My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1419: Right angel

1419 Angel of Rights

The alarm sounded in the helicopter kept Bai Linluo frowning.

"Anderson, what is it?"

"Mr. Bai, it seems that the aircraft carrier below has locked us."

Li Fan glanced out, and found that the carrier of the US emperor was driving behind them. The fire control radar above locked the helicopter, and two other fighters flew up, escorting them in general, hovering around them constantly.

"Mr. Li, please stay."

From the helicopter's communicator, there was a somewhat old, but very thick voice.

"Since it's here, why bother to leave, it's better to come to my boat and talk."

"I'm in a hurry to go home and have a wife with my wife, can't I?"

Li Fan's expression sank slightly. Obviously, the group of American emperors did not think to let themselves go.

"Mr. Li, you have to think about it. You have been locked by our fire control radar. If you rashly leave, you may be hit by this helicopter."

"Are you threatening me?"

Li Fan seemed to be laughing.

"People like Mr. Li, we are not very relieved to return to the country. Fortunately, your country excludes you. They do not appreciate your strength, but we appreciate it. So we decided to give Mr. Li a top-level The green card allows you to be a part of my empire. You can enjoy honor and rights in the empire. These are things that Huaxia cannot give you and dare not give you. "

"Don't go."

"Why? We are the greatest city of freedom here. Every year, I do n’t know how many people in your place want to get a green card. Some people sneak into us just to live in the Empire."

"Everyone has his own will."

Li Fan grinned, "Some people dream of going to other countries to be third-class people, and no one can stop them. But me, no matter where I go, I have Huaxia in my bones, this is flowing in my blood Genes. "

"Another boring patriotic complex."

Li Fan was talking to the officer who had been monitoring Adam, Eve, Abel, and Elizabeth. He belonged to the top of the United States and belonged to an army secretly established by the President, where he served as a general. The general has a powerful voice, and the decisions he makes usually represent the wishes of the American emperor.

But for his ambitions, being the general of such a secret army is very painful. He wants to be president, the greatest president of the United States! Therefore, he needs Li Fan, but also the same thing that Li Fan has.

"Mr. Li, it doesn't matter if you don't want to come to our country. As long as you are no longer under Huaxia, we are not enemies."

Just the owner of a small island, he is not qualified to influence the pattern of the world, the general thought so.

"But we want to make a deal with Mr. Li."

"What deal?"

"We are willing to pay for the nine-tailed fox in Mr. Li's hands."

The general finally showed his own conditions. The nine-tailed fox was extremely important to him! She is a powerful source, the key to longevity!


Li Fan sneered, this group of foreign devils really hit the idea of ​​the nine-tailed fox.

"We know that these nine-tailed foxes are invaluable. Therefore, we are willing to pay one billion US dollars to buy."

Billion dollars!

This money is enough for a person to spend a lifetime in extravagance. That's really, what you want to buy, what Mercedes-Benz! Boeing seven hundred forty-seven, heaven and earth! Whoever wants to sleep, whoever they are, regardless of gender!

The US emperor offered a price that ordinary people could not refuse, but Li Fan didn't say a word, Bai Linluo laughed even more.

"You guys are so generous. You want to buy the secret of longevity for one billion dollars? Don't you want to face?"

Bai Linluo, as a Li Fan's army officer, although he was happy when he got 500 million before, now he has maintained the calmness and confidence that an island chief's staff should have.

"I don't know what your ideal price is."

The general was also very calm and asked slowly, "You can say it for my reference."

"What is your gdp per year?"

When Murong Ying heard this, her eyes were tight. Did Li Fan want to sell the nine-tailed fox?

"Twenty trillion ... Mr. Li, you are the lion's mouth ..."

The general's mouth was bitter, and even he was not qualified to decide to buy a nine-tailed fox for two trillion yuan. Don't talk about him, neither can the president! The US emperor now looks beautiful, but in fact, it is the foreign powers and the middle powers, otherwise it will not work so hard to stir the world situation and interfere with the development of other countries.

"I want your GDP for a hundred years."

Li Fan laughed, "Without this money, don't ask about the Nine-tailed God Fox."

"Mr. Li, I do business with you in good faith, but you seem to be teasing me."

The general was a little annoyed. "With our help, you conquered the nine-tailed fox. But now, you cross the river to tear down the bridge and tear up the deal. This is angering the greatest country!"

"Trading a jb!"

Li Fan began to scold people, "I worked hard to collect the nine-tailed **** fox and have a relationship with you? If you do n’t have me, you ca n’t even pass the monk ’s level. Not to mention, one by one at nine. The fox counselled in front of me. What did they help? Did you call for help? By the way, did Abel's pants be washed? "

"Mr. Li, don't go too far! You are still aiming at the missile!"

The generals failed to seduce and began to threaten, "I'm afraid you can't help but refuse."

"Is it?"

Li Fan glanced at Bai Linluo. "Little four eyes, are you showing us a hand?"

"Okay, let me protect the helicopter."

Bai Linluo nodded and took out his z-level ace. As soon as he moved his finger, the card slowly disappeared and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, above the helicopter, a beautiful silver-haired woman slowly emerged from the void. The clouds of heaven spread, and a golden light fell on the woman. A pair of white wings on the back of the woman's card, the beauty and holiness, can only look up. She held the scepter in one hand and the shield in the other, like a legendary power angel, symbolizing strength and power.

"Here, is this an angel?"

Seeing the women in the sky, everyone on the aircraft carrier was stunned.

"Fart, she's not an angel!"

The general deserved to be in charge of the secret army for many years. He was responsible for destroying the Golden Empire.

"There are mutants on the helicopter! This is the mutant's ability!"

The general felt bad, and he ordered immediately, "Fuck the **** helicopter! Immediately!"

All the missiles on the aircraft carrier were aimed at the helicopter. Then, one after another, the missiles sprayed flames, soared into the sky, and followed the helicopter.

That day, the scepter lifted up his scepter and began to use his abilities.

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