My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1392: Depend on each other

1392 Dependence

The golden body was prestigious, and William envyed him, but he could not learn because of the kinship method. The beautiful woman in white came forward directly, holding Li Fan's arm. The softness of the chest made Li Fan lose his heart. It wasn't until Murong Ying coughed twice that Li Fan woke up and gently pushed the beauty away.

"Beauty grace, it's hard to bear."

Li Fan smiled, after all, Murong Ying was present, and he could only pose as a gentleman!

"Do I really treat you like this?"

The beautiful woman in white pursed her mouth with grievance. This small appearance really made Li Fan have a little pain. How can this woman look so beautiful and pitiful.

"This ... woman, at least tell me your name, okay?"

"Little handsome guy is not interested in other people's bodies, but in names."

The beauty in white didn't seem to see Murong Ying next to her. She only looked at Li Fan, and even stuck it to his ears, as if whispering between a couple, and whispered, "They are called passionate."


Li Fan murmured in his heart, would anyone call this name? Wouldn't this woman come to amuse herself?

"People have told you, believe it or not."

The beautiful woman in white said, taking two steps backwards, holding her hands, standing in front of Li Fan, that charming face could not be changed.

"Cangtian has no intention, the fox girl is passionate."

The beautiful woman in white finished speaking, and she stepped on her foot gently, and the whole person flew out more than ten meters away, and her voice was faint in her ears.

"Little handsome, you and I will not be together before we meet again."

With that said, she went lightly with effort.

This woman ... what is the origin ... Changtian has no intention, the fox girl is passionate? What does this sentence mean?

Li Fan thought and thought, but he couldn't help but got a little bit out of his mind.

"Hey, is that enough?"

Suddenly, Murong Ying's cold voice came. Li Fan quickly turned his head and explained, "Oh my lady, I didn't mean that ..."

"Huh, does it look good?"

"It doesn't look good. It's far worse than the back of the lady."

Li Fan knew that Murong Ying was a big vinegar tank, so she didn't dare to say anything else at this time.


Murong Ying put away her sword, turned and walked in the direction that the beautiful woman in white left.

"Well, what are you doing?"

"Go find the demon!"

Murong Ying gave Li Fan a white look. "Follow her, you can find it."

"I'm still smart!"

Li Fan quietly patted a flattery, "You say that, I will understand."

"Boss, what about those idiots?"

William pointed to the hovering helicopters above him.

"Let them play by themselves."

Li Fan was too lazy to care about the lives of these people, but William was a little unhappy.

"Boss, that Abel just wanted to blow you up, didn't you take revenge?"

"These clowns, I don't bother to care about them."

Li Fan didn't look at Abel at all. "Now the overall situation is the most important thing. I haven't finished the fight against the demons. I don't want to have a pointless argument. Killing each other can only make the demons on the island laugh to the end. I just gave him one last chance. If I want to challenge again next time, I won't be so polite! "

"Okay, then I'll listen to the boss, and don't have general knowledge with these idiots."

William tolerated this tone first, and at the same time he muttered in his heart that Abel's **** had no such vision.

"Those Chinese people ... Survived ..."

Elizabeth was a little upset, it was really cheap for them!

"That's a good thing."

Abel grinned, "After all, they are all comrades-in-arms. They are alive, and we should be happy."

"You are magnanimous, and I sincerely admire them. But those Chinese people are really shameful! They tried to survive and even rescued the witch!"

"Yeah, this is a bit inappropriate."

Abel sighed longly, "But everyone has their own ambitions, and the Huaxia people are greedy for fear of death. But we have to work with them, even if we have sacrificed our lives, we must slay the **** demon and protect our home! "

"Sir, we are willing to put your minds on the ground and lead the way!"

The crowd was moved and showed loyalty.

"Well, we work together, everything is to save the world!"

Abel's slogan was very loud, but he was thinking about **** Li Fan, get the genes from him, and then make himself a truly powerful being!

For yourself, for the empire, Li Fan must die! This time did not kill him, but Abel believes that sooner or later there will be a chance to let this guy die!

"Sir, what shall we do now?"

Elizabeth asked.

"Follow the direction that the woman in white just left and catch up. Wait until you find the **** demon, concentrate all the firepower and kill him!"

"You are wise!"

Elizabeth's five-body plunge into Abel's admiration, not only was Albert a powerful force, but his mind was so clear! Those Chinese people really don't know what to do. It would be a dead end to be right with such an Aberdeen! Without Albert, they could not walk on this island!

That William, too, is obviously the patriarch of a large family, so stupid that he went to trust two Chinese people! It's too young, I'm afraid, the Parker family will also be killed by the Duke William.

"Where did that passion go?"

Li Fan followed for a long time and found that the beautiful woman in white was lost. This woman's whereabouts are weird.

"She didn't use light work."

Murong Ying looked at the surrounding leaves and grass and judged the marks left by the beautiful woman in white.

"No matter how good you are, stepping on the grass will leave a little trace. But there is no clue here ... So, I guess, the woman flew back."

Murong Ying gave a bold guess.

"Ah? Fly back?"

The more Li Fan listened, the more shocked, good guy, is it really impossible to cultivate? Is there such a magical power?

"It's getting more and more interesting ... I'm really excited now."

Instead, Li Fan was so excited that she made Murong Ying smile with a bitter laugh.

"You, you just can't rest."

"Not idle, my martial arts has reached its peak."

Li Fan looked at Murong Ying and said very earnestly, "For martial arts, the Holy Class has indeed come to an end. But I am only in my early twenties this year. I want to break through myself and become stronger.

"Well, that's the same. You want to be stronger, I'll stay with you."

Murong Ying nodded, "Let's see if we can find the legendary" True Magic "here."

"Great, thank you."

Looking at Murong Ying's indomitable gaze, Li Fan was relieved.

No matter how hostile the two people are when they are out, at this moment, on this island, the two of them are dependent on each other and will never give up!

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