My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1380: Heroic Order

1380 令 Heroic Order

In order to practice this set of swordsmanship, Murong Ying and Li Fan both entered the cave.

However, despite entering the cave, the clothes on both men were still there. The two sat on the bed with big eyes and small eyes, all kinds of embarrassment.

Murong Ying was sitting in front of Li Fan. The peerless appearance gave Li Fan a sense of simianness, and she couldn't help herself. In this world, women who are more beautiful than Murong Ying are rare. Such beautiful women have made it difficult for Li Fan to have evil thoughts. Especially in the past, Li Fan was with him almost day and night. Sometimes, Li Fan even felt that the relationship between him and Murong Ying seemed to be greater than love.

Murong Ying is also a teacher and friend to Li Fan. When I first met her, I just thought she was an unattainable goddess. Later, after a long time, she could sit with her on an equal footing, but the distance between the two was widened.

At this point, Murong Ying was so close to herself, Li Fan could even smell the fragrance of Murong Ying just washed her hair. The smell on this woman's body is also very good, and it is similar to that of Murong Ai, but it has a cooler feeling. Although Li Fan was already an old driver in this regard, when he saw Murong Ying, he turned a little shy.

"That one……"

Li Fan chatted for a long time and uttered a sentence.


"You, would you be responsible?"


Murong Ying was also amused by Li Fan's remarks, and she was responsible for it, upside down, this little **** ...

"We are husband and wife ... and this time, we are also practicing" Dragon and Phoenix Yin Yang Sword "."

Murong Ying said frankly, "I also think about it, since we two can't be together in the future, I might as well conceive your child. I think of the child's name, Murong is invincible."


Li Fan couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Don't make the East undefeated!"

"Not good, not auspicious."

"Why Murong is invincible. It would be awful for a girl to call this name!"

"Hopefully having a boy, a girl ... too bitter."

"Why is the girl suffering? My daughter must have been the same as the little princess."

"If you are a girl, you have to bear the mission of such a large family, and it is easy to be deceived by a boy like you."

"This is what He said, like me, who talked about the beauty of the five, and the kind and kind guy, now he can't find it with a lantern!"

"Slip on the oil chamber!"

Murong Ying covered her mouth and chuckled, and the smile made Li Fan's heart bloom a little ... this woman, the charm is so terrible.

"Also, why the last name is Murong! The last name is Li Cai!"

"My child, I have the final say."

"My seed."

"Go to hell……"

Murong Yingqi gave Li Fan a glance.

"Just surname Li! It must not be changed, this is a matter of principle!"

"Then I'll sleep alone, bye."

"Oh, it's actually modern society. How can it be so feudal!"

Li Fan laughed, "It doesn't matter what the last name is, the child is cute! Madam, look, it's late at night, why don't we take a break early?"


Murong Ying snorted, turned her head, but blushed to the root of her neck. Even a generation of martial arts leaders, at this time, will inevitably be a little shy.

"Good lady, let me undress for you ..."

Li Fan reached out and put it gently on Murong Ying's back, pulling the zipper of the cheongsam. As long as you pull down like this, Murong Sakura's most beautiful side will be shown to you! When thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help swallowing.

Murong Ying's body trembled slightly, and she didn't seem to stop Li Fan. There wasn't much time left between the two of them, so they handed themselves over to him ... it is also considered to be a complete stop for the fate between the two of them. In this way, you will not feel that you owe him anything.

Just as Li Fan was about to start, there was a sound of gongs and drums outside.

"what happened?"

Murong Ying glanced out the window.

"Leave them alone, someone will handle them."

The gongs and drums were louder.

"Come and see."

Murong Ying seemed a little worried, urging.

"Damn, I'm going to chop people!"

Li Fan was so angry that these guys were making a fool of himself!

He murdered aggressively, and lumped outside.

"what happened?"

Li Fan asked loudly.

"Zhuangzhuang, it's not good. The people who rely on Jiantang fight with the people who help Ze Xiao."

A disciple hurried to report to Li Fan.

"A fight?"

Li Fan has a headache. After all, these two groups of people still couldn't hold their temper. But when can't you play well, it's just in the night of your cave!

"Just hit, what do you do?"

Li Fan stared and asked.

"Ah, the doormen in Zhuangzi drummed for them!"

"These two goods ..."

Li Fan also served, and the fight was not right, he gave back drums! It seems that the ban on martial arts has just been lifted.

"Zhuang, look ..."

"Forget it, I'll see."

After all, it's Zhuangzi's business, Li Fan still plans to check it out.

The embargo was lifted, and it is reasonable to say that Zema Xiaoxifeng and Yi Jiantang should leave Zhuangzi. Why didn't both of them leave and they fought.

Li Fan came all the way to the front yard. Sure enough, the people who relied on the sword to gather their horses gathered together, each staring at each other, hostile to each other, waiting for a shirtless look. And those doormen in Zhuangzi who haven't left yet are watching the excitement and gongs and drums. Li Fan is quite speechless, there are people who love to make fun everywhere, a group of guys who don't look too big to see the fun!

"Long fat man, you must give an account of this today!"

Jin Jiumao hummed angrily at the opposite Dragon Fangyu. The little girl seemed very angry and gritted her teeth.

"This is a misunderstanding. There is nothing to explain."

Ling Yue stood beside Long Fangyu, who didn't say a word, but this little girl maintained her own leader.

"You lean on the sword, don't bully people too much!"

"Hit down!"

Tsukumo tightened his fist. Luo Xuewu stood behind, with a cold face, wondering what he was thinking.

"Dragon Alliance Lord, after so much, I think everyone should still be friends and should be opposed to the enemy."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Ye Yulou, he was pushed to the front and arched his hands in the silent Fangyu language. "The heroic order is our confession, please return it."

"Ming people don't do secret things."

Long Fangyu seemed to see Li Fan. He took a deep breath and said slowly, "Yes, this heroic order is indeed mine."

Li Fan was a little puzzled. What is the heroic order? For this thing, you group of **** can interrupt my cave candle?

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