My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1418: Return home

1418 Returning home

Li Fan built a small house in this place with bamboo. Although it is a little humble, at least it can live.

Li Fan worked hard and just built the house, ready to enjoy a rare two-person world with Murong Ying. But the front foot fixed the house, and Murong Ying received a call from the outside.

Because the nine-tailed fox was destroyed, the enchantments around the island were also dispersed, and telephone signals could also be transmitted.


After Murong Ying answered the call, her look changed directly.

"Li Fan, I'm going back."


Li Fan was startled, "Isn't it going to be two days for two?"

"Murong Villa has something wrong."

Murong Ying's face was extremely ugly. "I have to go back to the villa."

"Good, how could something go wrong?"

Li Fan subconsciously felt a little bad, but he resisted, and there was no change in his expression.

"I don't know what happened. Tie Zhu notified me."

Murong Ying looked a little eager, "I have to go back quickly."

That's what she is like. Just do whatever you say. After she put down her phone, she turned and walked towards the island.

"Hey, I'll go out with you!"

Li Fan couldn't care less about the bamboo forest hut he just built, Nima, how could this happen so suddenly? It seems that every time when I am going to live with Murong Ying and Shuangsu, someone suddenly pops out to make a horizontal bar ... However, this matter seems to have something to do with myself.

"You can't help me, this is Murong Villa's business."

Murong Ying reminded Li Fan, "We don't care about each other's affairs."

These words are ruthless, but they are. Two people have each other's careers, and they don't want the other side to interfere too much. In terms of personality independence, Li Fan is very similar to Murong Ying.

"I don't step in, but if you want to leave the island, you always have to take a boat, or take a plane to go? Can you float back all the way?"

"That's the same, do you have a solution?"

"Of course there is."

Li Fan pointed outside, "I let Bai Linluo set up outside the island and he will take us back. As for the boats of the gods at dusk, we may not be able to sit."

"it is good."

Since Li Fan helped make arrangements, Murong Ying agreed. The two walked out of the island all the way to the agreed place. Because Li Fan had notified by satellite phone on the way, a helicopter was waiting here quietly.

Because Lijia Island does not belong to the state establishment, but belongs to a small island in Huaxia, it cannot have an armed establishment such as a combat helicopter. The helicopter staying on the island belongs to a transport aircraft.

Bai Linluo personally sat in the co-pilot position and saw Li Fan. He jumped off the helicopter excitedly and came up with Li Fan in a warm hug.

"Li Fan, I can see you!"

"Oh, my brother hasn't seen each other for a long time!"

The two of them sighed for a while, but Murong Ying beside him frowned.

"Both of you, go back and get started, I'm in a hurry."

"Yes, Murong Ying matters, Bai Linluo, we are going back to China."

"OK! Return home!"

The helicopter flew all the way to the direction of the motherland. Bai Linluo seemed a little excited and a little hesitant. As the saying goes, the feeling of being near the hometown is timid. Although separated from the motherland, Bai Linluo has never had the opportunity to return to his country due to policy reasons.

"When you come back this time, just help me move around."

Li Fan always has work to hand over to Bai Linluo. "After the aftermath, leave it to you to arrange it. You are better at this."

After all, Bai Linluo helped Li Fan run the island for so long, and it was quite sensual, which made Li Fan very pleased.

"Well, just leave me here."

Bai Linluo smiled and smiled. "With 500 million US dollars of funds, we are now regarded as little tyrants."

"Haha, don't be corrupt. This money will be used on the blade, so arrange our Lijia Island."

"I always feel that this time driving you back to Lijiadao ... is actually a loss to the country."

Bai Linluo looked at Li Fan and said seriously, "And I have a hunch that the nine-tailed fox is just the beginning. This Alcatraz Island seems to have more secrets."

"It seems like you are now a prophet."

Li Fan couldn't help but laugh at Bai Linluo.

"Don't say it, it's really a bit."

Bai Linluo was very serious, "I have been in contact with the Prophet for a long time, and his soul seems to have affected me. Just like Mr. Yang before, it has affected you. When I sleep, I always see some strange vision ... "

"What illusion?"

"Wake up and forget."

Bai Linluo deliberately refused to say, he did not know what he told Li Fan, if those fantasies, Li Fan was a person who destroyed the world with his own hands, what would it be.

"Fuck, then you say it for free."

"Neither, at least, I heard an extraterrestrial name in the illusion."

"Tian Wai Tian? Who did you hear?"

Bai Linluo pointed at Li Fan, "I heard you tell the nine-tailed fox."

"Speak people, don't make mysteries!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes.

"I have met before, you battled with the nine-tailed fox, and heard her mention this day outside. But the picture of the dream is broken, there are only a few sporadic fragments, so there is no way to predict the future. But I I believe that with the improvement of my spiritual strength, my prediction of the future will become clearer. "

"You are no longer a summoner, you have become a prophet."

"A prophet needs a bodyguard too."

Bai Linluo took out a card, Li Fan looked at it, it was a new card.

"Who is this girl? It seems to be quite high!"

"This is a super card that I merged with the latest abilities."

Bai Linluo held the card and said proudly, "She is a Russian beauty I met on the island, named Natasha. I got a good card from her, and then I merged all The other cards made this z-level ace! "

"Have you even pursued the Russian girl bravely? Great, now the road is wild."

"What is it, I slept with her."

"Why did I get a good card after I slept?"

"That ... the model doesn't match ..."


The two looked at each other silently, and Bai Linluo was suddenly excited.

"Fuck, is my normal size good! It's a Russian girl with too much capacity!"

"Yes, I believe in you, but you have to work hard and win glory for the country next time."

"Go, how can this win glory, I am a summoner and a prophet, not an orc, let alone increase the skill!"

"There are so many mutants in you. Maybe one of them has this ability. Let him help you."

"I feel like our friendship has come to an end ..."

The two were running each other on the helicopter and were happy. At this time, a sudden alarm came to mind in the helicopter, and something seemed to lock them.

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