My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1429: Wang Yue'e

1429 Wang Yue'e

"Countless celestial beings!"

Even if it is a peaceful child, when you see this scene, you can't help but remember the channel number.

Li Daitao is stiff, even if he isn't perfect. Yan Kai is indeed quite talented in martial arts. It is a pity that it is a little worse in the Taoist method. If he can study the Dharma well, it will surely become a big thing in the future. Hey, it's a pity, it's a pity.

The child is worried about Yan Kai's personal situation, but not because of Wudang, nor is he jealous of Yan Kai's growth. This is not something ordinary people can do.

"Boy, you're good at kung fu, but not my opponent!"

Long Baili felt that his face could not be hung up, and he did not expect that the martial arts of an abandoned disciple in Wudang turned out to be so high!

"Dragon head, although you have no ability to make it out, if Dao is afraid of you, he won't be surnamed Yan!"

Yan Kai didn't pay attention to this dragon hundred miles at all. His eyes fell on Liu Zhu's body, and there was a hint of slyness in his eyes. Fighting forces, not bad! "

In a word, he divided them into evil forces.

"German is on your mouth."

Wu Yangzi put his hands in his sleeves and stood beside them. Yin Yang said weirdly, "If you do not converge, one day you will die miserably sooner or later."

"Whatever Dao loves, it doesn't matter what you do? Are you a wild son born to Dao years ago?"

Yan Kai didn't leave German in his mouth, and the angry Wuyangzi was blowing his beard, but in the presence of so many people, it was not easy to attack.

After all, he is a well-known old man, not like Long Baili.

"Everyone calm down."

Xia Yan came out and calmed everyone. "Tomorrow is the day when our owner ’s golden basin washes his hands. If you have any grievances, please talk to our owner tomorrow. But today the owner closed the retreat. I would like to invite you to look at the thin face of my Qixiaxiazhuang, and to be accommodating. You are the same martial arts, and come here today, I will treat you as a courtesy. But if you do n’t speak flat and aggressive, do n’t do it My Qixiaxiazhuang is so bullied! "

As he said, Xia Yi waved his hand, and on the roof next to him, a row of seven sword guards suddenly appeared. Everyone had sharp eyes, holding a sword in their hands, staring at each other and looking at the people below.

Seeing this scene, even Long Baili couldn't help but swallow.

Good guy, there are so many masters in Qixia Villa! Does he seem to underestimate Qixia Villa?

"Why ... Seven Chivalry Villa can't do anything to us?"

Wang Zhen rolled his eyes and then said.

"Do not."

Xia Ling's voice was a little tougher. "I said that if you are a guest, I will naturally treat you with courtesy. But when I encounter troublemakers, I will never be polite."

"That's right."

Just then, a beautiful woman, wearing a white plain clothes, like a fairy descending from the sky, fluttered in front of everyone.

"Undead evil Buddha?"

"Oh my God, this woman really is in Qixia Villa ..."

As soon as Zhou Guifei appeared, she was exquisitely beautiful, but she exuded an invisible majesty covering her surroundings, so that characters like Long Baili did not dare to resist.

"Although I want to withdraw from the Central Plains Wulin, I am not afraid of anyone."

Zhou Guifei stood there. Although her voice was quiet, no one dared to refute.

"Xia Xie, when Li Fan retreats, this palace will do its best to assist you."

Zhou Guifei said slowly, "Whoever doesn't want to make trouble, killing is."


Xia Yuan nodded, Long Baili wanted to say something, but swallowed it back.

Who is Zhou Guifei? Undead Evil Buddha! The big devil hundreds of years ago! I heard that her strength is already amazing, and she has benefited Liu Jinchan just by a set of martial arts she has created, and it is even more popular among the people of today!

"I don't mention it in advance."

Yu Ruoying suddenly took two steps forward, and said, "I heard that your school has a set of fast swords that are uniquely called" The Twelve Swords of the Dragon "! Many people claim that this set of swordsmanship is a martial art. One sword, I would like to ask for advice. Concubine Zhou, can the younger have this honor? "

Yu Ruoying went straight without any cover. Seeing that she was a woman, Zhou Guifei had a certain kind of affection, plus she was kind to herself, so she was a little gentle.

"I heard today's Emei's" Hanxue Plum Blossom Sword "is very powerful, and it is the first sword. And my family's" Five Dragons of the Dragon "is a one-handed fast sword. You are two swordsmen, you can't compare them."

"The Hanxue Plum Blossom Sword was created by the head of the second generation of Emei and passed down by disciples of Emei in the past. Although it is a double sword, its roots are also swordsmanship. Since Qixia Mountain Villa has better sword skills, I naturally want to ask for advice Fan. "


Zhou Guifei did not refuse, she always admired those who directly challenged her.

"But in your capacity as a palace, it is inconvenient for you to shoot. You are also the one in charge, and you should not challenge it casually. So, how about sending your next disciple to challenge my next disciple?"

"This is naturally good!"

Yu Ruoying was very happy, she glanced at the female disciple beside her.

This female disciple is only eighteen or nineteen years old, looks very young, beautiful and lovely, with dark hair and watery eyes. Although standing honestly beside the head of the door, the dark eyes looked around secretly, full of curiosity about everything.

She wore a goose pink dress that was only available to disciples from Emei, and her long black hair was twisted into a twist braid and dropped to the hips. And she carried two Emei swords on her back, two of which were called Qingfeng and one bright moon. They were the swords of Emei's head Yu Ruoying. This female disciple was her last disciple and she loved it so much that she even passed her both swords.

"Yue'e, your sword skills are a little more advanced today. You have also realized seven or eight points in the" Hanxue Plum Blossom Sword ", so you should talk to the teachers and brothers of Qixia Mountain Villa.

"Ah, Master ... me, shall I?"

The Emei female disciple was surprised when she heard her calling from her master. His big dark eyes were rounded and her eyelashes blinked, seeming a little unconvinced.

"Senior Zhou, this young disciple Wang Yue'e, a close disciple, can't do anything internally, but the work is OK."

"A good piece of material."

Zhou Guifei looked at Wang Yue'e and nodded with relief. "If you tune it up-teach it, the future is limitless."

"Thank you, senior."

Yu Ruoying glanced back at his little apprentice.

"Thank you senior ..."

Wang Yue'e gave a gift to Zhou Guifei timidly, but her eyes secretly looked at the appearance of Zhou Guifei, and she said that her sister was so beautiful!

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