My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1387: From the concubine to the school sister

1387 Up to Noble Concubine Down to School Sister

"That being the case, let me help you get one."

Li Fan solemnly said, "I think I have a deep and profound Chinese culture, and I have a good literary history. The name you have, naturally, must be classical and connotative."

"Yes, yes, the boss is right, it must be classical and connotative! Everything!"

William spoke bluntly in Chinese.

"You have been defending the family silently for so long. I think it would be better for you to surname Wei. And Wei, He Wei, are still right."

"The surname is good, guard, guard, it seems my last name is very important! There is responsibility!"

William nodded again and again, and seemed satisfied with the last name.

Although Murong Ying didn't turn her head to look, she also raised her ears, as if attracted by the dialogue between Li Fan and William.

"And you started with the lowest-level mixed-blood viscount, and now you have become the patriarch of the entire Parker family, serving as the duke. This is called Huabu Xia Sheng in our Huaxia! So, take the second word in your name. L 'word! "

"Oh, good! The word is beautiful, auspicious!"

William clapped his hands.

"Well, your Parker family is a family that controls big capital. For you, making money is the most important thing, right? In Huaxia, the word gold is used to describe money. As the saying goes, there is more gold , Gold in the book! As the Patriarch's patriarch, this gold is really suitable for you. Therefore, the last word in this name should be gold. "

"It's great. It's the boss. It's really learned! Then my name is ..."

"Well, Wei Shengjin."

"That's good, it's good! I'll be Wei Shengjin in the future!"


Murong Ying beside her finally couldn't help laughing. But she quickly turned her head and suppressed the laughter.

"Boss, why is Miss Murong laughing?"

"She gave you such a nice name and was really happy."

Li Fan answered with a smile.

"That's the case, Miss Murong is really a good person. Thank you, Miss Murong for your concern."

William was thinking hard. "But, boss, what's the meaning of this name?"

"Your understanding of Chinese culture is too shallow and only superficial."

Li Fan criticized William, "When you learn more, you will slowly understand the connotation."

"Okay, I must learn more!"

William nodded his head.

"Well, that's ridiculous."

Li Fan looked at Alcatraz Island in the distance. "As soon as I arrive on the island, try to be closer to me."

"Okay, I must stay behind the boss's ass!"

William hurriedly promised to keep him away, and he didn't dare.

"Ready to land!"

Abel was watching the time, and the noon sun was dazzling. An aircraft carrier kept quietly beside it, and there were several frigates sent from various countries. Li Fan and Murong Ying followed Parker and boarded a frigate. And Abel was on the ship. When he saw Li Fan coming, he immediately stepped forward and paid him a military salute.

"Lord Colonel, I'm the commander this time, Abel Bordeaux."

"Hi Commander Abel."

Li Fan said hello. Although the above requires cooperation with the joint parliament, it does not say to what extent. Just give me some face, Li Fan doesn't want to have too much contact with them. Especially watching the frigates around, accompanied by an aircraft carrier, aggressively headed towards Alcatraz Island.

With such a big fanfare, which country cannot go to war?

If these could threaten the guys on Alcatraz, what else would they do?

One aircraft carrier, nine frigates, went straight towards Alcatraz Island.

"After a while on the island, I hope you two can obey orders."

Abel said to Li Fan.

"Everyone knows that you Chinese don't follow the rules very well, but in my team, I don't follow the rules, I'm welcome."

Abel first came down, and Li Fan didn't wait to speak, Murong Ying spoke first.

"Why, it's up to us?"

Murong Ying stared at Abel coldly, "Come, you order me to listen?"

How proud was Murong Ying to let this man ride on his head.

"Too presumptuous!"

Elizabeth retorted, and as she reached out her hand, a red flame was burning in her palm.

"I am the Vulcan heir to Team A! Who dares not to obey Abel's management is simply unable to live with our gods at dusk!"

Talking, the flames in Elizabeth's hands rose over a meter high, like a stove!

The soldiers around felt the heat, and stepped back subconsciously to avoid the heat.

Elizabeth is a little proud of herself. Even her steel can burn with this flame, not to mention these two Chinese people who don't understand the rules! When they see their power, they should know that they are afraid!


Murong Ying snorted coldly, and her hand rested lightly on the hilt.

But at this moment, the alarm bell on the boat suddenly became a masterpiece! The crowd looked up and found nine figures coming out of the air, each picking a boat and landing on it.

Those who fell on Li Fan's ship were very familiar with it. It was the beautiful woman in white who arrived at her villa yesterday.

"Little handsome guy, it's a coincidence that we will meet again."

The beauty threw a wink at Li Fan, and Murong Ying then sent her a look of contempt.

"Ahem, don't get me wrong, neither of us has anything."

Li Fan explained it.

"Well, you didn't get a chance. Otherwise, this beautiful girl can't escape your magic claws."

"This is what I said, how serious I am!"

"Really? Will serious people even accept Zhou Guifei?"

Murong Ying pointed out something, "From Zhou Guifei to elementary school sister, you haven't missed any of them."

"Oh, what, you girl, what do you want to grab?"

Li Fan shouted at the beautiful woman in white.

"Where is what I want to grab? Obviously you guys came to my house to make trouble."

The beautiful woman in white said with a smile, "So many people can't be entertained."

"Report Commander, these nine women look exactly the same!"

At this time, the soldier next to him reported, "And ... powerful energy was detected from them!"


Abel seemed surprised, and he immediately questioned the girl.

"Come on, who are you!"

"Hee hee, so handsome guy, if people don't want to say it?"

The voice of the beautiful woman in white had just fallen, and hundreds of soldiers all raised their carbines and aimed at the beautiful woman in white.

"Don't want to say it, just die."

On Alcatraz Island, Abel was ruthlessly ruthless. Except for the people on board, the rest are enemies.

"Brothers, you are so fierce, people are afraid."

The beautiful woman in white said, suddenly appeared next to Li Fan, exhaling in his ears like Lan, "Little handsome, can you protect me?

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