My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1483: Second out of avatar

1483 Second Incarnation

"I, I won't let you touch him!"

There was tears in Yu Xi's only eyes, but she wiped them away.

"I swear allegiance to him!"

"Well, just leave it to me."

Li Fan said, stretched out his hand, grabbed his palm on the huge black knife of the black skeleton. With a hard palm, he stubbornly cut off the black knife!

Blood was also sprayed from Li Fan's shoulder, but he immediately sealed his veins and let the wound heal slowly.

The black skeleton roared, holding the broken knife, and seemed to want to add another knife to Li Fan! But Li Fan hacked it out with a hand knife!

Thirteen Success Power Thunder Dragon Boom!

A thunderbolt immediately came out of the hand, and immediately draped over the black skull, cut it in half! The thunderbolt did not stop, and cut into the ceiling above it, breaking through the seven-story wall, and finally breaking the building's outer wall diagonally and flying into the air. This thunder knife flew in the air for at least 4,000 meters and slowly dissipated in the atmosphere.


Wu Shen's body was broken, and Yu Xi's mouth also dripped a little blood.


She hesitated a moment, immediately holding her black knife. Even if the strength is damaged, Li Fan will have to fight hard! Li Fan, however, stretched out his right hand and directly launched Long Gong!

Suddenly, Yu Xi's attack rhythm was chaotic. She felt as if someone was dragging herself severely, dragging her in front of Li Fan, and then holding Tian Linggai with one hand. Yu Xi was freezed there in an instant, and she felt that her entire meridians were restrained by a strange internal force, and she could not break free or resist.

"Just take a break."

After Li Fan restrained Yu Xi with the dragon capture technique, she restrained her body, making her temporarily unable to move.

"Don't go up ..."

Yu Xi looked at Li Fan very complexly, "You are not his opponent ..."

"Isn't it? You'll know when you go up."

Li Fan gave Yu Xi a smile, "You just wait for me here."

After speaking, he directly led Jiang Feng toward the elevator.

"If you don't kill her, you will regret it."

Jiang Feng said to Li Fan when he entered the elevator.

"If you dare move her, I'll get your head in the elevator door first."

Li Fan warned him.

"Well, I won't touch her. Anyway, I'll be happy to see you suffer."

Jiang Feng no longer persuaded Li Fan, as long as he could kill the Emperor Wu, he didn't care if Li Fan would suffer a big loss.

The elevator continued to rise, and soon stopped at the 30th floor. The elevator door slowly opened, and a man in a black suit was sitting in front of the computer, scorching his head, while talking on the phone while talking about business matters.

Li Fan After they came out, the buddy made a wait gesture for them first. Li Fan was not in a hurry, but Jiang Feng flicked his fingers, a Shura Jianqi flew out immediately, and directly broke through the phone in the other hand.

"President Bai, the decisive battle is imminent, and the business can be released first."

Jiang Feng grinned. "Everyone is not a leisure person. What big boss would you pretend to be?"

"You just ruined a 30 million sale."

Bai Liang sighed longly, "Isn't it too willful, Commander Jiang? It's not easy to make money, okay?"

"I'm dead, thinking about making money?"

Jiang Feng smiled, his finger was flashing with black and red light, Shura Jianqi started at any time.

"I only give you ten minutes."

The appearance of a businessman in white clothes, looking at his watch, said, "You know, I was in the tens of millions a minute, but I have no time to waste with you."

"makes sense."

Jiang Feng nodded, he suddenly evolved into the form of Shura Tiger, thumping Bai Liang, and then tore his throat to pieces.

"You don't need to waste time now."

Jiang Feng said.

"It's been a minute."

Bai Liang stood on the other side intact, and continued to look at his watch. "You have to hurry up, time is limited."

"Incarnation outside?"

Jiang Feng glanced at Li Fan, and Li Fan shrugged.

"It's impossible for me to have this ability alone, right?"

Although out-of-body avatars are rare, as long as you can train a second Dantian, you can train a second avatar.

These five protection methods have been promoted to the strength of the semi-sacred, and maybe no one will have a second avatar.

"My business is too busy one day, and having a helper can improve efficiency."

Bai Liang said, reuniting his avatar. The two avatars stood side by side, looking at Jiang Feng them at the same time, "Two me, both are semi-sacred strengths, add up, isn't it easy to deal with you?"

"There are seven minutes left."

Jiang Feng looked at his cell phone. "You have time to say your last words."

"Don't worry, I won't give it to you for another minute."

Bai Liang sorted out his suit with confidence, "I will deal with you, and I have to go out and talk about business. What is the meaning of killing and killing, making money is fun. My battlefield is not rivers and lakes, but shopping malls."

"My enemy is not you, but Emperor Wu."

Jiang Feng, dressed in the shape of Shura Tiger, suddenly lay on the ground, like a real tiger, "You are too weak."

At the foot of his foot, he ran like a lightning storm, almost with a black afterimage, and went to Bai Liang.


Two white bright, one golden rooster independent, one squatting. The golden rooster independently came up with a golden abacus, while the crouching horse took out an iron scale.

"Good guy, are you the president or the little boss of the street stall?"

Jiang Feng saw him posing as a black line on his forehead.

"Any president does business from a young age."

"Well, make good money for King Yan after you go down!"

When Jiang Feng was talking, she had already rushed in front of Bai Liang. The two Liang Liang took their respective weapons and immediately launched a siege towards Jiang Feng! This golden abacus is used for defense and iron scales are used for attack. It seems that Jiang Feng seems to be in danger.

"It seems you can't hold on for ten minutes!"

Bai Liang laughed and seemed to think that after solving these two people, he would be able to make a great contribution in front of Wu Huang!

"Is it?"

Jiang Feng, who had been under pressure, suddenly laughed. At this moment, ten Shura Tigers suddenly appeared around Bai Liang, surrounded by himself!


Bai Liang was startled. It seemed that Jiang Feng could be divided into ten? No, he is not an incarnation, but an image that is too fast and created!

"So fast!"

Without waiting for Liang Liang's reaction, Jiang Feng had pulled out his claws from Bai Liang's chest!

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