against her mother's arms.

If, just lean on like this, how good ...


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