My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 150: King Kong magic

150 King Kong Fu Mana

Although this woman is also an islander, they are still alive, after all, Li Fan will definitely not hurt the innocent, nor can she give up that hand.

This is essentially different from the old man of Yamada. When Li Fan's slap was about to be put on the forehead of the beautiful girl, he stopped abruptly.

But at this moment, a fist penetrated the beautiful girl's chest and hit Li Fan's body.


Li Fan spit out blood and flew out, hitting the back wall heavily, and then fell to the ground.

The power at this moment was really light, and Li Fan felt as if he had broken all the bones in his body.

This old thing is hidden so deep! He is definitely a master of internal skills!

"I have been inactive for a long time, but I still have some strength."

The old man Yamada drew his blood-stained hand from the girl's chest, and then threw the girl aside just like throwing garbage.

"Zina ... I never called it that way when working with the Liu family. After all, I'm a partner, so I have to give people some face."

The old man in Yamada looked at Li Fan who was there. "To be honest, I still like the country of Chinna. A thousand years ago, Chinna was still a strong country. But now, Chinna has been declining, and it is fundamental to my country It ’s impossible to compare. You might say that I despise you, but everyone is hostile to each other. It ’s like internal strength. I ’m afraid you never thought that I was also a martial artist, haha. ”

"Wait a few, do you have no pity?"

Looking at the girl lying in a pool of blood, Li Fan couldn't help it.

This old man in Yamada is a true beast! It can be so cruel to treat your fellow citizens! And in front of outsiders, you still have to pretend to be hypocritical!

"It's nothing but ants, why show pity."

Yamada said disdainfully, "I put her heart back and made an angel sculpture, and she can stay with me forever."

"Genima is an old pervert!"

Li Fan yelled, "I will collect you for God today!"

"Just the work of your three-legged cat?"

The old Yamada grinned, "The young man from China, don't underestimate the martial arts world of our country."

He said that suddenly his body was thin, and suddenly muscles appeared, as if being blown up.

Now only his face can tell that he is an old man. Looking at his body, he thought he was a strong young guy!

"Your Chinese arts have fallen, but they have been carried forward in my country!"

The old man Yamada said bluntly, "I am the country ’s national art, which is the real orthodox art! This is what I have learned throughout my life, King Kong fist! And I have already reached the peak of the extremes, with the power of nine cattle and two dragons, how do you Can you beat me? "

"Even if you are the King of Heaven, Xiao Ye will lie down on you today!"

Li Fan, while talking to Yamada, is still adjusting his inner strength. Yamada's punch just made him hurt slightly, but it is still within the controllable range.

"It's stupid. You hit my Vajra fist, and my incarnation has been destroyed by me! I'm afraid you can't live long. Even if you can survive, you will have to live in a wheelchair for the rest of your life."

Yamada's old man is very confident. A small Chinese warrior, he doesn't even look at it!

"Let me end your last breath."

The old Yamada said, step by step, stood tall in front of Li Fan, stretched out his fists and aimed his head.


Yamada's fist was just smashed down, ready to hit!

But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly raised his right fist and reached the old man's fist.

The energy of the two people shocked together. Because of the carelessness of the old man, the old man of Yamada did not use his full strength and was blocked by Li Fan's attack!

When he was about to pull back his fist and give Li Fan another punch, the corner of Li Fan's mouth raised an arc.

"Dragon toad **** water!"

Although promised with Guan Wenbao, do not use this disgusting move! But now to deal with scum like Yamada, there is no need to talk about humanitarianism!

Where the two men's fists meet, Li Fan's power suddenly began to flow backwards, like a black hole, and he immediately began to draw the real energy from the old man's body!


Even Yamada suddenly changed his face at this moment and lost his arrogant look! His strong muscles started to dry up a little bit, as Li Fan expected, these muscles were created with his infuriating energy!


Yamada knew that if he went on like this, his inner energy would be absorbed!

But he has such a strong internal force that a person like Li Wenzhuo can be compared. He unexpectedly broke off the infuriating link with Li Fan, took three steps backwards, his face was very ugly!

"You, what awesomeness are you!"

Yamada was shocked. Looking at Li Fan's face was like looking at a demon.

"Special efforts to deal with scum."

Li Fan inhaled some of the magical power of King Kong. Although it still takes time to refine, he temporarily weakened Yamada. This is his purpose!

These old ones turned out to be the ultimate strength, which really exceeded Li Fan's expectations. But no matter how strong he is, when he encounters Long Chan sucking water, he must admit it!

"Fun Kung Fu!"

Unexpectedly, the old man in Yamada suddenly got excited, "It is the God of Zhao Zhao that brought you in front of me! Absorb the infuriation of others, my body may be able to eternal youth, immortality!"

"The beauty you want, you can't go to heaven!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes and wanted to learn how to absorb water from his dragon toad. He had this talent. There is no pure Yang body, how can a dragon toad absorb water!

"You do all evil, you have sin, and you still want to live long! People are doing it, heaven is watching. I am not your **** to send you to help you, but to send you to hell!"

Li Fan said, the whole man took a deep breath and entered the state of bear attack!

"Bear! Ride! Soldier!"

Li Fan's body began to swell, becoming more majestic and mighty! At the same time, the V-magic magic that he just inhaled into his body seemed to fit well into the strength of Li Fan's cavalry!

There was a black glow on his skin.

"Ah, my King Kong is magic ..."

The old man Yamada was a little subconsciously angry, but after practicing for decades, he was so easily taken away by the other party!

"I'm going to make you a tree, and find a way to plunder all your energy from your body!"

Yamada's eyes filled with greed, and she revived her anger!

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