Episode 142

As early as the first time, Li Fan already felt the position of the sniper!

I don't know if it's a pretense to say this, but Li Fan can indeed feel some murderous presence now.

What worries him most is that this is not just a murderous one, but a lot of shares! Sure enough, a lot of ninjas dressed in black suddenly jumped out from the roofs around them, all holding too many swords in their hands, all with the same goal, no one went to harass the old man in Shantian, all rushed towards Liu Yannan.

"You are already the focus of the audience, are you excited?"

Li Fan looked at these ninjas who jumped in all directions and asked Liu Yanan with a smile. At this time, the surrounding guests were already screaming and ran away. Li Fan saw an island politician who was usually very serious on TV. Now his running shoes were thrown away, and with a series of screams in his mouth, he was treated in bad manners Girly.

"Be careful!"

Qi Zeping stared at the ninjas around him, pulled out the swing stick in his arms, and stared at him all around.

Several other people also took out swing sticks. After all, they are abroad and want to get professional firearms, that is impossible. Especially in the island countries, where this kind of life is not familiar, even five people are the most famous big bodyguards in the world.

Five people gathered around for fear that the young lady Liu Yannan would be slightly hurt. Li Fan jumped a few times and seemed to be moving his body.

"Ape Strike."

Li Fan's body has entered a realm of ape strikes. Every time he enters this realm, he always feels that the flow of the world has become slower. Although the opponent's moves will also slow down in the usual competition, the ape will be slower when attacked!

Probably the reason why Ape Strike is to play fast!

In a flash of effort, hundreds of black ninja darts flew in all directions, with a whispering sound of whistle, and went to Liu Yannan in front of him.

The people in Qi Zeping's team are very nervous, and they also saw this for the first time!

In this way, how to be a bodyguard, what a ninja is!

At least they should be equipped with a pistol to play their role as a team!

But where they couldn't resolve, there was Li Fan.

Li Fan stood there, with his hands outstretched continuously, holding the ninja thrown from the air again and again in his hands. At the same time, he threw those ninja darts out and hit other ninja darts!

At this time, Li Fan was like a humanoid fortress, defending Liu Yannan's safety.

With so many ninja darts, none of them can break through Li Fan's defense. I have to say that Qi Zeping was surprised and looked at Li Fan in shock, but he did not expect that he had such ability!

It seems that there was a reason to invite him this time! On this occasion, they have no way to help, but Li Fan, a seemingly unprofessional person, saved them again!

This shocked Qi Zeping while they were a little ashamed!

They hold so much money, but now they can only accept the protection of others with the young lady! Self-esteem is unbearable!

But Li Fan couldn't think of so much, he was dedicated to dealing with those ninja darts flying in all directions. There are too many enemies around, and there are not a few ninja darts, as dense as rain!

More ninja darts collided in the air and came out of golden Mars.

Those ninjas also seem to find that they cannot kill targets with ninja darts. Many ninjas stood on the roof next to them, pulled out the bows and arrows in their hands, and shot towards Liu Yannan!

The power of the bow and arrow is stronger than the ninja dart. I don't know how many times!

The arrows in all directions are extremely fast, as if Liu Yanan will be shot into a hedgehog at any time!


Li Fan gave a cold hum and stretched out his hands, grabbed two sticks from Qi Zeping and Qiu Ao, held them in his hands, kept waving, and repeatedly hit the arrows in front of him!

Li Fan's defense is like a city wall, relying on him alone to completely resist this attack from all sides!

Qi Zeping had grown their mouths and couldn't believe their eyes. Is this still human? Can one person block so many arrows? This is not possible, where would anyone have such a strong athletic ability!

What a terrible nervous system it is to have such superb responsiveness!

And a ninja sneaked into their side, and the knife in his hand stabbed at Liu Yannan.

Li Fan raised his foot, struck the ninja and kicked him out.

More ninjas approached Liu Yannan, but the young lady was in danger.

"With Li Fan, you don't want to be near me!"

"Well, I don't have that confidence myself!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, "But since I'm here, the little devil can't hurt you! You've lost a sweat, I'll raise my head to see you!"

Talking, Li Fan didn't defend the counterattack. He looked at the ninja on the roof around him, and replaced it with a one-handed stick to block the flying arrows, while the other hand stretched out, holding the shape of a pistol, facing A ninja pointed in the distance.

Really as a bullet, hit the ninja! The ninja groaned and was shot to the ground, smashing his head and bleeding!

Li Fan has never killed anyone, but he is really not polite to these little devils.

With his hand as a gun, Li Fan fired one after another, and the bullet shot the ninja on the roof over and over again.

Li Fan consumed about one-tenth of his energy, and finally killed all the ninjas in the room! Li Fan feels that he should also practice marksmanship, sometimes two or three shots can hit a ninja!

"What hidden weapon are you?"

In fact, Liu Yannan wanted to ask yesterday. Last time Li Fan also pointed with a finger, he shot the ninja to assassinate him!

"My fancy handgun!"

Li Fan casually gave a name, and Liu Yanan was angry and rolled his eyes.

Fancy **** your sister!

And Qi Zeping and they are also very speechless. Although some do not understand why Li Fan can hit the so-called bullets with his fingers, the effect is still obvious! All the ninjas on the roof have been killed!

With these ninjas around, every time Li Fan punches his feet, he can quickly knock them off!

"These little devils are far worse than the ninja yesterday."

Li Fan, while laying down the close-up ninja with ease, said with a smile, "It's just like torturing dishes. Didn't the island country come out to play with me?"

As soon as his voice fell, the ninjas around him suddenly stepped back, and Li Fan raised his head, holding his stick to the top of his head!


The stick held a knife, and Li Fan's arm sank slightly.

In front of him was a ninja in white clothes, a pair of small eyes protruding from the gap, staring at Li Fan sternly.


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