My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 144: I have few friends

144 My friends are few

Naturally, Liu Dinan would not take this diplomatic rhetoric as the same thing.

She stayed here for another day, preparing to leave the next day.

"There should be no danger tonight."

Liu Yanan said, "Even if it is Yamada, it doesn't have that much ability to continuously mobilize more masters to deal with me."

"Can I take a leave with you tonight?"

Li Fan asked while stretching his waist.

"Leave a leave? What leave?"

Liu Yanan was a little strange, and asked immediately.

"After all, I came to the island country. I was going to stroll around, look at the Ginza or something here, and feel the pure customs and customs here."

The smile on Li Fan's face was a bit wry, but Liu Yannan gave him a harsh white look.

"Come on, I can't guess your mind?"

"What is my mind?"

"Do you want to get the national treasure back?"

Liu Yanan came up with a map, "Can you do it without me?"

"Fuck, you woman, are you a tapeworm in my stomach?"

Li Fan murmured, but Liu Yanan scolded, "I am dead, who is the maggot, it is disgusting!"

"You shit! How else would you guess!"

Li Fan is a bit strange. Is this woman a little too smart?

"What can't be guessed, it's a Chinese man, all want to bring Chuan Guoyu Xi back to China!"

Liu Yannan said very directly, "If you are a Chinese man, you naturally want to do this!"

"Then Qi Zeping them, don't they want to?"

"They are different. These people are of Chinese American descent, and they have no deep relationship with Huaxia."

Liu Yanan held the map and pointed on it, "But this time, they can help them together. After all, I paid them for it."

"And is it big money?"

Li Fan was a little unbalanced, but Liu Yannan said objectively.

"What ’s wrong with you, you just won the black boxing once. And these five people have experience and fame, professional bodyguards for 20 years! If you do n’t make your own brand name, who will pay you a lot ? "

"I want to raise prices."

"I'll have to say it again next time."

Liu Yanan shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway, this time, 60,000 yuan, you have to protect me and send me safely to the home plane."

"Day you."


"Not as good as Japanese dog."

"Go to hell!"

Liu Yannan really wanted to kick Li Fan back to City A, but he had to stay to protect himself. It is estimated that this last wave of assassination should be on the way back. If Li Fan were not here, these internationally renowned big bodyguards wouldn't necessarily be able to protect themselves.

The islanders' ninjas are too weird, and indeed go beyond Qi Zeping's several business areas.

But stealing treasure ... they can still come in handy.

"Look at you, you're scolding at every turn. Anyway, you're also a young lady, how can you be so unqualified?"

"You're going to die, do I have the quality you want to control!"

"Don't make trouble, talk about business."

Li Fan carefully looked at the map, "Is this a floor plan of the house?"

Li Fan's ability to change his face is even worse than that of a woman. His jumping thinking made Liu Yanan almost fall behind, and he almost collapsed.

She took a deep breath, calmed herself as much as possible, and said, "Are you going to help get the national treasure back?"

"Of course, after all, this is something of our old ancestors. This group of little devils want to **** it away and have to ask me if Li Fan does not agree!"

Li Fan sneered three times, remembering the proud face of old Yamada in the morning, he couldn't help but want to get angry.

But as a martial artist, you must always keep your mind sane and not be teased by emotions. Otherwise, the demon will not know when he suddenly ran out and disturbed his mind again!

Practicing martial arts is very difficult. Whether it is external or internal, if you don't master it well, you will hurt yourself.

"I'm going back to Huaxia with my ancestor's stuff."

"Li Fan, do you know why Guan Wenbao was bought by me?"

Suddenly Liu Yanan asked, Li Fan recalled, "Don't you want to play with him because of your heart?"

"Go away, Miss Ben wouldn't just buy a useless person."

Liu Yannan rolled his eyes, "He redeemed the darts of his family by himself."

"What ages are there, and darts?"

Li Fan wanted to ask Guan Wenbao for this question, but he was afraid of touching his sadness, so he never talked about it.

Now Laoguan is not around, he can only ask Liu Yannan.

"Of course, Huaxia's darts are famous in the world. Some old darts are more powerful than those umbrella security companies."

"I heard this for the first time."

Li Fan thought to herself, Murong Ying should also understand this kind of thing, but never said to herself. Probably because she hadn't been in contact with her. When she did, she should have told herself.

"The Guan Family's dart game was left by Guan Erye."

Liu Yanan even had some admiration in his eyes. "Especially in the past few decades, when Guan Wenbao's grandfather was still there, Guan Jia's status was still very high. No one in the rivers and lakes gave his old people a face in their darts. However, Father Guan ’s son, also known as Guan Wenbao ’s father, is very young and sick. In order to see him, his family basically lost all his wealth and slowly fell into disappointment. In the generation of Guan Wenbao, although he was interested in re-energizing the dartboard, The frustration of the family, the stall was too broken, and even the darts were mortgaged out. If it wasn't for the kindness of Miss Ben, who helped him redeem the darts, I am afraid that their family name would be completely dispersed. "

"Fuck, it's like you're a good person!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes.

"Miss Ben is kind to him, it is an indisputable fact!"

"Benefit does not mean that you can be humiliated at will."

Li Fan said very directly, "People live a breath, a tree lives a piece of skin! The reason Guan Wenbao bows his head to you is just to repay you for this kind of grace. And now you don't even have the last person who is willing to give grace. Viper woman, you actually failed. "

"Fart! Miss Ben is very moist!"

Liu Yanan came up again, patted his chest and said, "How many people envy my life, I was born with a golden key!"

"Then I ask you, do you have friends?"

Li Fan asked briefly, but stopped Liu Yannan.

"I, I don't have one, I have a lot of friends! If you go out for a party, you can pull a large group!"

"Guan Wenbao and I are friends now, and we can all sacrifice our lives for each other."

Li Fan said loudly, "I still have Lei Zi, Xiao Si Yan, we have no interest relationship, but we can tell each other heart to heart, we can share the same hardships and suffer the same problems! Viper woman, I ask you, do you have such friends? "

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