1390 Assault

Li Fan and Murong Ying worked hand in hand and lightly stepped into the dark cloud. The visibility in this dark cloud is very low, and there are red thunders rolling around, twisting in this dark cloud, like a horrible snake demon, are showing their power and kindness to Li Fan!

"There is a very uncomfortable breath here ..."

Murong Ying covered her nose gently, and she seemed a little uncomfortable.

"It's a bit depressing ..."

Li Fan also felt his heart beating slightly, as if a big stone was pressing on his heart, which made him a little unhappy. There seems to be some powerful creatures in this place, exuding a terrible breath.

"It's an evil spirit!"

Li Fan looked back and saw William fluttering in with wings, "It's very similar to our breath, it's dark."


As soon as Li Fan reached out, he grabbed William's arm and asked him to fly in the air with Murong Ying.

"I'm going, boss, it's so heavy!"

William almost fell.

"Anyway, it's all the Duke. There's no power at all? Hurry up and watch out for the lightning in front."

"Woohoo, boss, they are not transportation!"

William wanted to cry without tears.

"Lady, come and fly, I believe you can."

William had no choice but to let Li Fan grab it, and patted his wings, passing through this black cloud. The rolling red thunder kept exploding in his ears, making William startled. If it weren't for the boss, he wouldn't dare come to this island. Because he is the Duke of the Blood Race, as a dark creature, he has a sense of fear of more powerful creatures.

"Everyone be careful."

Li Fan also had a bad hunch. Alcatraz is definitely not good.

The four saints did not know where they were going, it was all this time, and they had not even appeared.

"Looking at the land before, it went down."

Li Fan's energy gathered in his eyes, he saw the ground at a glance, and immediately commanded William.

"Yes, boss."

William flew obediently, and the three finally passed through the horrible cloud and came to the island. The island is lush, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and looks like a fairyland on earth, beautiful. Between these landscapes, animals are the real masters. For a while, the birds and beasts walked away, so happy. Such a beautiful place is hard to imagine, there will be a terrible demon seal here.

"It's beautiful here."

Murong Ying couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "If you can live here for a lifetime, it would be good."

"We are no worse than Lijiadao."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, "And there is no demon yet. At that time, we can build a small building, circle a small courtyard, raise children and get rid of children, wouldn't you be happy?"

"talk later."

Murong Ying responded lightly, and didn't seem to want to answer Li Fan's question. What exactly is the way forward, Murong Ying also said bad. Especially this time the seal demon, in the face of an unknown terrible opponent, Murong Ying did not dare to pack a ticket, saying that it would work.

William put the two on top of a mountain, sitting beside himself with a slump, panting heavily.

"Am I so heavy?"

Murong Ying glanced at William intentionally or unintentionally.

"No, why not!"

William was so scared that his scalp was numb. My God, Li Fan is half of her own master, so Miss Murong should be her own master! If this lady is not happy, Master will not be happy! Master is not happy, can he be better?

"Madam, you are so beautiful, you are just like a fairy in the east. You are so slim and light and flexible.


Murong Ying ignored William's horse **** and raised her eyebrows.

"I told him a little bit of work, and he's half a cheap master."

Li Fan hurriedly explained.

"That's it, then follow us."

Murong Ying seemed to be in a good mood. "Don't go too far, the master will protect you."

"Thank you, Master! You are not only beautiful, but also so powerful, no wonder Master likes you so much!"

William's mouth was very sweet, which made Murong Ying very useful. Li Fanxin said that all of his exercises have been a little silly, and it seems that in terms of coaxing girls, he has to consult with his cheap disciple.

"You say, will this place live?"

Li Fan stood on the top of the mountain, and the inner forces gathered on his eyes, and he stopped to look into the distance.

"If someone lived, it wouldn't be so beautiful."

Murong Ying said quite profoundly, "Only where there is no crowd, can there be such a beautiful view."

"Hey there is so much evil."

William stared into the distance, "just right there."

He stretched out a hand, Li Fan looked around, but could not see why. William must be an expert in feeling evil.

"Then let's go over there."

Li Fan decided to go and see what happened, but Murong Ying looked back to remind Li Fan.

"They're here."

The voice dropped, and the sound of a helicopter propeller came from my ear. Li Fan followed his voice and saw no less than 20 helicopters flying in. Li Fan's eyes were like eagle's eyes, and he saw Abel sitting on it with anger.

"Carpet bombing! No matter what demons, bomb me into dregs!"

At the order of Abel, the missiles suspended by these gunships immediately flew down, one after another, and landed on the island.

Like mushrooms without money, Fire Mushrooms are set off on this island one after another, and lifted off, as if destroying the magic of God and destroying the beings on the island. Those birds and beasts that had lived comfortably for a long time were killed and wounded, and they ran around, but did not know where to escape.

Looking at the flaming Alcatraz Island, Li Fan's face was gloomy.

A missile flew over in their direction, not knowing whether it was intentional or accidental. But when Li Fan waved his hand, the dragon-snatcher launched, the missile was controlled by his internal force, and he flew out obliquely, flew directly into the sky, and finally detonated in midair.


Murong Yingjiao shivered and squeezed her fists tightly, and her pretty eyes seemed to be angry.

"Human beings are the most feared demons."

Li Fan can only sigh. Although this group of people has done too much, he can't destroy the army of these joint parliaments.

"It's a group of guys who don't understand elegance!"

William also looked with contempt, "Boss, should I help you stop them?"

"Forget it."

Li Fan waved his hand, "Someone will do it for us."

The voice dropped, and a white figure had jumped up into the air and landed on a helicopter.

Beauty in white!

"Destroy my home! Those of you are deserved demons!"

The beautiful woman in white said, the long hair behind her flew up and turned into a black long sword, which directly penetrated the helicopter and killed the pilot.

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