My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 147: treasure house

147 Treasury

Li Fan took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

He looked at these weird paintings around him, and began to mutter, wouldn't people who live in such places perennially be perverted? Li Fan looked around, and his smart glasses began to scan quickly to analyze these scenes in the room.

Qiu Ao analyzed every scene over there, and finally aimed at a book on the bookshelf.

According to Qiu Ao's instructions, Li Fan walked over, stretched out his hand, and pulled on the book.


With a trembling sound, the opposite wall slowly opened, and a high-tech elevator appeared in front of him.

But opening the door of the elevator really needs to scan the cornea. Li Fan was ready. He stepped forward and scanned the glasses with his eyes. The old cornea of ​​Yamada was perfectly imitated by smart glasses. The elevator door was deceived by the fake cornea. Pull away.

"Ok, the first step passed."

Qiu Ao's voice was calm, and it seemed to have been expected.

"The next step is to go deep into the ground ten meters deep and scan through the security door."

"Got it."

Li Fan took the elevator all the way to the legendary treasure house.

This treasure house has only one corridor leading to the opposite side, and there is red light on the corridor. There is a section every ten meters to monitor this long corridor. As Qiu Ao said, each scanner has a scanning range of five meters, and he has to pass one of them within one second. Smart glasses marked the distance of each piece to facilitate Li Fan's judgment.

If it fails, the elevator will be closed, the place will be completely closed, and he has nowhere to run.

Whether this treasure house will become a place of captivity depends on Li Fan's ability!

He stood in front of a scanning section, put his hands on Dan Tian, ​​and was taken up with a sigh of anger.

The most explosive form, toad hit!

Li Fan was lying on the ground. At this moment, the air around him seemed to be sucked by Li Fan!

He seemed to be able to detect the flow of air around him. At that moment, the speed of the air slowed down ...

Qiu Ao and Qi Zeping looked at Li Fan's eyes through the smart glasses, and they found Li Fan lying on the ground, a little strange. What is Li Fan doing?

"Why is he on the ground?"

"Did he give up?"

The two did not understand, just at this moment, Liu Yanan's urgent voice came from the headset.

"Get Li Fan back, old man Yamada suddenly returned!"

"Li Fan, come back soon, give up the task!"

Qi Zeping immediately ordered.

"As soon as possible."

Li Fan has now entered the realm of a true martial artist. The world has become extremely quiet in his eyes, and the distance of five meters has become clearer in his eyes. Failure is a dead end!

Li Fan, believe in yourself, you can!

The anger in his body suddenly burst out, and his hands and feet suddenly exploded. The whole person was like a cannonball, and rushed out in a blink of an eye!

The two people in front of the video exclaimed, the camera went in fast!

"This terrible speed ... in what way did he move forward?"

"Oops! He's rushing past!"

In less than a second, Li Fan has already jumped five meters. But he hasn't stopped yet. If he moves forward, he will enter the next area! By that time, he will not have time to jump at will, and will be captured by the next detector!

But at this moment, Li Fan's hands suddenly caught on the ground, and he changed into a tiger attack mode stiffly, grasping the floor with his fingers, stabilized his body!

He stopped dangerously at a distance of less than half a meter from the next detector, breathing a long sigh of relief.

"I've found the feeling."

Li Fan has done what ordinary people can't do. For a martial arts fighter, he has to push the limits of his body and challenge all kinds of impossible!

Li Fan prepared a bit, dominated by toad strike, and skipped the second scan range again!

He was fortunate that no one saw himself this way, a bit like a frog crossing the river! But after jumping twice, Li Fan also felt. His body became lighter and his qi was better controlled. Li Fan didn't need to accumulate force every time he jumped. Leaped again, jumped to the wall five meters away, stayed there for less than a second, and jumped to the ceiling at the next position!

Qi Zeping and Qiu Ao were dazzled in front of the camera. What is the origin of this Li Fan completely violates the laws of physics!

"This man, is he really human?"

Qiu Ao didn't understand, and Qi Zeping frowned and said, "I heard that he is a Chinese martial arts martial artist, practicing qigong or something."

"Qigong? How could this unscientific thing exist?"

Qiu Ao is a person who believes in science. He would not believe in such a pseudoscience as Qigong!

"There must be something wrong ... I heard that the American Pentagon is developing an adult combat suit. It is said that the physical ability of humans can be greatly improved after wearing it. This teenager named Li Fan may have done this A battle suit! "

"Is that something worthwhile ... can he just make it?"

"This explanation is more scientific."

The two were still guessing, Li Fan had passed an unusual frog jump, and had quickly passed the test zone to the front of the large flash facade.

This is the last layer of protection, and this door is voice-activated.

"Hello, Mr. Yamada."

The voice control system on the door opens.

"Hello there."

This smart glasses processed Li Fan's voice, and his voice became exactly the same as Yamada.

"Welcome, Mr. Yamada."

The door opened to Li Fan, and a huge underground treasure trove also appeared in front of Li Fan!

This underground treasure house is very large, like a pagoda! Layer by layer, there are all kinds of antiques, and even books, calligraphy and painting. It's all authentic and valuable.

Li Fan even saw a legendary demon sword here, Village Zheng!

"Here is a treasure trove of the history of human civilization ..."

Qi Zeping looked at everything here, and he could not help but exclaim,

"You can open a museum here!"

Qiu Ao also exclaimed, "Here ... it's just a place I can only see in my dream ..."

"What are you still doing here?"

Liu Yanan had already ran back, holding a pair of high heels in his hands, and his hair was spreading out. He was in a hurry.


There are too many things for Chinese New Year. I'm really sorry to be busy all day. It's a bit late ~

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