Chapter 141: Assassin

What kind of birthday can a tyrant do?

Li Fan had seen the emperor's birthday on TV before, but today I feel that this is probably the case.

The entire mansion is now furnished like the Grand Palace, with maids and housekeepers everywhere, receiving guests in and out. The old man Yamada sat on an antique chair and was talking to several important VIPs.

At this time Liu Yannan walked over, and she was wearing some formal, black evening dress today. In order to support the evening dress, she deliberately padded two layers of chest pads. Li Fan wanted to laugh all the way, but could only bear it.

In addition to him, the five bodyguards of Qi Zeping's team followed her closely, for fear that this young lady is in danger! If you let them know that there was a big battle in the bathroom last night, I am afraid that all five will have to kneel down and cut their belly.

Well, these people live abroad all year round and accept Western culture. It is estimated that they are not the same as the island dwarf.

The five were very nervous, with a tense expression, staring at everyone who went in and out. Qiu Ao is a blaster and a computer expert. He scanned each guest around him through a pair of the latest smart glasses, and then told other people their information through the headset.

"Miss Liu, please sit here."

Yamada's personal secretary immediately invited Liu Kunan to sit on the seat, and the old Yamada next to him also said warmly.

"Niece, will you live here with me?"

The enthusiastic look of the old Yamada made Li Fan feel strange. However, he seemed to have something in it. Is this a good place to live?

"good, very good."

Liu Yannan was even more interesting to speak, "Your servants here are very enthusiastic and the service is in place, which makes me feel like I am in heaven."

"So good then good."

Yamada's eyes didn't know what was turning, Li Fan felt that the old man's mind was deep.

"Fun here with me, niece, I promise you you don't want to go home."

"Yes, Uncle Yamada."

Liu Yanan looked around, "The hospitality is so good here, I really don't know if I can go home."

Neither of them mentioned the killer. But in the line of words, in fact, no one has run away from this matter. Lip and tongue sword, Li Fan finally felt like this now.

This occasion is really not suitable for himself. If the younger four eyes, he will be very happy and enjoy.

It's so boring, I really want to discuss with Guan Wenbao. As for the ninja of the day, Li Fan had nothing to fight with him, which was really boring. That man's killing skills covered him without any martial arts at all.

Some Liu Baonan's bodyguards, except Li Fan, Dang Erlang, stood nearby, and from time to time he took out some food from the side of the cold plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

Qi Zeping was furious. Where did this guy come to be a bodyguard? Ya just came to eat and drink!

Li Fanzheng murmured, Liu Yanan clapped her hands, and Qi Zeping immediately pushed over and came over holding a box.

"Uncle Yamada, you have a long life today. There is nothing to give away. This is a night pearl of the South China Sea. It contains a lot of natural landscape drawings. It came by chance when my father went to sea. For so many years, he has been very It is cherished. Today, I gave the hero a sword and wished Uncle Yamada a blessing like East China Sea and a long life than Nanshan. "

"Lingzun likes, how can I let him cut love."

The old Yamada waved his hands again and again, but Liu Yannan insisted on giving.

"My father has told me that he will deliver it to you, and please smile."

"Since it is Mr. Liu's kindness, I will not quit."

The old man in Yamada made people take Nan Zhu down, but he smiled and took out a small box from the housekeeper next to it, and then took out a black jade dragon-shaped jade from it.

"Niece, I know you have some research on antiquities. Come see what it is."

"Chuan Guoyu Xi?"

Liu Yanan's expression was slightly surprised, "Why, in your hands, uncle?"

"I'm birthday today, someone gave me."

Yamada said with a smile, "This is a genuine product, which is different from those counterfeit. Unfortunately, it is only the Ming Dynasty's Chuanxi Jade Seal. If it was the Qin Dynasty, it would be a priceless treasure."

The Ming Dynasty is already priceless, okay?

Li Fan had an urge to shoot the old man in Yamada at that time, and then snatched his legendary jade seal and took it back to his country! But this is just an idea. After all, he is not a national treasure team. He can't even understand the authenticity of such things. If it is false, there is naturally no value to grab!

If it is true ... haha ​​...

"That man is a real master. It's true."

Liu Yanan took a closer look, but frowned, "Uncle Yamada, please give me a price."

"This thing is priceless and cannot be sold."

The old Yamada waved his hand. "And I'm not short of money. This thing is a bit of nostalgia. I am old, and sometimes I have an emperor dream."

"You are almost like the emperor in this house."

Liu Yanan said, "No more dreaming."

"Niece, you seem to be anxious."

The old Yamada smiled, "I and Yeung Joon are also old friends, don't you hurt your feelings for something like this, right?"

"That is of course, but this thing means a lot to me."

Liu Yannan tried to calm down his voice as much as possible. "The legend of the country is one of the treasures that our country took away when the Japanese invaded."

"It's all historical tunes."

The old man Yamada took the topic elsewhere, "Niece, are you married, I have a few young talents, and I want to introduce you to you."

"It's not necessary."

Liu Yanan was a little upset, and his face remained calm. "I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to retreat first."

Just after she finished speaking, Li Fan suddenly dragged her.


A plate on the table suddenly exploded, leaving bullet marks on the table!

"There are assassins!"

"Protect Mr. Yamada!"

The surrounding bodyguards exclaimed, and the old Yamada seemed a little flustered.

"Don't just protect me, protect Miss Liu!"

It was no longer necessary for him to order, and five bodyguards surrounded him, and Qi Zeping stared nervously around him.

"Judge the direction of the trajectory, they are east."

The speaker is Long Yu, a sniper in this team. He had already determined the position of the sniper, and Qi Zeping and his body blocked the sniper's sight.

At the critical moment, they are meat shields!

This is the quality of their team!

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