My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1430: Hanxue Plum Sword

1430 Han Xue Plum Blossom Sword

Wang Yue'e's sisters looked at her with envy. This girl, who has not been in Emei for a long time, is deeply loved by her head. Even two portable sabers were passed on to this girl, and the future leader would not pass it to her. This girl has a low level of martial arts skills and has a low qualification.

"Yin Zhouzhou, come here."

Zhou Guifei thought for a moment, and took a trick.


Yin Zhouzhou is standing beside him watching the excitement. He has been in Qixia Villa for some days, and Wu Gong is considered a small success. His Qixia Boxing progressed very well, so Jiang Ye admired him, so he passed him a few tricks to drop the dragon sword. Although Qixia Mountain Villa will be relocated overseas, it has not affected Yin Zhouzhou. In particular, Li Jiadao was visa-free for Huaxia, and it was not difficult to move to study, so he went abroad to study.

"Yin Zhouzhou, how many swordsmanships have you passed on before Jiang Ye left?"

"Back to Elder Zhou, the second division sister passed me five strokes that day: Dragon Clouds, Clouds, Green Dragon Runs, Flying Dragon Dance, Dragon Water and Dragon Lock Magic Soldiers!"


Gui Guifei nodded, these five tricks should be enough.

"You compare this sister to yours. Be careful and don't lose your master's face."


Yin Zhouzhou was actually a little excited. She has been in the school for so long and hasn't given any credit to the martial arts! Today is an opportunity. The little girl in front of her looks so gorgeous, so delicate, it is not high at first glance at martial arts!

"Don't care! I ask you, how many levels of your seven chivalrous team have you practiced?"

Li Fan has reorganized Qi Xia Jin, now Qi Xia Jin has a total of nine floors, corresponding to Jiulong. When the seven chivalrous spirits practice to the ninth floor, they are qualified to practice high-level mentality. The decision is similar to that of the six martial arts.

"The disciples are not talented, they have just reached the fifth level."

"The fifth floor is the strength of the fire."

Zhou Guifei counts time, and at such a speed, progress has been fast. It is indeed a disciple that Jiang Ye can see, and it really is a bit talented.

"Yu Ruoying, what is your little disciple?"

"Yue'e, what's your level of" Yuhua Gong "?"

Yu Ruoying asked a little proudly.

"Disciple ... Disciple has just reached the fourth level ..."

Yu Ruoying's face immediately froze, and the disciples around him also secretly laughed.

"Funny! You have been two years since you started, a basic mentality, how did you get to the fourth level!"

The fourth layer, that is, the strength that blends through the peak, is weaker than others in Qixia Villa.

"There are lengths of practice time, so don't worry about it."

Zhou Guifei gave a good consolation, "What's more, the two are only swordsmanship, not the internal strength. If it is better than the internal strength, this palace shots in person, who can be in the presence?

Yu Ruoying didn't say a word, he said that you are all holy, who can compare with you in internal skills! If you weren't covered by the Seven Knights Village, it would have been demolished by these six martial artists!

Long Baili and Wang Zhenyi were all jealous. How could this **** Li Fan report to Guizhou's thigh last week! He can get to where he is today, I'm afraid that he has learned a lot of magic with Zhou Guifei! But this is not the main thing ... I heard that the boy caught the nine-tailed fox, and the demon fox stole the heroic order. There may be immortals left by the immortals!

Huh, what kind of retreat is it? It ’s obviously secretly practicing the Immortal Method? Liu Jinchan is the leader of the Central Plains World Alliance. His heroic order is naturally also a thing of the Central Plains martial arts. How can this martial arts in the outer region be taken away!

However, they also wanted to see how powerful the so-called dragon sword created by Li Fan was.

I heard that after he created "Seven Chivalrous Fist", he also created a higher-level "Kowloon Decision". There are nine stunts in this Kowloon show, the most famous of which is the sword of falling dragons, or because of the reputation that Jiang Ye made when he was wrestling in Wulin.

Wang Zhenyi stood silently with disdain in his eyes.

Nine kinds of stunts? Oh, that's nonsense. There are seventy-two stunts recorded in Shaolin in the novel, which are all nonsense. A martial art can have a stunt to the town, and it can be among the six martial arts! The so-called nine stunts are just bragging!

"The predecessors were right, the strengths of both sides are similar, and the main competition is swordsmanship."

Yu Ruoying pointed to his young apprentice, "Go and talk to others."

"Hee hee, little sister, don't let Master get angry again!"

A female disciple next to Emei smiled and said to Wang Yue'e.

"shut up!"

Yu Ruoying screamed at her disciples with jade shame on her face. The female disciple was startled, and hurriedly lowered her head, daring to talk nonsense.

"Yue'e, just do your best, go!"

Yu Ruoying said so, he didn't want his apprentice to lose! Hanxue plum sword, this is the martial arts inherited by their Emei school for hundreds of years. Today, they must prove that the first sword in the world is their Emei!

"Little sisters from the Emei school, please advise."

Yin Zhouzhou arched his hand seriously against Wang Yue'e, and at the same time pressed his hand gently on the hilt of the chivalry sword at the waist.

"Well, brothers have to teach more!"

Wang Yue'e said, and looked at Yin Zhouzhou up and down. If I lose today, I ’m sure I ca n’t spare Master! Therefore, this passerby brother of Qixia Villa can only sorry for you!

"Brother, please enlighten me!"

Wang Yue'e said, pulling back two swords from behind. The clear wind and bright moon sword, one is white and the other is blue, are pretty in the hands of the girl!

Yin Zhouzhou took his eyes back and looked right. Ma Dan, he's here to compare swords, but he can't be confused by Emei's sister!

"Chu Xuehanmei."

Holding two swords, Wang Yue'e stepped lightly at his feet, and the wind and the power were normal. He reached Yin Zhouzhou.

Yin Zhouzhou's eyes narrowed and he focused his attention, waiting to see the power of Wang Yue'e's move! But at this moment, Wang Yue'e suddenly turned upside down and jumped to the top of Yin Zhouzhou. The two swords and the body spun together and strangled towards Yin Zhouzhou.

"Blue Dragon runs through the sun!"

Yin Zhouzhou didn't panic. He lifted the sword and stabbed directly.


But Wang Yue'e's two swords agitated, but they shot Yin Zhouzhou's sword aside.

"Shuangmei points snow!"

Wang Yue'e's body was still in the air, and he came towards Yin Zhouzhou. With one point of his sword, he went straight to the key of Yin Zhouzhou. Such a beautiful girl, but the murderous use of swordsmanship, no room for Yin Zhouzhou. Yin Zhouzhou hurriedly performed the flying dragon dance, but used this sword technique to protect himself, jingled a few times, and constantly played Wang Yue'e's sword.

"too slow!"

Zhou Guifei sent a message to Yin Zhouzhou, "Remember the essence of this set of swordsmanship lies in a fast word!"

Yin Zhouzhou nodded, and he slipped back a few meters to stabilize his body and adjust his state.

p.s Something is happening today, two more.

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