My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1388: The real strength of white women

1388 The real strength of white beauty

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Fan. At that moment, Li Fan saw suspicion, saw panic, saw hatred, and even ... even saw a hint of envy?


Li Fan did not hesitate. He raised his hand and pushed the beautiful woman in white directly to a distance of more than five meters.

The beauty fluttered to the ground, tilted her head and looked at Li Fan.

"Little handsome guy, why don't you show pity to Xiangxiyu? Could you like men to fail?"

"I'm not interested in women of unknown origin."

Li Fan added a sentence in his heart, especially when my wife was there.

"That's a pity. People still want to spring with you for a while."

The beautiful woman in white sighed softly.

"shut up!"

Abel scolded angrily, "Whoever lets you flirt here, don't confess, just die!"

All bullets load and fire at any time.

"It's fierce, but it doesn't matter."

The beauty in white suddenly jumped up, fell on top of the flagpole next to her, and looked at the people below.

"Because you can't kill me, but they will kill you!"

"So loud, who are you?"

Elizabeth couldn't bear it. She held the flame in her hand and asked with pleasurable voice.

"You come to my house, but you don't know who I am?"

The beauty in white voice said a little more jokingly, "Go ahead and ask the king."

Talking, the hair behind the beautiful woman in white fluttered, and a powerful energy burst into her body.

"Kill her!"

Abel saw her danger, and without hesitation, immediately ordered the woman to be shot.

The surrounding soldiers fired, and the bullets were raining. But the beautiful woman in white laughed, her hair turned into ten sharp blades, and she kept waving around her. Tinkering, blasting Mars in the air. So dazzling, yet so dangerous. The bullet was hit back, and the bullet returned to the soldiers.

The beautiful women in white are powerful and are not afraid of bullets, but those soldiers are all physical, and they can't stand it.

A wheel bounced past, and there were no more than twenty soldiers lying around.

"Stop it!"

Abel is distressed. This is all a fighter contributed by the US imperial! Ordinary soldiers must not be able to deal with her, you must let the masters go!

"Elizabeth, solve her!"


Elizabeth opened her palms and hit a ball of fire at the beautiful woman in white. This crimson fireball resembles a cannonball, and hit the beautiful woman in white in an instant.

The beauty in white fluttered her hair like a sharp blade, and cut the fireball into several petals in an instant. But there was a smile on the corner of Elizabeth's mouth, her fingers waved, and the cut flames swam up, as if the bones of a cheekbones, and fell on the hair of the white woman.

"Is my flame so good?"

The beautiful woman in white didn't care, and let her hair burn with flames. Even the entire body was engulfed in flames and burned. But this thick burning flame was worn on the beautiful woman in white like clothes. Elizabeth froze and couldn't believe her eyes.

My flame has actually failed? Who is this person who is not afraid of burning?

"You flame, still lack the ignition."

The beautiful woman in white said with a smile, "It's not enough to fry eggs like this."

"Impossible! What demon method did you use?"


The beautiful woman in white said, her hair fluttered again, turned into ten sharp blades, wrapped in flames, and channeled around.

Her hair was like a sickle of death, passing by all the soldiers around her, harvesting their lives.


Ten sharp blades pierced directly into the frigate's deck, making the frigate a pair!


The frigate trembled, the waterline rose quickly, and the whole ship slowly sank into the sea.

"Well, this woman is so scary!"

William was so scared that the blood race's face was white, now it's almost transparent!

"William, send everyone to the aircraft carrier."

Li Fan glanced at and found that the aircraft carrier was still around, and the remaining nine frigates were all scrapped.

"it is good."

William did not dare to hesitate, and immediately flung the chain around the others on the ship, leaping with them, and landed on the aircraft carrier.

"Mother, the **** of the aircraft carrier will be given to you."

Li Fan gave a second order.


Murong Ying also jumped up and landed on the aircraft carrier.

"Damn, how did this woman run away!"

Elizabeth was furious. "Coward, nothing ..."

Before she could finish speaking, a sword suddenly popped out and pointed at her throat. Elizabeth felt cold in her throat, with a sense of suffocation of death.

"One more thing, there is no amnesty to kill."

Li Fan was kind-hearted just now, but at this moment was murderous. Elizabeth froze for a long time, and a wave of fear came in her heart, and she swallowed the rest of her words.

"Well, little handsome guy, he really likes to destroy flowers."

The beautiful woman in white stood on the flagpole, looking at Li Fan, with a strong charm in her eyes, as if she wanted to melt Li Fan. Li Fan muttered in his heart, this girl really does not rely on paddles, but on the waves!

"Come down and talk."

Li Fan reached out and dragged at the beautiful woman in white.

The strong suction force fell on the beautiful woman in white, and the beautiful woman in white laughed.

"Is this the trick again? It's useless to others!"

"not necessarily."

Li Fan smiled, this time his internal force was fully mobilized, filling the palm of his hand, turning like a swirl!

The beautiful woman in white thought that she could resist Li Fan's skill again, but she never thought that Li Fan's strength was so powerful. She slipped under her feet and fell down to Li Fan.

"Little handsome, here they are!"

The beautiful lady in white quickly smiled again and again, her hair turned into a sharp blade again, followed by Li Fan's strength, fell from the sky, and the sharp blade stabbed at Li Fan in the past!

She was already very powerful. Now with the help of Li Fan, the whole person turned into a sword, and instantly stabbed Li Fan.

Li Fan, however, stepped back slightly, and at the same time raised it with a single palm, with a blast of frost.

Xuanlong Ice Palm · Xuanlong Tuzhu · Ten Success!

A burst of energy hit the beautiful woman in white, and flew her directly. When she hit it, she hit a frigate on the opposite side, and directly hit a pit on the ship's board!

Such a powerful fighting force made Elizabeth's eyes widen. This, this Chinese man ... is it so strong? The beauty in white, who couldn't help herself, couldn't make it through Li Fan's hands?

But Li Fan narrowed his eyes, because the strength of the opponent completely exceeded the semi-holy, infinitely close to the holy level!

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