1389 Cleavage

This is the real strength of white women? Li Fan frowned slightly, but here are nine identical white women, each close to the power of the Holy Order? Mom, a chicken, when is half-holy leave, the holy level is as dogs? This Alcatraz Island does not seem to be underestimated!

"Little handsome guy, you are so ruthless, people are really sad."

The beautiful woman in white looked at Li Fan faintly. "Let's play here with you today. People are waiting for you on Alcatraz Island!"

Talking, the beautiful woman in white pulled her body from the frigate and slowly floated into the air.

"There will be a period later!"

Such a sentence was left in the air, and once again looked up, the beautiful woman in white had stepped on the light work and plunged into Alcatraz Island. At this moment, the clear sky above Alcatraz suddenly rolled up the dark mist covering the sky. The dark mist was faintly carrying red lightning, which was so horrifying that it engulfed the bodies of the nine beautiful women in white.

At this moment, the surrounding frigates have all sunk into the sea, and like the sacrificed warriors above, they have become sacrifices to Alcatraz Island. Li Fan exhibited Longyou for nine days in the air and swept over the deck of the aircraft carrier.

In a red cheongsam, Murong Ying stood silently, waiting for Li Fan to return.

"Boss ... then, what are these women?"

William greeted the first, worried, "Can we ... can we still fight this Alcatraz?"

"Don't worry, there must be a road in front of the mountain."

Li Fan comforted William a bit, but in fact he was a little lacking in himself. These women, just to make trouble, but did not reveal what exactly it was.

Just as Li Fan was puzzled, the satellite phone on his body suddenly rang. This satellite phone was handed over to Li Fan by Bai Linluo in a special way, which was used for communication.

"Head, I'm on my way to Alcatraz Island, wait a moment."

"Don't enter Alcatraz Island, it's getting weirder here."

Li Fan hastily ordered them.

"We are ready to enter Alcatraz Island, you just wait outside."

Li Fan roughly calculated the time, "Within three days, if we do not come out, you will leave first and return to Lijia Island."


Bai Linluo quit, "Let's leave yourself to escape? Absolutely impossible!"

"I will naturally figure it out."

Li Fan cautioned Bai Linluo, "obey orders."


"Nothing, but you are waiting on Bol Island."

Li Fan's attitude is very tough, he doesn't want Bai Linluo to die on Alcatraz Island in vain.

"Commander Abel ... what shall we do next?"

Someone asked Abel for advice.

"The wounded remain, waiting for the rescue team of the United Parliament."

Abel thought for a moment, and ordered, "I will choose a hundred elites later to go to Alcatraz."

Hearing that Abel was about to choose someone, some were excited, some were looking forward to it, and some were afraid.

"I'm willing to stay with Albert!"

Elizabeth stood up immediately, "I, Elizabeth, would like to be a sharp sword in your hands!"

"Very well, Elizabeth, you are a qualified warrior. The loss you just made is nothing. Summarizing the reasons for failure, you will be stronger.

"Yes, my lord!"

Elizabeth is very happy, as long as she can help Abel, even if she gives her life, he will do it!

In Elizabeth's mind, the task is only second, and romantic love is first! This beautiful Elizabeth is a mixed race of the Three Kingdoms. Britain, France, and Italy. For her, love is paramount.

"Now, I'm starting to choose people! These hundred are all the best fighters! Let's work together to fight Alcatraz and protect our family!"

Abel was very heroic, and his words made everyone more bloody, and his fear of Alcatraz was weakened and reduced. Abel looked at the crowd, and he reached out and began to call.

"Carter, the young Knight of the Round Table, we need you. Koga Zangliu, your ninjutsu is best used against demons. Borov, you are the best Roman warrior, please take me over. Duke William, you It's a strong and ancient bloodline, and I'm eager for your help ... Li Fan, Murong Ying, you two will also go ... "

When Abel talked to Li Fan and Murong Ying, he mostly used commands to make Murong Ying unhappy.

"We go in ourselves."

Murong Ying refused Abel's order, "On the island, ask for blessing!"

"You Chinese, too much!"

Elizabeth couldn't help but scold, "Did you violate the military order! Do you want to go to a military court?"

"Military order?"

Li Fan was a little bit upset. "Less the army orders to press me. I'm not a soldier of the gods at dusk, I just cooperate with you."

"Arrogant Chinese!"

Abel is extremely upset, these **** Chinese people have repeatedly challenged their majesty again and again! Although the above requires me to cooperate temporarily with the Chinese people, but so far, they cannot be tolerated!

"This Alcatraz Island is very dangerous. If you don't follow the team, you will find your own way."

Abel looked at Li Fan and asked again, "I give you one last chance. As long as you admit your mistakes and sincerely repent, I will agree to your return to the team."

"No need, the road goes to the sky, and each side will go."

"Okay, that's what you want."

Abel sneered, knowing you would say that.

On the Alcatraz Island, see how the two of you Chinese die!

"Let's go."

Li Fan took Murong Ying's hand, and the two were about to leave. And William hurried to follow up, shouting.

"Boss, wait for me! Let's go together!"

"Duke William?"

Alberta was taken aback. The Duke of William was a powerful combatant. What was he doing?

"Where are you going?"

"Of course I followed the boss!"

William rolled his eyes. "Are you following your crap?"

Having said that, William Fiddian Fiddian chased Li Fan and passed. Li Fan and Murong Ying worked hand in hand. Like the couple of the gods, the two pedaled lightly and jumped up, falling into the dark clouds lightly. And William opened a pair of black bat wings and flew in.

Abel was a little dumbfounded, but Duke William was the head of the Parker family. He talked to him himself, and he ignored him. At this time, he was willing to follow a Chinese? This world is crazy enough! This shame, he must return to the Huaxia person intact!

"Never mind those people, the task is urgent, let's go!"

With a wave of Abel's hand, the one hundred people he chose took turns to board the helicopter on the aircraft carrier and got into the dark cloud!

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