1381 Detach

"Noisy to you."

Seeing Li Fan standing next to him, Luo Xuewu seemed a little embarrassed, bowed his head, and apologized to Li Fan, "I'm sorry ..."

"You're welcome, I didn't sleep anyway."

Looking at the frosty beauty of Luo Xuewu, Li Fan's anger was gone. At this point she whispered and talked to herself, Li Fan was even more blameless, and had to grit her teeth and swallow blood and tears into her stomach.

"What's wrong with you, how can you be so noisy?"

"Longfang took our heroic order."

Speaking of this, Luo Xuewu was a little annoyed, "We are coming with him."

"What is a heroic order?"

"That was the token of Liu Jinchan, the leader of the world alliance. With this order, the world alliance can be ordered."

"Luo Xuewu said that after the fall of the Lord of the League of Legends, this heroic order has been kept here by our sword and the breeze. Now that the embargo has been lifted, Long Fangyu wants to use this heroic order to re-call those masters who retreat from the Alliance. , Restore the strong wind of Ze Ma Xiao. "

"The dragon fat man is ambitious."

Li Fan smiled, "I knew, I can't stand him in this small place."

"Everyone knows that Wulin has just passed a catastrophe."

Long Fangyu spoke up, and the noises around him also quieted down, and they seemed to want to hear what the fat man was going to say. Long Fangyu stood there, arching his hand to Li Fan first.

"Thanks to Li Zhuang's asylum, we have survived. But this catastrophe came fiercely after all, and our four major alliances have almost disappeared. Think about how brilliant our world alliance was when the former Liu Alliance leader was in the past. .Look at the present, Long ca n’t help but sigh, I ’m consciously sorry to the ancestors. Therefore, I made this strategy and got a heroic order. Long does not want to be glorious, but only hopes to reorganize the world alliance and reappear the past glory . "

"The words of the Dragon League are extremely true."

Ye Yulou was not humble or humble, and said with a smile, "We should congratulate you on forming the World Alliance. But, shouldn't we take our heroic order?"

"Brothers who rely on swords, you have already left the Four Leagues and voluntarily joined the Seven Knights Villa and become a hall of the Villa. Then, this heroic order will remain useless in Guitang."

"Who said we were useless?"

"Are you all trying to get out of the villa?"

Long Fangyu glanced at Li Fan intentionally or unintentionally. "Friends of Yijiantang, the villa can take you not bad. Now the villa is out of shape, you won't want to leave the owner of Li Zhuang, get out?

Rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes, and Zema is Zema. This way of exploring the news is first-rate. Li Fan's Seven Chivalry Villa, which lost the government's backstage, is almost a thin mountain. In addition to moving to Lijia Island, far away from the Central Plains martial arts, to these martial arts enthusiasts who want to compete in the Central Plains martial arts, naturally no longer have thick legs.

"Whether I relied on the sword to leave Qixia Mountain Villa, that was also my business and that of Li Zhuang."

Luo Xuewu said lightly, "I can't worry about the Dragon League Master yet?"

"No worries."

Long Fangyu sighed, "If I listened to Long's persuasion in the past, the four major alliances would be merged into one.

"The four major leagues are nothing but second-rate in Wulin."

Luo Xuewu was frank. "Even if they are united together, what can they do? Think of Wudang, Shaolin, and the thousand-year-old giant, haven't they all fallen into this catastrophe?"

"It is for this reason that we must unite so that tragedy does not repeat itself!"

Long Fangyu was uncharacteristically, insisting on his own saying, "Only strong forces can stand in this world!"


Luo Xuewu refuted, but Long Fangyu smiled, and his eyes fell on Li Fan.

"I think, of these people, others don't understand, but Li Zhuangzhu, you must agree with me."

Everyone immediately looked at Li Fan. In the past, these visitors saw Li Fan's eyes full of awe and worship. But today, there is a little alienation. Without the embargo, they naturally do not have to rely on Li Fan to survive. In particular, Li Fan had offended the government and had to obediently go overseas. How could he be qualified to get involved in the original martial arts again.

The calamity flew separately, how could they care about Li Fan's life and death now. Although the Long Fangyu was a bit excessive, it also expressed everyone's voice. The lifting of the ban on martial arts is also the time to re-race the martial arts! The strongest is respected, this is the rule of Wulin!

"That's right."

Li Fan also nodded, and seemed to really agree with Long Fangyu's statement.

But what's wrong with this statement? Because of this power, Li Fan protected the last breath of the rivers and lakes with Qixia Villa. If his strength is mediocre, how can General Ran support him and become a hero.

Hearing Li Fan's approval, Long Fangyu's eyes were a little overwhelming. However, Jin Jiumao was a bit unhappy. How could Li Fan talk to the fat man? Is it because he wants to draw up a relationship with Cema?

"However, one yard is one yard. The strong are good, but you should not take the robbers from others. Dragon Alliance Lord, you are my guest, and Alliance Alliance is my brother. I respect you, but I cannot see Watching you grab my brother's stuff. "

Li Fan took a sip of a brother and shouted a little annoyed!

This guy is so annoying!

"So, is Li Zhuangzhu trying to help Yijian?"

Long Fangyu laughed. "I heard that Li Zhuang was a defender of Yijian. Although he has left Yijian, he is still willing to protect them. I really admire Long. To be honest, your intention depends on whether or not you appreciate it. As far as I know, leaning on the sword has already planned to leave your court and return to their snow-capped mountains. "

"Is it?"

Li Fan glanced at Xuexue Wu, who turned his head slightly, afraid to look directly into Li Fan's eyes.

Long Fangyu laughed secretly, this time must drag Yi Jian into the water. Although Li Fan lost power, his personal strength was there! Holy master, who dares to snoop?

But I heard that Liu Mengzhu left a secret room that year, as long as there was a heroic order, he could open the secret room. Ordered the retreat masters of the World Alliance, not to mention, but also get some gifts from Liu Mengzhu! At that time, Zema Xiao's westerly wind will be really strong, no longer need to be attached to the wings of others, and whispered!

"Lord Zhuang, you have helped me for a while. Naturally, Long has to repay her. Although she has some friendship with the Confederate Lord, she has done something wrong this time. Long ... I really don't like it . "

For a time, falling snow dance, Ye Yulou, they were a little restless. In this way, will not offend Li Fan? The **** of Dragon Fangyu even unveiled their plan in advance, it's **** it! Li Fan ... what will he do?

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