My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1393: Hermit village

1393 Hidden World Village

The beautiful woman in white had lost her trace, and Li Fan wanted to find her, but there was only one way left. William walked ahead and used his induction of evil spirits. This unique ability, Li Fan was not envious, but it can be said that he was not envious at all.

"Boss ... I, I'm a bit ..."

As he walked, William muttered in his mouth. The forest is all around, the wind is blowing the trees, the leaves are rustling, as if the forest is whispering.

"William, are you afraid?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

"How, how could it ..."

"Then why is your calf shaking?"

"Yes, a little calcium deficiency ..."

Li Fan wants to laugh, this guy is still tough.

"Rest assured that having me and your sister-in-law here will make you lose money?"

"The boss is right ... I have nothing to fear, haha, hahaha ..."

This shiver laughed twice, Li Ran was helpless, obviously still afraid. But don't blame him, the passionate girl is really powerful, especially there is a more terrible big devil here. He could hardly bear the terrible breath.

"How far is it?"

Seeing the forest as endless, Li Fan couldn't help asking.


William judged the distance. "It's less than ten kilometers."

"Oh? Already so close?"

Li Fan glanced forward and found nothing strange in front. But on this island, everything was so weird, so Li Fan also saw it, and started to have awe of everything.

"There seems to be something ahead."

Murong Ying looked forward, thoughtfully.

"have what?"

Li Fan looked into the distance, not surprised.

"Take a closer look. Is the distant landscape somewhat distorted?"

Murong Ying observed the details carefully, she reached out a finger, Li Fan carefully identified, and found that her own lady said really good! The mountains and rivers in the distance are really not flawless without looking carefully. Murong Ying's terrible observation also made Li Fan admire her death.

"You also have to observe a lot, this is the basic of a martial artist."

"Yes, the lesson learned."

Seeing Li Fan's hippie smile, Murong Ying knew he wasn't in his heart. But whoever made it an enemy, she could only sigh gently.

"You don't go into your heart about what you have been told."

Murong Ying whispered.

"No one is perfect."

Li Fan said cheekily, "I can't do bad things, it's just fine for the lady to help me."

"Huh, you think it's beautiful."

Murong Ying turned her head and seemed too lazy to take care of Li Fan's appearance, but the corners of her mouth rose slightly, as if she was still a little happy.

"Mother, what do we say now?"

"You're the master. Will you ask me?"

"All right, let's go there and see."

Li Fan once again held up Murong Ying's little hand, "I will accompany you to break through regardless of the Longtan Tiger's Cave in front."

"it is good."

Murong Ying seemed to be happy, but William, who had been exploring the road in front, was crying. Ma Dan, I always feel like a super light bulb!

All three are masters, and their feet are extremely fast. After a while of work, they have already come to the place where there is a phantom. Li Fan took a closer look and found that there seemed to be a water wave in front of him, making the forest in front of him illusionary and real.

"It seems to be here."

Li Fan stood in front of the virtual shadow, and he reached out his hand and gently clicked on the virtual shadow.

A clear ripple immediately spread out, and William exclaimed. He has lived so long and has never seen such a sight.

"It's a fantasy."

Li Fan guessed boldly, "This place is completely hidden."

"Go in?"

"Of course go in."

Li Fan has already made a decision, no matter what terrible things are in front of him, he has to take a look!

"William, come with us or stay here?"

Li Fan knew that William was timid, and he didn't force it, just asked with a smile, and let William choose for himself.

"Boss ... Although I can't do it, I can still help the boss."

How could William, the patriarch of the Parker family, flinch in such a place. Although he was a little scared in his heart, he resolutely followed up.

"Well, since that's the case, I will definitely protect you."

Li Fan was very pleased. Although William was timid, he was loyal to himself, which was rare. When he fights with Emperor in the future, he will naturally need his help.

"I believe in the boss, my status today was originally given by the boss, so I give this life to you, and I have no regrets!"


Li Fan reached out and touched the barrier of fantasy. Li Fan's hand passed through the illusion, followed by him as a whole, with Murong Ying, through the invisible wall and reached his destination.

A huge stone gate appeared in front of them. Shimen is more than ten meters high and three meters wide. On both sides are Panlong stone pillars with Liuyun plaque on it. The plaque is engraved with three large characters, Sinner Valley. I do n’t know how many years have passed, even though the stone gate is cracked and mottled, these three words are still clear, as if not carved on the stone gate, but in the soul of every observer!

And the two stone dragons on the pillars were all embarrassed, as if they were very painful. They opened their blood basins and opened their mouths, as if they were going to bite their hearts!

"Boss, boss ... where is this ..."

William couldn't help but be a little embarrassed. The courage he had just lost was gone.

"This place is a bit scary, but I do feel a sense of integrity."

Li Fan patted William's shoulder. "No wonder you're scared."

"This place is so evil ..."

William wiped his cold sweat, "I feel that the two monsters ... seem to wake up at any time and bite me!"

"Well, here's a bit of a mystery, anyway, you just follow us closely."

Li Fan looked through Shimen and saw some villages in the distance. There are people living in this place?

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Li Fan was even a little excited. Could this be the legendary fairyland? Li Fan can feel a strong righteousness here, as if this village is relying on such righteousness to suppress the demons on the island.

"Anyway, go in and see."

Murong Ying walked towards the village first. She was worried that the higher Li Fan's expectations, the more disappointed she would be. What is the place here? The people here are enemies or friends. Hope this task will be simpler ...

The two returned without hesitation, and took the disturbed William into the village hidden in the illusion.

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