My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 145: Good life is safe

Chapter 145: A Good Man's Life Is Safe

Liu Yanan thought for a long time, but never thought whether there was such a person around him.

"I have money. I can ask the best bodyguards to kill me."

"They died for your money, not for you."

Li Fan laughed, "Liu Yannan, Liu Yannan, if you have no money, then you are nothing."

"I'll have money all my life! They will always stick to me!"

Liu Yannan said confidently, "Including you, Li Fan, you still owe me money, don't forget it."

"I won't forget, let me pay it back quickly."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders. "But Xiao Ye, I'm not an artist, I don't want to think about it."

"Go to death! Only ghosts will think of you!"

Liu Yannan is terribly angry, what the **** is this guy thinking in his head one day! How could Miss Ben have an idea for him, he was a bastard! Thorough asshole!

"You see, you just crook the building."

Li Fan said solemnly, "How can this person be like this? It's too much! I'll talk to you about business, you see, it's a bullshit."

"Your sister!"

Liu Yannan's eyes are about to turn into the sky, this guy is so annoying! Why can't he fight him? He is not wantless, but he can't help himself!

I hate it, I really hate it!

Liu Yannan was about to explode, but couldn't vent.

She could only poke the map fiercely with her fingers, as if to poke the map!

"Miss, do you work harder, the table will be upset by you-tide."

Li Fan couldn't help but spit in the side, Liu Yannan said angrily, "Did you see this, this is this! This is where the old man of Yamada put his babies. It is a ten-meter-deep steel basement! The guard here is very strict, the entrance Only this door is the old man's bedroom. "

Liu Yanan pointed to a building next to it, "Except here, there are no entrances and exits. There are ten security gates in each, and each one has a biological detector to scan whether someone has entered. Once someone enters, immediately put All security doors are locked. "

"I don't know much about this. Let Qi Zeping come in."

"Of course, that's why they pay to hire them."

Liu Yanan said something with the headset, and Qi Zeping's team immediately walked in. Liu Yanan said something, Qi Zeping's eyes lightened.

It seems that he has also suffered badly these days, and now he finally has something to play with, he is very excited.

"This place is known as a 5a fort."

Qi Zeping stared at the map. "The only chance we have to start is Mr. Yamada's bedroom. The way of entry should be fingerprints, voice control or retinal scanning, so we need to get the physical characteristics of this old gentleman."

"Fingerprints are easier to obtain and voice control is fine, but if it is a retinal scan, it will be difficult."

Qi Zeping said, "I need to get some props, and I will send them to me tonight."

"Can you get it?"

Liu Yannan asked carefully.

"No problem, I also have some connections in the island country."

Qi Zeping made an ok gesture, "It can be delivered in an hour. I remember Mr. Yamada's schedule. I should have dinner with you at night. I will need your help to get these characteristics from Mr. Yamada. "

"give it to me."

Liu Yannan said, pulling up his hair, "It's not difficult to get an old man, I will do my best."

"But ten bioscan security locks are a bit difficult."

Qiu Ao touched his chin, "Once entering the scanning area, all the information will be scanned within one second and then uploaded."

"But it also means that if you pass these scans in a second, you won't trigger the security lock, will you?"

Li Fan asked.

"No way, humans don't have that speed."

Qiu Ao shook his head, "It is impossible to pass a scanning distance of five meters in one second."

"Leave this to me, I'll take care of it."

Li Fanxin said that he can challenge it at a distance of five meters per second!

"You have to think about it. If you fail, you will be locked in. By then, Miss Ben will never admit to having a relationship with you."

Liu Yanan said first, "You are expected to be detained for a lifetime in an island prison!"

"It's okay. Without three points, how dare you go to Liangshan."

Li Fan laughed. "Since I dare to continue, I have already made plans. As for other matters, I will leave it to you."

"Okay, then from seven o'clock, we all act."

Qi Zeping laid out a bit, "I am here to coordinate the overall situation, Qiu Ao is responsible for preparing to take over their network, Gao Hongli is responsible for replacing the smart chip of the house. The Long family brothers are responsible for attracting their attention. The young lady will get it when the time comes. After the biometrics, I handed it over to Li Fan. After that, I need to wait a little longer for us, okay? "

"no problem."

"I have a question."

Li Fan interrupted their conversation. "Who protected Liu Yannan while I was going to get back the national treasure."

"Relax, tonight is an important dinner."

Liu Yanan gave them a reassurance pill. "It is said that even the royal family of the island nation will come tonight. This is very important to the old man in Yamada. He has the best face in his life. If something happens at this time, I am afraid he will confess his sins.

"That's good."

Li Fan was relieved.

"I didn't see it, you still care about me."

"No, I'm worried about losing that 120,000."

Li Fan said frankly.

"Go to hell!"

Liu Yanan was angry again, and couldn't be happy with this person for a day!

"Yes, what happened to the dart game you mentioned earlier?"

After Li Fan and Qi Zeping were all busy, they asked again.

"Hua Xia Dart Bureau, smuggling darts!"

Liu Yanan took a meaningful look at Li Fan, "If you really want to make a lot of money, I suggest that you and Guan Wenbao can get up again. With your ability, you should be doing well."

"I've known you for so long. You talk for the first time."

Li Fan was filled with emotion, and Liu Yanan glared at him sternly. "What do you mean, Li Fan, do you want to fight?"

"Look at you and lose your temper when you say a few words. We are a team now. We must be united, think fast, and work hard! You are not a child anymore, how can you always let me worry about you? ! "

"Li Fan, why don't you die!"

Liu Yannan felt that Li Fan would not die one day, and he could not rest at ease one day! But if he dies, it seems a bit boring again!

"Because I am a good person, a good person is safe for life."

"My mother is too lazy to take care of you, and my makeup is gone!"



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