1428 Li Daitao Zombie

"I heard that in order to abolish the ban on martial arts, the owner of Zhuang Li did not hesitate to retreat from the rivers and lakes, and moved the seven-star villas from Huaxia out of Huaxia. As a result, not only did the leaders not appreciate, but they also ran to trouble while the owner of the owner was injured. What is it about you? Is it because you want to hurt the owner when he is injured? "

"Little baby is talking nonsense, I don't think so."

The head of Qingcheng really turned his eyes around and refused to admit it.

"What does Lao Tzu want to do, and you still can't control it?"

Long Baili was a violent temper, and he stretched out his hand directly and patted it towards Liu Zhu's shoulder.


A handsome man like a jade came out next to him. He reached out and grabbed the wrist of the dragon hundred miles, and at the same time introduced the infuriating spirit that broke out of the dragon hundred miles into his own body and introduced it to his body. In the ground under your feet.


The floor under his feet suddenly cracked.

"Yan Kai?"

Long Baili was a little surprised to see that this handsome man had relaxed his power with ease.

"You Wudang abandonment, but a dog of the bereavement, dare to arrogance in front of me?"

"Taoye heard that your" Sun Palm "is the best in the world. See you today, but that's it."

Who is Yan Kai? No one is more proud of him in the whole villa. Long Baili wanted to humiliate him, he did choose the wrong person. Once Yan Kai started to ridicule people, it was nuclear bomb level. In the past Guan Wenbao did not suffer less, and it is time for others to turn.

"Asshole, you say it again?"

Long Baili frowned and stared at Yan Kai fiercely.

"But Wudang abandonment, how dare you talk to me like that!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that you are not as good as a Wudang abandon."

Yan Kai laughed, "There should be a degree of waste wood, dragon head!"

"you wanna die!"

Long Baili raised his palm again, and even some golden red light was emitted on the palm. The martial arts of the martial arts, the most famous of which is the Sun Palm! Cooperating with the internal power of Chunyang School of Pai, this meat palm can become like a diamond, with great strength, broken gold and jade!

Among martial arts, internal power is divided into positive and negative. Like martial arts, their martial arts have two kinds of internal merits, the primary internal meditation "Lieyang Gong" and the advanced internal meditation "Zhuyang Puzhao Gong", all of which are pure Yang fu. This positive internal strength is explosive, once it erupts, it is volcanic. And like Li Fan who practiced Kung Fu, "Seven Chivalrous Forces" from the beginning is the internal strength of Zhiyang. However, in the later "Kowloon Decision", because of Xuan Bing's coldness, he began to be negative. In addition, Emei's primary internal skills "Yuhua Gong" and advanced internal skills "Nine-leaf Lotus Power" are both negative internal skills. The feminine internal power has the advantage of being long. Although the outbreak is insufficient and the power is not as strong as the positive internal power, it has continuous strength and endless sources, which is suitable for fighting and long-term combat.

Long Baili's "Sun Palm" is a masculine palm method that matches pure Yang martial arts. Can play a hundred percent power!

And Yan Kai practiced Wudang's advanced internal skill "Tai Chi Divine Gong". There are so many internal powers in the world, but Tai Chi divine power is different. This internal power has both yang and yin attributes, and has stamina and bursts. However, when you practice in this door, you still have to look at the attributes separately. For example, Yan Kai, because his personality is more feminine, he has developed Yin Tai Chi. When he was a fellow student of the same year, he trained a vigorous Yang Taiji!

Long Baili turned his skill to 70% and was ready to teach Yan Kai a lesson. But at this moment, there was a loud voice behind him.

"The Immortal Buddha."

Long Baili was about to slap it out and collected it stiffly.

"Natural son, this person has been expelled from Wudang by you. Don't you still succeed for him?"

Long Baili turned around, looked at the head of Wudang, and asked.

"Long Baili, haven't you noticed that Yan Kai's strength is not much different from yours."

The inorganic child had a calm face, and his character was very gentle. It was not his idea to push Yan Kai out of the school that year, but the meaning of the law enforcement hall. However, after Yan Kai went out of the division, although he became a master, he didn't regret it. This is his character, gentle as jade, and not shocked. It was just that a fellow student who followed him didn't think so.

Wu Yangzi served as the law enforcement elder in Wuzhong. He put his hands in his sleeves and walked out of the door. He stood beside the child and said sarcastically.

"Brother, you ca n’t say that. Isn't it to build up the spirit of others and destroy your power? Where can a traitor such as Yan Kai cultivate a profound skill? Since the dragon is willing to clean up the portal for us, let us It ’s time to help. Dragon head, this villain went out of the mountain gate, and was still practicing my Wudang Taiji magic, and it was too much to defile my Wudang reputation! "

"Still no reason, no matter what."

Long Baili laughed.

"This boy is practicing Yin Tai Chi, Long is in charge."

Wu Yangzi continued, "But his left-hand kung fu can not be practiced at home, you just have to attack his left hand."


After listening, Yan Kai couldn't help laughing, "Well, a law enforcement elder from Wudang! If you are willing to fight, why don't you take the dragon's head? Although the dragon's head is a bit brainless, Dao also I can't bear to see him being used by you so much. What a pity, isn't it? "

"Asshole! You look for death!"

Long Baili was furious when he heard that he was scolding himself!

A Wudang abandoner, when he arrived at the Seven Knights Villa, he was so presumptuous! It seems that this is already the case for a law-enforcement. Huh, let these people know today that Wulin belongs to their six martial arts! If it wasn't for the government to ban martial arts, would they have let a Seven Chivalry Villa come out?

"Let me teach you lessons for Wudang!"

Long Baili said, this time no longer keep his hand, a direct sunlight in the palm of the scorching sun, printed on Yan Kai's chest!

"Come here."

Yan Kai laughed, letting Long Baili slap him on his chest.

The scorching sun of Long Baili is unfavorable, and it is indestructible! Even if it is a stone tablet, it will be crushed by a slap! And if a person's chest eats a sturdy palm of his own sun, his sternum will be cracked and his internal organs will become pus!

But at this moment, his palm, printed on Yan Kai's chest, is like being caught in cotton! Yan Kai stood there well, but the ground under his feet cracked even more.


Long Baili was taken aback. This Wudang abandoner's Taiji magic has actually been practiced in such a state? Taiji Divine Gong was originally a Taoist kung fu, but Yan Kai even practiced Li Daitao's state of rigidity!

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