My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 140: Aren't you afraid

140 Aren't you afraid?

I do n’t know if Li Fan scared the ninja back before. No one came to assassinate them tonight. The two fell asleep. The next day, Li Fan woke up early, but Liu Yingnan was still sleeping.

He did not dare to leave too far, and stood on the balcony of the bedroom. This balcony is more like a small dojo. Below the wooden steps is a huge lawn, which is clean and very spacious.

There aren't even any footprints on the lawn, it seems to be well maintained.

"The air is so good ... the sky is pretty blue."

Looking up at a clear sky, Li Fan couldn't help feeling a little emotional. In the end, the rich live in a place almost like heaven.

Li Fan remembered the sky of Wudutu in a city, and his heart was a little unwilling.

It's not easy to live a lifetime. In just a few decades, it was either bland or vigorous. I encountered Murong Ying by chance and stepped into the world of martial arts. From then on, he will completely change himself! Either sensation or death!

Li Fan has chosen this unusual path, and he will go to the end!

He stood on the balcony, took a deep breath, and started punching.

You can't leave your hands, you can't keep your mouth open, and the trainees have to work hard every day. Once you put it down, and you want to pick it up again, it's difficult. Although Li Fan no longer needs to strengthen his external skills, he only needs to strengthen his internal skills. But external work is also important and cannot be left behind.

A martial artist must be diligent! If you can't live without sunset, at least you should come out at sunset.

He entered the seven gestures of Qixiaquan, letting him experience the feelings of these seven animals in turn.

Bear, crane, tiger, deer, ape, toad, snake!

I don't know why, although Murong Ying told herself that his external skills had been promoted to the extreme. But I don't know why, Li Fan always felt that there was still a lot of room for improvement in his external skills. For example, your own bear cavalry is a stronger posture of bear attack! So the same reason, the other kinds of external skills should have a stronger posture!



Every time Li Fan took a photo of his palm, he would bring a loud sound, as if the air had been torn!

"Who is firing!"

Liu Kunan suddenly woke up, watching Li Fan standing on the balcony and punching, the dust around him was slightly undulating, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Asshole, in the morning, don't let Miss Ben sleep well!"

"The plan for the year lies in spring, and the plan for the day lies in the morning."

The old **** Li Fan is here, while continuing to punch, he said, "You viper woman, you are still young, don't spend all your great time on sleep."

"You know a fart!"

Liu Yanan looked at Li Fan like an idiot, "Do you know how important sleep is to a woman? I can have such a beautiful face, all by sleeping out!"

"Oh my God!"

Li Fan was very surprised. "Who slept out of bed?"

As soon as he reached out, he caught the pillow that hit him.

"Then don't you need to prepare? I see a lot of people are already entering the house in the distance."

From the balcony, you can see the door of the house. Many luxury cars are entering the house and are being led to find a place to park.

"what time is it?"

Liu Yanan suddenly hesitated and asked.

"In my judgment, it's about 8 o'clock in the morning."

Li Fan glanced up at the sun, because he often got up early, he made some rough judgments about the position of the sun at this time.

"You bastard! Why don't you wake me up earlier!"

Liu Yanan was even more angry, and quickly got up from the bed.

"Turn over and don't look at me!"


"Miss Ben hasn't put on makeup yet!"

Liu Yanan gave Li Fan a harsh white look.

"Look at it for a long time? Are you sick and need medicine?"

"You get me off! Miss Ben doesn't want to see you now!"

"You and my opinion are the same, you shed it, and I don't like to see you."

"Go to death!"

"If there is no task in hand, the ghost will look at you!"

Li Fan continued to say to himself, "I'd rather buy a big wolf dog, and I'm happy watching it every day."

"Go die! Die to Miss Ben!"

"At least **** can have two more rows **, you don't have any."

"Kill you!"

Liu Yanan's decibels were about to tear the air, Li Fan rubbed his ears, rolled over from the balcony, jumped to the top of the house, and rubbed his ears.

This femme fatale even pits her own money. No hard tuning-teach her a bit, she doesn't know the heights and heights!

Li Fan sat on the roof, condensing the qi on his eyes, making his vision clearer.

The distant scene seemed to be zoomed in before him. Li Fan looked at the VIPs who came to slap the old man in Shantian, and some of them had familiar faces on TV. Seems like some politicians and politicians in the island country, each dressed formally and flattered by grandma.

In the country where the money is the boss, the prime minister is nothing, obediently serving the capitalists.

Yamada, the capitalist of a rich country in this place, has no politician who would resist his support. Who can get help from Yamada's family?

They are not the target of Li Fan, he is looking for a guy similar to that ninja yesterday.

These guys hiding their heads, catch them next time, discount their legs and see where they hide!

Just then, Li Fan suddenly felt a little numb behind him! He immediately turned his head and saw a ninja dressed in black attacking from behind him, throwing three ninja darts in his hand!

Li Fan copied his hands and flexibly grasped the three ninja darts in his hands.

"Oh hello."

Li Fan smiled and said hello, but the ninja seemed to have no intention of fighting, turned his head and rushed into the bamboo forest next to him.

And Li Fan still sat there calmly, motionless, as if in the sun.

"Why don't you chase?"

Liu Yannan leaned out his head and asked Li Fan curiously.

"Am I stupid?"

Li Fan smiled, "This guy suddenly ran out and didn't attack you, but attacked me. After running, he ran, clearly trying to get away from the mountain."

He patted his calf, "Ghosts are going to be fooled by them, these little devils treat me stupid."

"You don't seem too stupid."

Liu Yannan nodded with satisfaction. "I've changed my clothes. Come down, let's go to celebrate the old devil's birthday."

Change clothes so soon?

Li Fan was a little surprised. He was even more puzzled that the woman was in a wolf den without any panic, but still looked like a spring breeze.

"Are not you afraid?"

"Why are you afraid, Miss Ben?"

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