My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1485: Change brain

1485 Change Brain

"May I help you!"

Jiang Feng voluntarily demanded, and it is estimated that he could not stand it anymore.

"I'll do it myself ..."

Li Fan was also very speechless. The degree of abnormality sent by Wang was beyond imagination. Most people could not afford it. And it is not suitable to waste time with him here, the following Yu Xi may restore strength at any time. In fact, Li Fan and Jiang Feng could also choose to assault the Emperor Wu directly from the top of the building, but the two believed that the effect of removing the Emperor Wu Emperor's power seemed to be better to avoid future troubles.

With the Emperor Wu's pride, he sent his subordinates to resist Li Fan them layer by layer.

"Yeah, come and enjoy our two-person world."

Wang sent his fingers, his eyes were painted with purple eyeliner and black eyeshadows, his lips were bitten red, and he looked like a child, and looked very charming. If a woman is dressed like this, it will at least make people feel too mature and social. But it's a bit disgusting for a man to do this.

"I'll let you enjoy it!"

Li Fan said, as he stretched out his hand, he drew a three-foot-long sword with his inner force and held it in his hand. Then he stepped on the flowers and swept away like the wind. Brows.

Canglong water!

Li Fan reached Jian Wang's forehead, but Wang Xiang raised his hand, pinched an embroidery needle in his finger, and picked it directly on Li Fan's sword.

With a bang, Li Fan's sword was turned away. The kung fu sent by Wang was a bit weird. He carried a special force on his needle and released Li Fan's attack!


Even Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He knew Li Fan's dragon-falling sword. This set of swordsmanship was approaching magical skills. But Li Fan's sword failed, and the effort that Wang sent seemed strange.

"Enemies, don't underestimate others."

Wang Song said, holding a long needle in his hand, and stabbed at Li Fan's Tanzhong point.

Although his mouth was shouting affection and love, the king sent him without mercy.

Tan Zhongxue is a dead point of a person. If stabbed, Li Fan can tell his old man to return home in advance.

But Li Fan is Li Fan. Although Wang Gong's martial art is strange, he flicked his finger directly on Wang's wrist. After all, Wang Xun was only a semi-holy man. Where this strength was sustained, his wrists were bounced directly. Li Fan then came over with one sword and went straight to the heart sent by Wang.

Wang sent another hand and also held the long needle, and saw the move with Li Fan.


The two even dismantled more than ten moves in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast!

"Little enemies, can you be scared?"

Wang Xie said with a wink as he moved, "As long as you are willing to surrender, people can ask your Majesty to ask you to stay with us and do a part-time job. How about that? Yu Xi said there, how do the sisters serve you together? "

"Serve your sister!"

Li Fan was a little bit broken inside. The king sent him without knowing shame. He took a sword and stabbed at the king's wrist. Jianglong Sword practiced to the level of Li Fan, there is no trick to win! He didn't have any moves. He would stab wherever he wanted to, so that others could not get through this set of swordsmanship, so naturally there was no chance to dismantle the moves.

Wang Xun was surprised when he saw a sword stabbed by Li Fan. He originally thought that he had participated in the Dragon Sword based on the information he had obtained. But Li Fan stabbed at will, but it made him a little helpless!


Li Fan's sword left a wound on Wang's wrist. Wang Zhi immediately poked himself at several points and sealed the wound.

"Mr. Wang, you are indeed a data pie."

Li Fan drew his sword, stepped on one of the flowerpot stands next to him, and looked at Wang with a smile. "Jin Yiwei, which made me look up to that time, is mostly unified. I am afraid to die under my sword today."

"Little enemies, your growth is indeed fast, even faster than people expected."

Wang Xun was not in a hurry to shoot, instead he chatted with Li Fan happily. "In fact, there were many opportunities to kill you. The reason why you saved your life is because your Majesty fancy you."

"Fuck, is he like you, an old guy?"

Li Fan felt tight.

"Speaking again to make fun of others, isn't it."

Wang sent a pinch of orchids, and looked aggrieved, "They are daughters. They have long lost the dirty things of men. Don't misunderstand them."


Li Fan has nothing to say.

"As for Your Majesty, his old man suffered some dark injuries in his early years, so his body could not reach its peak state. Therefore, under the advice of Dr. Xue Shenyi, His Majesty decided to use a brain replacement method to change to a more suitable and younger body."

"So you fancy me?"

Li Fan came to understand this, it turned out that this group of guys are fighting this mind.


"You are crazy, change your brain, how is this possible?"

Li Fan didn't believe it at all.

"You don't need to worry about it, because we have succeeded once."

Wang Song seemed a little proud.


Li Fan and Jiang Feng were shocked at the same time, and looked at each other, some could not believe it.

"Unfortunately, that person's body is not perfect, so I haven't been able to keep your Majesty for many years. So, this time, we are looking for a perfect body. Enemy, your body is really good, Your Majesty is very satisfied with you."

"So, I am here today, the Emperor Wu is also very happy?"

"Yeah, but it is better for you to be a container voluntarily, but if you ca n’t, be strong, your body may be injured. This is the case of the previous person, so this time we plan to use Huairou policy. If you can agree, then That's great. "

"Am I ill, trade my emperor's Merry for my death?"

Li Fan laughed, how could this be possible?

"It's your pleasure."

Wang Xun looked at Li Fan very excitedly, "Can you be part of your Majesty, is there anything more glorious than this?"

"Glory a jb, die!"

Li Fan shook his hand, his sword stabbed obliquely!

Wangxian quickly passed the long needle and wanted to provoke Li Fan's attack again. However, Li Fan's sword was faster and stabbed directly on Wang's shoulder.

The blood flew out, and Wang Xuan put up with two flying needles, bearing the pain, and went to Li Fan's eyes. However, Li Fan directly cast Xuanlong drinking water in the other hand and sucked two flying needles into his hand. Then, he picked up the long sword in the other hand, and stabbed his face with seven or eight swords.

Wang was seriously injured, and he dared not fight with Li Fan any more. When he patted the mattress under him, the whole man flew upside down, slipped out three or four meters away in the blink of an eye, and fell into the grass next to it. The blood dripped, and the flowers and grass on the ground became red, and looked very evil.

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