My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1484: Continue to Raiders

1484 Continue to Raiders

When Jiang Feng and Li Fan were on the forty floor, Jiang Feng was still wiping his **** hands. Just now, he just pulled out Bai Liang's heart.

"How do you know that it's not a clone?"

While the elevator was rising, Li Fan couldn't help asking. He is also a user of avatars himself and is quite sensitive to this issue.

"This is my secret, third brother."

Jiang Feng smiled mysteriously, "Tell you, what killer do I have to deal with you?"

"Don't say pull down."

Li Fan knew he couldn't tell the truth, so he gave up. But Jiang Feng told him.

"In fact, it is not unusual. Even a perfect clone is far from my own breath. For example, you, your breath is full of easy-going. But your clone is extremely overbearing. The reason is simple. Your realm has progressed, but your avatar can't imitate your realm, but instead looks like a sharp sword. The same is true of Mr. Bai just now, even if his avatar is even more wonderful, it is difficult to hide the murderous spirit.

"That's also the case. The avatar is plainly a weapon."

Li Fan nodded. "Fortunately, I already have new skills for incarnation."

"What new trick?"

Jiang Feng was somewhat surprised.

"You will know."

Li Fan also began to make fun of mystery, causing Jiang Feng to be a little frustrated. What he hated the most was the intelligence he couldn't grasp! Li Fan, even invented new skills? Outside avatars, how can they be used in addition to being avatars? To tell the truth, just now Bai Liang, his out-of-body avatar has been used very well, it can almost be said to be amazing! Even if Li Fan is a talented wizard, he can't think of a more powerful way? This time, Jiang Feng was curious. What secrets did Li Fan hide?

Everyone has reached the Holy Level, which is the peak state that a martial artist can reach. In order to overcome this limit, Li Fan seems to have practiced Zhenxian Jue, but he chose Shura Road, and the help of Dragon God No. 1! By the way ... is it that true fairy tactic that helped Li Fan to create new skills? After all, it is fairy law, which is possible!

"Third brother, that's true fairy trick, how are you doing?"

Jiang Feng seemed to give a conscious or unintentional lip.

"Why do everyone think that Zhenxianjue is in my hands?"

Li Fan looked at Jiang Feng very puzzled. "Stop Commander Jiang, Commander Jiang, how can you be considered wit, why do you even think so?"

"The nine-tailed fox was taken away by you. You said you didn't practice the true fairy tactics. Do you think others will believe it?"

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, but I only practice my own skills."

Li Fan has been practicing his kung fu since he has practiced some Wu Qin Xi. Even if he accidentally practiced a set of Xingluo magical powers of the nine Buddha's true scriptures, he did not use them much, and was later accepted by Murongbo.

Li Fan has this pride! This is also his pride!

"Whether you admit it or not, I'm bound to get it!"

Jiang Feng put the words out first, and did not know whether he was reminding Li Fan or warning him.

"Then I wish you a victory."

The elevator also stopped, and Li Fanshun said, "This round, it's my turn."

"Send it to Wang this time, right?"

Jiang Feng knows a little about the whole person. "The predecessor Jin Yiwei is mostly unified, and he can be regarded as my predecessor."

"You want to compare with him, I can give you a chance."

Li Fan said very modestly.

"How can I take this opportunity from you."

Jiang Feng wasn't fooled either. "You may have a lot of talks with Wang Send. They are all old acquaintances. Don't worry about me. Just talk about what you should talk about."

"Thank you so much."

The two kept talking in a conversation and watched the elevator door open.

What appeared in front of them turned out to be a large indoor garden. The entire forty floors were planted with flowers and grass, and those who did not know thought they had come to Xanadu. And among the flowers, there was a pink round bed. A glamorous man wearing a purple embroidered robe is lying down on the bed, holding an embroidery needle in his hand, doing embroidery.

"I wipe, the East is undefeated."

As soon as he came in, Li Fan couldn't help but rolled his eyes. Is Wang really addicted to being a eunuch?

"Come here."

The king sent them to greet them, "Come in quickly, remember not to step on the flowers and plants of others."

"Wang Shou, everyone is an old friend, don't make mysteries and go to war."

Li Fan was impatient. "I don't have time to grind with you."

"What's the matter, people are doing embroidery for you."

Wang gave me a charming look at Li Fan. "What do you like to embroider on your robe? Rose? Hey? Or is it true dragon or something?"

"It seems to be your admirer."

Jiang Feng handed Li Fan an ambiguous look, which aroused Li Fan's eyes.

"Wang Wang, you treat me this way, aren't you afraid that Wu Huang will blame you?"

"People are sincere to your Majesty, so I can only help you make a shroud, at least I can bury you in person."


Li Fan was a little speechless. The king sent him close to mental illness.

"You're kind of sweet, I'm envious."

Jiang Feng said beside him.

At this moment, Jiang Feng frowned suddenly, then she lowered her head.


A flying needle suddenly flew over, rubbing Jiang Feng's cheek and stabbing the elevator door behind him. The iron elevator door was inserted into a needle.

"You are not allowed to say bad things about Li Fan. Next time, it will be your mouth."

Wang Send's attitude towards Jiang Feng suddenly became severe.

"Oh, that depends on your ability."

Although Jiang Feng said so, her heart sank. The shot was so good that he almost didn't respond. And he noticed that Wangshen didn't seem to use all his strength. What strength did the king send, and did he also reach the realm of the Holy Order?

Impossible, if it is a holy level, masters who are also holy level must be able to sense each other's existence! In this building, the only holy level that can be felt is Li Fan, and that Emperor Wu!

How could a martial artist with semi-strength strength possess such martial arts?

"Wang Xun, your kung fu seems to have improved again, really learning from the undefeated East?"

"If you want to know people, just come and talk in bed."

Wang Xie patted the bed next to him affectionately. "There is still a lot of room, come on."

"Kill you forget it ..."

The black line of Li Fan's face, this king sent, five stars perverted!

"Don't be shy, come, people have learned to massage, I promise to make you comfortable."

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