Chapter 149: Abuse

Yamada's meaning is already obvious, the two paths, either to follow themselves or die.

"Follow me, you can enjoy real happiness."

Yamada said, clapping his hands. A beautiful girl with a fox tail in his buttocks crawled in front of Li Fan, with a dull look, covering Li Fan's life directly with a small mouth.

Lying trough ...

Li Fan trembled in his heart. Is this the practice of using wool to attack the powerful heart of the proletariat with the sugar-coated shells of capitalism?

I am a People's Warrior who grew up under the Red banner and was born in a new society! This little trick won't conquer me!

Ah, you can't lick there ...

Li Fan really broke up a bit, he didn't expect the old man in Yamada to play this set!

For a man, this method is really tiring! What hot pepper water tiger stool, as long as you are a man, you can basically hold a bit of backbone! But when it comes to beauty, it's really not easy to say.

With a knife on the head of the color word, even if Li Fan was firm in his heart, the body's reaction at this moment could not lie to others.

In particular, he is an unmanned office. This kind of feeling has never been before, so that he still has some irresistible cravings!

"Li Fan, follow me, you can always enjoy these. Otherwise ... Silk ..."

It seemed that a beautiful girl hurt him, Yamada pulled out a Taidao and cut off the beautiful girl's head. The beautiful girl's head murmured to Li Fan's feet, her eyes were still open, her eyes were still so dull.

The other beautiful girls didn't seem to feel anything, and they continued to serve Yamada.

And Li Fan looked at the head of the beautiful girl, shocked. The woman underneath did not feel the slightest bit, and continued to lick Li Fan, but Li Fan did not have any pleasure.

He now had the eyes of the woman before his death, empty and weak, as if the soul had long been far away from the world. Behind Li Fan was cold sweat, and his hair was trembling. He was not afraid of the dead, but the woman's eyes seemed to penetrate his soul.

It was such an empty look, to Li Fan, it seemed as if he was speaking a few words.

help me.

"A stupid woman cannot be a cute little angel."

The old man Yamada wiped the blood off the knife, "This woman can only clean her soul with blood."

"What a beast!"

Li Fan looked at him angrily, "After you die, you will definitely go to hell."

"Are you rejecting me?"

Yamada looked at Li Fan with some strangeness. "It's some weird persistence. What's so good about Liu Yanan's woman so that you can sacrifice her life for her?"

"You're wrong."

Li Fan ridiculed, "This matter has nothing to do with Liu Yannan, you alone are too embarrassing!"

"That being the case, stupid support the man."

Yamada's face sank. "It seems that I overestimated your IQ! You guys and supporters always like internal fighting. The Liu family is only used by me. Now I have a better partner, the other party The condition is to kill Liu Yannan. She must die, no one of you can run away. "

"Little devil, you look down upon us Chinese too!"

Li Fan snorted, "Although I don't like that woman, I hate even worse animals like pigs and dogs!"

"Too stupid."

The old Yamada sighed, "Since you don't want to go alive, let's die."

After that, the old man Yamada picked up a pistol next to him and pointed at Li Fan's chest. "Since it can't be used by me, I will destroy you."

The muzzle was facing Li Fan. To be honest, Li Fan was really nervous at the time. It is impossible to say that a person is not afraid of death. Who is not afraid of death in this world? In particular, Li Fan is still young and has a bright future. So he looked at a black hole at himself, he was not afraid, it was impossible.

But even if you are scared, you ca n’t admit it! Find a way!

Li Fan took a sip of Dan Tianqi, and then he gave a loud drink!

Tigers Howling Forest!

This shouted loudly throughout the treasure house!

At this moment, everyone's ears were buzzing, showing a dull state. The old Yamada pistol crooked, and the bullet hit Li Fan's head.

Li Fan's world suddenly slowed down. This is an extraordinary feeling that erupted when he was in trouble! The bullet's trajectory slowed infinitely in his eyes, as if it were a slow motion in a movie.

The vitality in his body seemed to burst out of the body and be released outside the body. His anger was like an extension of himself, caught on the bullet, and wrapped the bullet into a ball.

This way of controlling objects with qi, Li Fan doesn't feel like his kung fu! Even with toad, there is no way to make Zhen Qi so flexible. This luck of kung fu is more like Xiao Wuxiang's magical skill! Li Baihu's small Wuxiang magic is to spread the true qi outside the body, forming a layer of invisible radon coat, enhancing the body's defense ability!

It is probably that I have absorbed a part of the small non-phase magic skill, how much should have inherited some of the small non-phase magic skill. But I did not expect that this ability could save one's life at a critical time!

The bullet was enveloped by Li Fan's infuriating spirit, changed the original direction of the bullet, and finally hit Li Fan's right handcuff.


The right handcuff was directly damaged by a bullet. Li Fan immediately raised his right hand, grabbed the left handcuff, and twisted it hard.

Card crash!

The left handed handcuffs were also broken by him.

As soon as Li Fan stooped, he broke the shackles on his feet.

"Now, it's my time."

Li Fan squeezed his fist and sneered at Yamada, who was shocked.

"Did I just abuse it?"

Li Fan's gaze turned into a trace of murder. "We have a saying in Hua Xia," It's called a **** with three heads up! Yamada, have you done so many crazy things, aren't you afraid of retribution? "

"I'm the one chosen by the **** Amaterasu, how can I get retribution?"

Yamada didn't know it, and continued to proudly say, "My husband Yamada is different. These women, they can be spoiled by me and transformed into angels of eternal life, is their glory!"

"Glory you scolded next door!"

Li Fan couldn't help yelling, "You have a psychological twist, a pervert, and less of half a garlic here! I have cooked your scum today!"

Talking, Li Fan jumped naked, slammed directly at the old man in Yamada!

The beautiful girls looked around blankly, but were lifted up by the old man of Yamada with one hand, blocking Li Fan's slap!

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