1406 Enter

Hongmei, Huang Shan, several of them are dragon warriors who have not passed on for many years. In these years, because of bloodlines and accusations, the eight dragon fighters have been sitting here, guarding the nine-tailed fox! Not to mention Alcatraz Island, even in this devil hill, they never went out one step.

Thousands of years have passed, some of them have distorted personalities, and some have become desperate.

There are four types of dragons, wind and fire and thunder. Among them, rain is also called water, and the gentle Huang Shan is the dragon of the aquarium, and she is also trained in the nature of water. Therefore, she has a gentle personality. Even after thousands of years, she seems so gentle and kind.

"Hongmei, everyone is here to help, how can you talk like that?"


What did Hongmei want to say, the middle-aged man next to him retorted.

"Hongmei, stop, calm down!"


The man seemed to be the leader of the eight.

"Amitabha, the old man introduces you to the eight elders."

Master Tianyin pointed at several of them and introduced them one by one.

"This is the elder and the chief dragon fighter, Jin Yan. These two are Hongmei, Huang Shan, followed by Qingfeng, Lanze, White Birch, Xuan Ye, and green leaves."

Each of the eight dragon fighters has a color in it. Similarly, in the position of their eyebrows, there are the same color prints, which seems to be their symbol.

With the introduction of Master Tianyin, among the eight dragon fighters, only Huang Shan nodded gently to Li Fan and expressed respect. And the other dragon fighters, Hongmei, gave a cold hum, and the remaining few people, including the chief Jin Mao, also closed their eyes and remained silent, as if their minds were only on the town magic.

"Two children, you are so young, you are so talented."

Huang Shan couldn't help praising Li Fan, and at the same time she gave them admiration.

"It took me thousands of years to get that kind of strength."

"Sister Huang, I have won the prize. I also had the chance to achieve this level."

Li Fan arched his hand. As the saying goes, reach out and not smile at people. The beauty of Huang Shan was so polite, and his attitude of speaking naturally softened a lot.

"This little brother, you said that our town is bad, why is this?"

The beauty of Huang Shan's eyes is affectionate, and her eyes have always been on Li Fan, but Li Fan has been watching for a while. No matter where I go, being so noticed by beauties makes people feel happy.

"Amitabha ... the donor, you tell the truth."

Master Tianyin sighed, and that tone was full of worry.

"Tianyin, how can you be a person who has lived more than 300 years old? Why are you suffering now?"

Hongmei couldn't help laughing, but Li Fan was surprised. This old monk is over 300 years old?

"More than 300 years old?"

Elizabeth exclaimed even more, "You are ... Lao Shouxing!"

"It's just a living."

Master Tianyin shook his head. "Moreover, this small island has a terrific spirit and nourishment of the fox and immortal spirit. Anyone on this island has a life span of three to five hundred years, which is not unusual."

In a word, everyone in the audience was shocked.


Who wants to die? Who doesn't want to live longer? But with the exception of the legendary Blood Parker family, the rest of the people, even if they are even more powerful, cannot escape the curse of short life. Human beings have a life span of only 100 years. This is not short, but it is not long. After all, the ownership of a house is only seventy years. Human beings have been in school for 20 years and worked for 20 years. The rest of the years have been busy taking care of their children, waiting for their children to set up a business and achieve success, but they have entered their later years.

This age is too short.

But what if we could double our life and double it?

When they think of it, they can't help but get excited! This is not Alcatraz Island, this is Treasure Island! Here is the real longevity way! No wonder people on the island are willing to call that devil a **** fox! Although she is a disaster, she is also the patron saint who shelters the island!

Everyone looked at each other, and they saw ecstasy in each other's eyes.

"Too, great ..."

Through the monitor, the empire who saw this picture was also ecstatic! This is a discovery across the ages, he can rely on this to become president, and the greatest president in the history of the Empire! Because he found the future for the entire human race!

"This, the value of these 500 million flowers! Value!"

The chief is holding the screen and kissing, so lucky! Really lucky! It seems God is helping himself!

"Rest assured, sir, I must complete your task."

After being instructed by the chief, Abel nodded and secretly released a nanobot.

At this time, Li Fan said amorous news.

"The fox's clone?"

Hongmei didn't believe Li Fan at all, "Just a joke, there are eight of us in the town of Bahuantu, how could a fox avatar run out?"

"Brother, what you said ... is really amazing. Even if I believe, I dare not guarantee the truth of your news to others ..."

But Huang Shanbei seemed to believe a bit, "Let ’s go to me and feel the breath of this nine-tailed fox. Is it the same as the woman you met?"


Li Fan nodded immediately and was about to step forward, but Murong Ying pulled him.

"You can't go crazy, but here is the Hill of Demon Sealing. Crises are revealed everywhere."

"Well, I'll be careful."

Li Fan nodded, "But whether the passionate girl is a fox girl, I still have to check it myself."

"You ... are not allowed to pass."

"Why are you so brave? What we did was dangerous."

Li Fan was extremely confident. "There is no danger in saving the world. If you are afraid, standing here is just for me to see for myself."

Li Fan said, stepping on the light work, quickly ran towards the beauty of Huang Shan. At this moment, Jin Yan, who had closed his eyes and thought, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Brother, come here and feel it."

Huang Shan's beautiful smile, tender and spring-like, can almost make a human bone.

"This is coming."

Li Fan landed lightly on the side of Huang Shan's beauty, stepping on the hilt of the sword. But at this moment, a strong suction force grabbed Li Fan's body.

"Brother, you are such a good person."

The beauty of Huang Shan smiled even more happily. "This devil hill not only seals fox spirits, but also seals us! Eight holy masters are indispensable! Since you enter the battle for your sister, that sister can Go out! I have a chance to repay you in the future, hee hee hee ... "

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