146 Treasure Thief

It is indeed a very important dinner. Bodyguards such as Li Fan can only stand outside the hall, closing their eyes and keeping their eyes closed, while waiting for Liu Yannan to start the task.

As promised, he waited at the door of the dinner, and once everything was ready, he set off immediately.

At this point Liu Yannan had been in for more than an hour. Although Li Fan was patient, the time was urgent. It's true to get the national treasure as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more night long dreams. It's even more difficult to miss this opportunity, and to wait for the next time.

"The monitoring equipment is switched."

Chou Ao's voice came from the headset, "Waiting for the next round of mission instructions."

"Everyone stands by and waits until the young lady gets the biometrics."

Li Fan glanced at the time, it was more than nine o'clock. If Liu Yanan never comes out again, time may be too late.

He all wanted to rush directly into this hall, holding the old man's head in his own hands, and pressing him into the treasure house to pass the test.

But Li Fan knows that this is not possible. After all, there are many masters in this house, and it is said that the treasure house also has a self-destruct device. Once launched, all the babies will turn into fly ash in an instant! The old man in Yamada would rather bring his treasure to be buried with him, and he would never return it to the Huaxia people. This is what Liu Yannan gave him.

Li Fan was patient and waited a little longer. The door of the hall was finally opened, and Liu Yannan stepped out of it with a little drunkness, leaning against Li Fan's arms.

"Li Fan, have a drink with your sister?"

Liu Yingnan hooked Li Fan's chin with one finger and looked at him with all kinds of emotions.

"Viper woman, you drink too much."

Li Fan gently pushed Liu Yannan away. Her body was mixed with perfume and wine, and the smell was chaotic, but she had a very fatal temptation-confusion.

"Look at me."

Liu Yanan leaned softly on Li Fan again, "Miss Ben ... but not a thousand cups ..."

As she said, she took off her black-rimmed glasses and shoved them into Li Fan's chest pocket. "Gather my old lady ... give me back tonight."

This is the smart glasses provided by Qiu Ao, which can collect cornea, sound, and even fingerprints of the other party through it.

In today's rapid technological advancement, all this is not difficult. There is a smart chip on the glasses, which is connected to Qiu Ao's network.

"The old ghost in Yamada, I just wanted to take the opportunity to touch Miss Ben's thigh."

Liu Yanan lowered her voice and exhaled in Li Fan's ears, like, "This lousy old man doesn't pee on his own. He can be a grandfather, so shameless."

"How old men are, they like young women."

Li Fan grinned, "Especially the old man in the island country, likes you loli without chest."

"Sometimes I really want to tear your mouth!"

Liu Yanan spit his wine and looked at Li Fan angrily. "Li Fan, Li Fan, if you like Guan Wenbao, obediently be a loyal dog around me, it would be great.

Li Fan just wanted to refute, but she sighed again.

"But then, it seems like there is no more pleasure. Tune-teach you that you are the most fun."

Li Fan was ready to criticize and educate Liu Yannan. She even compared herself to a dog. This time, she also compared to a wild dog.

But Liu Yannan pushed Li Fan gently, "I should go back ... Li Fan, the national treasure will be given to you."

"Why do people like you care about national treasures so much?"

"To be handed over to the country."

Liu Yannan squinted his eyes at Li Fan, and Li Fan poked his lips before the ghost believed.

She wobbled her hips wrapped in a black evening dress and twisted the water snake waist into the hall. She doesn't have much time to fight, Li Fan must hurry up all the time!

Li Fan immediately left the banquet hall and returned to the courtyard of Yamada's house.

Yamada's old man's bedroom was in a place like an ancient castle. Li Fan went to the corner and took off his suit jacket. Inside was a black hoodie. Li Fan pulled his hat on his head and put on smart glasses. The outer mirror surface of the smart glasses immediately turned black, but the light inside was normal when looking inside.

At the same time, he also put on a black mask, trying to cover himself up, so that outsiders would not know his true identity.

Li Fan silently dived into the lower part of the castle while it was still night. A bright moon hung on top of the castle, making this castle look like a demon city. Several teams of bodyguards were still patrolling on the lawn. Li Fan caught the surrounding trees and hid back and forth, avoiding the search by the patrol.

In the end, the old man of Yamada lived. The patrol was very careful to protect. Li Fan observed it and there were almost no blind spots to enter.

But this is not difficult to beat Li Fan. He picked up a stone from the ground, flung it away, and smashed directly into the grass next to it.

When the grass shook, the sound of stones falling to the ground immediately caught the attention of all bodyguards.

Taking advantage of this effort, Li Fan took advantage of the ape's body style and immediately stung out.

Ape strike, spirit monkey get away! The trick is to hit the time difference and use the other party to temporarily look away for a short shift. Li Fan quickly came to the lower part of the castle. By the time the bodyguards regained their sight, he had jumped easily and fell to the balcony on the second floor flexibly, and then plunged into the room.

The old man of Yamada lived in such a big house by himself. It was very empty and didn't seem to have much popularity.

Li Fan is a bit strange. Doesn't this old man live in a place like this, and isn't he afraid? The layout of the entire room is also very uncomfortable. Whether it is the room or the corridor outside, there is a **** portrait hanging next to it, and in this dark night, the moonlight is inaccessible. Creepy.

If it weren't for Li Fanmu's night vision, he would really retreat here.

"It's a perverted place to live ..."

According to the map, Li Fan stepped on the wooden stairs and walked to the old man's bedroom.

If you are an ordinary person, you must make a crunching sound when you step on such wooden stairs. But Li Fan stepped on it, like a cat, silently and quietly, came to the fourth floor.

Where he walked, the cameras automatically entered the paused state. Qiu Ao's operation was seamless, so that the security personnel in the monitoring room did not find anything unusual.

Li Fan walked into the bedroom and looked at this antique bedroom, still whispering in his heart. I was an ordinary high school student. I did not expect that one day, I would embark on the road of stealing treasure! Li Fan, Li Fan, you can fight for it. Don't make a mistake at such an important moment!

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