My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1405: Eight Dragon Battle

1405 Eight Dragon Battles

The words of the old monk are still amazing!

That passionate turned out to be the nine avatars of the nine-tailed fox? That thing is even more wrong ... What does it mean that this woman found herself and took the heroic order?

"It's not good to be afraid."

For the first time, Murong Ying showed her worried eyes and looked at Li Fan.

This woman has only nine avatars and already has such terrible strength. If it was her own, I don't know what would be the ultimate skill.

"This is more interesting ..."

Li Fan sneered a few times, "Passionate, since you want to know me so much, let's take a closer look. Lady, follow me and you will see this passionate female fox."


Murong Ying followed Li Fan, suddenly remembered something, and said, "You can understand, but don't be hooked by the fox girl."

"Haha, I'm not so hungry, Li Fan."

Li Fan laughed and provoked Murong Ying's eyes.

"You have a terrible mouth. When you see the fox girl, if you look at it twice more, I will dig your eyes."

"Oh, my lord, why have you become so jealous, you haven't been like this before."

"I used to be like this."

Murong Ying proudly said, "You need to know more about me."

"Yes, yes, Ms. Murong is right, the niche must make every effort, inside and out, to know you well!"

"Just know."

Where did Murong Ying hear Li Fan's meaning, and thought that Li Fan really served herself?

"Two donors, please here."

Master Tianyin guided them through the corridor to a small valley behind. The valley is said to be concave, but there is a protruding hill in the middle, with eight huge swords inserted next to it, each of which can be ten meters high and two meters wide.

There was a man sitting on each sword. There are six men and two women in total, and each looks very powerful. The eight men stretched a finger at the same time, pointing at the hill in front of them. On this hill, there are eight rounds of golden halo, suppressing it, trapping the legendary nine-tailed fox.

Aside, Abel's group of Uighurs was also there. These people did not seem to dare to move forward, and could only look at this demon formation from a distance.

"Tian Yin."

It seems that the arrival of Zen Master Tianyin was noticed, and a middle-aged man in the direction of Zhengnan's sword slowly spoke.

"You are an outsider, and you must not enter the valley according to the rules. Have you lived an old age and forgotten the rules?"


Master Tianyin said lightly, "How dare I forget this rule. But now the challenger has entered the valley, and Lao Zi naturally follows him."

"Challengeers? Just this bunch of waste?"

A woman laughed, "Tianyin, how do you as a monk, I see you as a self-cultivation, even put these guys in. Funny, funny!"

"Baga! You're talking nonsense, I ..."

When an island ninja heard this shame, he was furious. They are all elites of various countries, and they are all being held in the country. Where have they been treated like this! Proud of him, he was about to yell, but the talking woman opened her cherry mouth and spit out an electric light.



A slap of thunder sword flew from her mouth, piercing the ninja's chest instantly.


In the end, the body of the ninja exploded directly, and the blue thunder arc walked down and down, and everyone was shocked to push away, for fear of cricket and pond fish. Abel and Elizabeth looked more and more ugly. Why did Nine-Tailed Fox fail to see it and first encountered a group of difficult evil spirits! What tactics does this Chinese woman use?

Only Li Fan can understand that this trick is the Sky Thunder Sword, and the Dragon Girl once taught it.


Master Tianyin couldn't help sighing, "The big disaster is imminent, so why bother adding more killing?"

"You old monk, what happened to you again?"

The woman's temperament is a bit sloppy. "This kind of waste is killed when you kill it. If you don't have the skill to suppress this fox, everyone here, I won't let it go!"

"Oh, good temper."

Li Fan holding the sword of Chunbo, standing on the edge of the valley, pointing to the sly woman in a red suit, said to Murong Ying, "Mother, look, I have found a bigger temper than you."

"Go to death ..."

Murong Ying could not laugh or cry, "Where is my temper?"

"Nonsense child! Go to death!"

The savage woman got angry, looked at Li Fan angrily, at the same time opened her **** little mouth again, and spit out a thunderbolt.

Li Fan didn't take it for granted, and smashed his hand, and shot the thunder sword directly.


The thunderbolt hit the stone wall next to it, smashing it into a huge gap. With such power, the masters of various countries were frightened and frightened, but Li Fan, his face did not change, as if nothing was wrong. But the attack of the savage woman was not without power, and Li Fan's palm was still slightly smoked.

"Who the **** are you?"

Seeing that Li Fan could easily block his own attack, the savage woman and others were a little shocked.

"Amitabha, elders, these two are challengers."

The old monk hurriedly introduced, "He and his skills are unpredictable, and they can contribute to this seal."

"What a surprise, two holy masters."

The savage woman pouted, "Which of the eight of us is not a holy master? And we are sitting in the town, not even the holy beast. The fox can't escape. Why should this man be troublesome? Send him away quickly To get in the way. "

"You girl, no one can see, it's not bad."

Where did Li Fan withstand the bird's anger, who came to help himself, was mocked first!

"what did you say?"

The savage woman opened her eyes wide, her face was shameless, and she was about to show female power against Li Fan, but was stopped by the middle-aged man.

"Hongmei, don't make a mess."


The foolish woman seemed a little uncomfortable. "You don't come to help me, but to help outsiders."

"Hongmei, now is the crucial moment. Every holy master is a fighting force."

Another beautiful woman with dark hair and yellow clothes said softly, "I can feel that this nine-tailed **** fox is more powerful than in previous years."

"We are stronger than before!"

Hongmei shouted, "Sister Huang Shan, you are too cautious. Don't worry, if the fox ran out, Miss Ben killed her with a thunder sword!"

"Tian Lei Sword lets you use it this way, this sword trick will cry."

Li Fan shrugged and groaned beside him.

"Boy, I think you're really tired!"

Hong Mei's expression, which had been soothed, tightened again. The little girl initiated Ewe to surprise Abel and they were a little scared.

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