My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1427: Six Schools

1427 Six Schools

Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, what kind of ghost is in the human form.

However, my current situation is a bit similar. It was able to **** the other person's internal force, train it in the body, and then pass it back.

Now, he is simply the treasure of martial arts practice. As long as you hold yourself in your hands, you will be able to practice a pure internal skill.

"In short, I hope to spend it today safely."

Li Fan sat on the stone bench. "I want to continue to practice and heal my injuries first."

Li Fan said, walking towards the artificial lake.

"Sangong, you have a bad health. Isn't it good to practice in the shade?"

Chuner advised.

"My son practiced feminine inner strength. In this cold place, the effect is the best."

Dong'er reminded Chun'er, "Let the son continue to practice, we just keep it."

"That's right, I'm confused."

Chuner nodded, scattered around with several beautiful swordsmen, and continued to guard Li Fan. Li Fan re-soaked in the lake water and began to practice with sullen heads. He couldn't recover his energy today, but had to calm his injuries first.

After a retrograde meridian, Li Fan was also blessed by misfortune. As the so-called indestructible, the meridians in his body are severely damaged, but under the training of vitality, it is much stronger.

Li Fan named this method of practicing his exercises as "Kowloon Decision · Reversing Yin and Yang"!

However, the reverse practice of yin and yang is extremely dangerous. If Li Fan didn't rely on the help of the surrounding lake that echoed her feminine internal strength, and four powerful beautiful swordsmen to provide internal strength, I'm afraid he would practice so wildly, there would be no effect at all, but he would practice himself hard Xiuwei was ruined.

"Amitabha ... Elder Xia, come today, why don't you see Master Li?"

At this time, in the main hall of the Seven Knights Villa, a senior Shaolin monk asked Xia Yue.

If Li Fan doesn't come out, Xia Xun will be busy enough as a welcome elder. The guest house is full of guests, inside and outside. Because they are all martial arts colleagues, and they are coming to participate in Li Fan's golden basin hand-washing meeting, it is not easy for the villa to quit. Now that Wulin has resumed its past, the six martial arts are gathered in Qixia Village. Wudang, Shaolin, Emei, Qingcheng, Kunlun, Yan.

Jin Yong's novels always like to apply history to re-creation. The most famous is Lu Dingji. Several majors in his novel also exist in reality. This is the case of the Six Schools, especially Wudang Shaolin, which is famous for Jin Yong's novels. However, in the past two years, this Shaolin has paid more and more attention to its own brand, and even banned the word "Shaolin" from Jin Yong's TV series, which is a bit speechless.

But people in the martial arts know that Shaolin has been divided into inner temples and outer temples. Among them, the abbot of the outer temple is Shi Yongxin, which is extremely commercialized. The outer temple operates like a large company. But the monks in the inner temple are different. With the support from the outer temple, the monks in the inner temple of Shaolin practiced martial arts hard and at one time carried forward the efforts of the master of Dharma! And this is not someone else who spoke, but the abbot master Yuxu of Shaolin Temple. The old monk was a master, and it is said that he is currently hitting the semi-holy. He came here thousands of miles from Songshan, Henan, one of which was to thank Li Fan, and the other was to ask him for some martial arts experience.

Shaolin's practice is Buddhist martial arts and Buddhist and martial arts. The old monk's Dharma is somewhat advanced, but martial arts has not progressed for a long time, so it is anxious. Who do not know the people in the rivers and lakes, Shaolin's Yuxu abbot is an out-of-the-box martial artist!

"Master, please do more. Our landlord is still closed today and we can come out tomorrow."

Xia Xuan hurriedly told this master Yuxu.

"Retreat? I'll wash my hands in Jinpen tomorrow. What's the retreat today?"

Long Pai, the head of the Qiang faction, was rather dissatisfied. "We ran all the way to find him, but he hid. What is the reason?"

"Sorry, our boss closed the dead end."

Xia Xun was also resourceful, and had long thought about his speech. "The battle on the island not long ago has caused some internal injuries to my owner. These days, the owner is in retreat."

"Amitabha, Li Zhuangzhu did his best to make the world alive."

Shaolin's Master Yuxu couldn't help feeling.

"Yes, Li Zhuangzi has a good temper, and he is admired for his poverty."

Wudang's head was sitting next to him, touching his beard and agreeing.

"Even so, wouldn't it be great if we had several of us here?"

The head of Emei Yu Ruoying is also a generation of heroines. After all, she has a group of female disciples under her hands. If she has a good temper, she can't hold back these girls.

The Emei faction is not a nun, nor is Yu Ruoying himself a nun. Although she is in her forties, it is not difficult to see that she used to be a beauty.

"Yeah, isn't that polite to us?"

Wang Cheng, the head of Qingcheng, is not tall and has a hot temper. He speaks Sichuanese and directly yells, "Some of us are also the heads of the six major schools. Then Li Zhuang avoided it and looked down on people?"

"The head of the king has misunderstood. Our landlord is indeed in retreat, and I ask you for your forgiveness."

Xia Xun did not want to offend the six majors. The main Li Fan was about to withdraw from the martial arts. She did not want to add justice to the young masters.

"The king is right!"

The head of the dragon, Long Baili, patted his thigh, "Where is your retreat, and I will go and see, what is his three heads and six arms!"

Long Baili was full of fire, so he got up and rushed out. Wang Zhenyi was still waiting.

"Yes, yes, go and see! Then Li Zhuang's masters are good, but it's too ridiculous! I have to ask him for advice today, the rules on the rivers and lakes!"

Xia Ye was really angry when the two heads went out together.

These guys, obviously even the martial arts are helping the young master to come back, but now they have to ask the young master to discuss the rules of the rivers and lakes? It's ridiculous!

"In the past, I heard that the heads of the six major schools were all shameless. I didn't believe it before. I saw it today, and it really is."

Just then, a figure stopped in front of them.

This is a boy with a jade face, looks young, and has some evil charm in his eyebrows. Xia Yan frowned slightly, Liu Zhu, why did he come? Although he made a little change, it would not be great if he was identified.

"Which kid is your onion, get out!"

Long Baili growled, his voice was energetic, and he wanted to give back the white-faced nun in front of him. Unexpectedly, instead of disapproving, he picked up a fan and instigated in front of him.

"Me? I'm just a nameless junior, but I have long admired Li Zhuangzhu!"

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